New to Tamagotchi... help!


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New member
Nov 9, 2012
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Hello I'm new to tamagotchi itself. I've seen it for awhile and always wanted to buy one. But I have a few questions...

1. After your pet becomes an adult, what happens? Do you collect adults..?

2. Which versions can connect to which?

3. Which version should I get? I've researched a bit and thought of getting the iD-L (so I can get the english) or Princess Spacy or the 15th Anniversary iD L or wait for Tamagotchi P? But the last three would be in Japanese which I'm afraid I would have difficulty understanding, unless they plan to release an english version? *fingers crossed* but they all are really expensive so ... is tamagotchi worth it? Or should I get other versions?

4. If I do get the iD-L, how do I get the adults like Princess Lavuli, Melodi Hime and Jigoku Queen? (im a girl so i want to get a girl tama :3) and is the tama you get by luck, like the gender?

Thanks so much for answering them! I really want a tamagotchi but I'm afraid I would get bored of it and it becomes a waste of alot of money. But they are really cute!!!

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1. After your pet becomes an adult, what happens? Do you collect adults..?

It really depends on the version. If it's a vintage, you just start over once it dies. If it's a connection, you could collect adults but it doesn't unlock anything. If it's an iD L, collecting adults unlocks new stuff. idk about other versions

2. Which versions can connect to which?

all color screen ones can connect, vintages have no connect option, and connections connect to each other unless the versions are way off like a version 1 can't connect to version 4.

3. Which version should I get? I've researched a bit and thought of getting the iD-L (so I can get the english) or Princess Spacy or the 15th Anniversary iD L or wait for Tamagotchi P? But the last three would be in Japanese which I'm afraid I would have difficulty understanding, unless they plan to release an english version? *fingers crossed* but they all are really expensive so ... is tamagotchi worth it? Or should I get other versio

I think maybe you should start off with a cheaper version. Once you have one you will realize it's not necessary to have it in english, but it's still nicer to. It will also let you get used to the menues so that navigating the japanese are much easier. Also since you are new to tamas, then you should probably get a cheaper one because they are less complex

4. If I do get the iD-L, how do I get the adults like Princess Lavuli, Melodi Hime and Jigoku Queen? (im a girl so i want to get a girl tama :3) and is the tama you get by luck, like the gender?

The toddler you get is by luck and then from there it's by how well you take care of your tama. And to get those characters you have to get four unique characters with all their tamatomo filled out to unlock the tailor, from there you have to obtain special items for each character which sometimes require downloads

1. After your pet becomes an adult, what happens? Do you collect adults..?

Depends on which version you buy, but almost everyone "mates" and has a baby and you carry on the next generation

2. Which versions can connect to which?

All the colored japanese ones connect to each other, the Tamagotchi connection can connect to version 1-3. It's a larger list, it also depends on which one you have :)

3. Which version should I get? I've researched a bit and thought of getting the iD-L (so I can get the english) or Princess Spacy or the 15th Anniversary iD L or wait for Tamagotchi P? But the last three would be in Japanese which I'm afraid I would have difficulty understanding, unless they plan to release an english version? *fingers crossed* but they all are really expensive so ... is tamagotchi worth it? Or should I get other versions?

Well since you've never had one before I suggest starting off with something cheap and simple like the Tamagotchi connection v2. but if you're dead set on color get a TMGC+C if money isnt a huge issue. I'm sorry but every color one is $60+ some rack up to over $100

4. If I do get the iD-L, how do I get the adults like Princess Lavuli, Melodi Hime and Jigoku Queen? (im a girl so i want to get a girl tama :3) and is the tama you get by luck, like the gender?

Just read the topics and instructions if you do end up getting one. it all depends on what kind of care you take of it. gender is ALWAYS random. you cant always have girls ;) sorry kiddo.

2) V1, V2, V3, V4, and V4.5 can all connect to each other, and V5, V6/Music Star, and Tama Go can connect to each other.

3) I recommend a regular Japanese iD L or Princess Spacy iD L, which currently are the least expensive out of the options you are suggesting.

4) Princess Lavuli: Obtain Lovelitchi and have the Henshin Jo (or Tailor on the English version of the iD L). Buy the Princess (pink) dress, and take Lovelitchi to the Henshin Jo. Say "yes" when the weird beaver guy asks you a question (1st option is yes, 2nd is no).

Melodi Hime: Do the same above, but replace the Princess Dress with the Kimono.

Jigoku Queen: Download the "Dark Dress" via IR connection. Buy the dress, and follow the steps in Princess Lavuli.

Bear in mind: if you always want girl Tamas, you will be 100% guaranteed that you will be disappointed; you have to get at least a few boys now and then. If you get one of the iD L versions, you will be begging to get a boy. Different TaMaToMos are the key to unlocking new destinations, and that's impossible with having all girls and no boys.

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3. If you get a color Tamagotchi, get the English iD L unless you know Japanese (or are learning it), or you really want the lower price. I have a Japanese iD L, but I wouldn't recommend getting the Japanese one unless you have used Tamagotchis before (which it looks like you haven't).

If the price bothers you, you can buy a Tamagotchi Connection. These have a much lower price, but have a black-and-white screen, and might not be as captivating, or keep your attention, compared to the iD L. The best version depends on your priorities. If you want something inexpensive, simple, and super-easy to care for, go with the Tamagotchi Connection V5 (or V5 Celebrity) or the TamaTown Tama-Go. If you want it even simpler, try the Tamagotchi Mini, Chibi, or Nano. Tamagotchi V1-V3 are simple, fun, and a little harder to take care of. If you want an inexpensive but more complex one, try the Tamagotchi V4/V4.5, or the V6 Music Star Tamagotchi.

But if you want an action-packed, amazing Tamagotchi, and don't care about the price, go for the English Tamagotchi iD L. You can download things to it via infrared, and it has a rich color display.

I hope I didn't overwhelm you with information (I am known for doing that, sorry).

Good luck with your Tamagotchi!

V3's and tmgo's are really good priced right now, fun and really captivating.

If it's your first, I'd reccomend you to get a connection v2-v4,5, music star or tmgo ;)

Check out THIS SITE btw ;)
