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It seems that Bandai is doing nothing with the MC.
I wonder when the new area is going to be launched in MC...
I once contacted bandai about that, and they said:

'Bandai America tries to continually update our products and websites as often as possible. Some areas may be available in the near future but the Tamagotchi King may keep other areas off limits for quite some time.'

This was on 6th November last year so hopefully it will be opened soon. Today, I contacted bandai about the tamago and tamatowns and I will get back to you soon.

:D super excited about the new tama even tho it aint in color...i have 2 tmgc+c and im happy with them. The idea for the different game play with the extra figurines is pretty cool i think becuase it gives us a new thing to collect and look forward to, maby one day they will go color in the U.S. there is always hope. and as for the bad economy thing....yea it is crappy but take it from me i worked at toysrus last year when it was at its worst and that did not effect the toy market at all and for the toy to be $19.99 and the acsessories being only $6.99 thats a steal because my 2 tmgc+c were around $60 a piece because of shipping from tokyo. and to whoever said that ts about taking care of your tama is totally right cause originally thats all it was no connection, no color, vno v1,v2,v3 wutever it was just a tamagotchi you hatched it cared for it and thats it i had the original tamas in the 90z wen they came out so its time to get back to the rea; reason we loved tamas in the first place n not get all caught up in wut we dont get in the U.S.
I once contacted bandai about that, and they said:'Bandai America tries to continually update our products and websites as often as possible. Some areas may be available in the near future but the Tamagotchi King may keep other areas off limits for quite some time.'

This was on 6th November last year so hopefully it will be opened soon. Today, I contacted bandai about the tamago and tamatowns and I will get back to you soon.
I hate their random automated messages. So weird.

If this comes out soon, I am getting the carrying case, I hear it can also hold upto 12 figurines?!

I think this "Tamatown TamaGo" is just a way for Bandai to warm us up to the idea of Tamas that cost a litle more. To kinda, like, see if we can handle it, ya know? They probably at some point will release some sort of colored version (But not the TMGC+C, because it is a Japan Exclusive). I think its pretty much just a test.

I like the sound of the Tamago! Will they do it in the UK coz thats where I live! If so im either getting the mamametchi figure or the chamametchi ones they look cute :)

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I like the sound of the Tamago! Will they do it in the UK coz thats where I live! If so im either getting the mamametchi figure or the chamametchi ones they look cute :(
I have asked Bandaieurope- lets see what they say.

1. I hope they come with more boyish sick designs -.- 2. Thanks for the update

3. Looks exactly like the tamagotchi color from the front :huh:

4. WHEN WILL THIS BE RELEASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please Reply! :mimitchi:
i cannot wait still till 2011 where itl be realesed

America have it in stores?


America have it in stores?
The TamaTown by Tamagotchi (TamaGo) is not yet available in any store, anywhere.

I would like to get the tama-go before christmas. Before autumn would be even better. :lol:
well if you live in australia it might come in xmas or next year but if your in usa u will get it in summer so you can evan get it before autum bandais summer realese means to them probaly july to september

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Two ways that you can tell that the Tama-Go is not out yet...

-We don't have absolute proof of the Tama-Go's release in stores. Words can be spoken, but they don't always prove something. As they say all over the internet... Pics or it didn't happen.

-If the Tama-Go was released in stores, we'd also be seeing them all over eBay along with the cartridges.

In closing... Patience, young grasshoppers. -_-

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! seeing the packaging makes it that much more exciting... i really cant wait for this. Its gonna look so nice in my collection :( :lol:

Darn.... Tamapalace was lucky to get an early unit. On the updated Tamatown page, it says "Coming this Summer" and had this video with the Tama-Go. Does that mean it will be coming soon?

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