New Tamagotchi question...


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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2008
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In my Sock Drawer
Okay hi guys. I wasn't directly sure where to land my topic... Its a simple question for those who happen to have the new Tamagotchi that just came out. The Tama-Go Tamagotchi. (The one with AAA batteies.)

:huh: Can someone make a comparision of the tamagotchi to the normal tamagotchi connection? Using an tamagotchi connection or using coins. (Please note what coin you are using) Height/Width would be great and help me termendously.

Why? I'm trying to make a few cases for one. I have tried to make a few based on Tamagotchi Color/ID size compared to an connection. I DO NOT own a color/ID. Thats whay it seems a bit harder.

^Here is one of my cases. I've placed 3 v5 tamas inside. I might be able to fit a 4th inside but I don't want to ruin it. I can place 2 v5 tamas inside normally. Possibly 3 normally...I'm thinking this one is about right for size... but I'm not sure, so that is why I am asking.

Thanks Guys!


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Here are a few comparisons that binary made.

Well... it depends on how big your pocket is. I wouldn't want to have to carry it around in my pants pocket, but it fits easily in my jacket pocket. A Tama-Go is a bit taller than, but not quite as big around as a tennis ball.
THIS is also from binary's Tama-Go log. These are just the changeable faceplates. I think the tamago would be about 1 or 2cm wider. Not sure about all around measurements.

Also, a few posts down HERE, you'll find comparison to the Music Star and a DS game cartridge

Hope this helps you somewhat.

~shawdy~ :furawatchi:

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:huh: Ahh! That is helpful! I have both of those in which I can compare to. Looks like the size is about 1/2in out compared to the music star. Now I just need a bit of thickness to be compared.

:furawatchi: Maybe two tamagotchi on top of each other? 3 tamas roughly on top of each other.

I've got the answears I needed thanks to Binary and ShAwDy_1.

Thanks guys!


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