~NEW Tama Chronicles:: Phnx0313~


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Breaktime is over... I think.


If you wish to view Today's Full Entry... visit my Blog:: The*Bleeping*Egg

My short Break has ended with this post.

Yesterday I spent applying to jobs... and since tonight I will be playing a Present called Dragon Age: Origins.

I decided to write you all a nice update!

Odenkun-kun and Dessertchi are currently paused, however I will give you quick updates.

Odenkun-kun is... an Odenkun.

Dessertchi is awaiting to Change from Shinobi and watch the Marriage Program.

Hopefully Furawatchi does not need to be oldest Child to Marry Sukatchi and give me Violet Family.


[~Chamametchi~] [7G]

00 yr

12 lb

4870 Pocket Money

12 Lottery Tickets


Happy:: 14/14 [FULL RED]

Items:: 07 [-HEART CLOUD-]

To see Makiko on her Final Day, her Marriage and the Birth of the Baby... >> Yuetchi Chronicles #7 <<

Little Cygnet is currently a Chamametchi.

March 1st was the 1st Puffy Cloud day, so we now have All of the Items!

Sadly, since I was filling applications all of yesterday we did not get to visit the Gotchi King.

I will take a Break from App stuff tomorrow to visit Egg Man and take pics.

I messed up the time... Cygnet SHOULD be 3 years old, but instead she is still 0.

Mom and I got into a fight on the 28th.

Things have calmed now, but I do not know when I will be adding another Tama for play.

I hope the Order Stop is lifted soon... still sad I did not get to an Pre-Order IDL. (Could have saved 6$...)

Wish me Luck in my Job Hunt TamaTalkers? ^^;;


::Collection Updates:


Current Total:: 16 Tama

EDIT:: I found out how to fix it... The Age is Correct now. o.o

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They... are... Coming.

If you wish to view Today's Full Entry... visit my Blog:: The*Bleeping*Egg

J-Mog and I went grocery shopping last night... because my nutritionist friend said I should probably eat more.

I might pass out from food overdose. T-T

Next weekend I may miss a log, I will be spending time with my #1.

Dessertchi and Odenkun-kun will be back tomorrow or the 7th... they must get married soon.


[~Hitodetchi~] LALAMI [1G]

03 yr

19 lb

01 Training

XX Hungry

XX Happy_____________250 pnts

I started my Keitai... Soon I am going to try an experiment for someone here on TamaTalk.

It is named after Japanese Dianthus. The designs on my Keitai look very much like that flower.

My little Lalami evolved in the finishing of my Bleep Post.

She is technically a Ringotchi, now... instead of Hitodetchi.

While writing this, I decided to pause her for swap her evolution time to day and fix the age.

She will be unpaused in le morning.


[~Lazuvukintchi~] [7G]

04 yr

24 lb

6800 Pocket Money

12 Lottery Tickets


Happy:: 13/14 [--- PINK]

Items:: 07 [-HAPPY CLOUD-]

Little Cygnet is my first Lavuzukintchi and first Gotchi to visit the Gotchi King Castle.

His words were a little confusing to me, but I kind of figured them out.

That aside... the Gotchi Castle game gives 500 Gold when you win.

Cygnet might be able to provide the easy life for her child.

Referencing the project, hopefully it will be done next weekend between Job Hunting and finishing Pokemon Pearl.

I found some IDL on Ebay for 150$... thats almost 3 times the prices on HLJ.

Posted in the Ebay Finds thread on TamaZone.

To be honest... I stand by what I said and sincerely hope TamaTalk does not contribute by making Ebay Finds Thread.

The Tbay thread is Perfect the way it is... with people contributing to SPECIFIC Tama searches.

Ebay and the Tama World do not need another contributor to High Prices for Rare Tama.

I watch those bid wars and feel sad for the younger TamaSeekers who may never own an Arukotch...

Tama Collecting Adults set the standards... and the prices.

That aside... my new Tama is on the way. ^^;;

Look forward to seeing it within the coming weeks.

Now... if only I could order my IDL and HeartGold/White. T-T


::Collection Updates:


Current Total:: 16 Tama

New Tama =Waiting Arrival=

5 Tama... Mini Update.

If you wish to view Today's Full Entry... visit my Blog:: The*Bleeping*Egg

I have to wait another week for Pokemon... -_____-;; *Frustrate*

A mini Update... I am currently running 5 Tama.


Odenkun is waiting for the "Matchmaker" to bring him a Wife.


Dessertchi has watched the Dating Show two days in a row, but no Sukatchi.

They will be watching later again today.


Lalami has not evolved again... maybe later today?


Cygnet has one more day with me. I am sad. (She also grew snake tree.)

I will try make full update later tonight.

Take Care until then!


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Nightmares... GAH!

If you wish to view Today's Full Entry... visit my Blog:: The*Bleeping*Egg

Since my nightmares kept me from sleeping, I wrote a Log.

Now I write for TamaTalk...

Another Mimi Update, since is Daytime.


Still no Matchmaker... I might have missed while trying to sleep.


STILL no Sukatchi. He maybe does not want to marry my Furawatchi? =(


Lalami evolved into Memetchi after waking.


Cygnet should be married today... maybe. I really like her. Maybe she stay and become first Oldie also. ^^;;

Then again, I want Kuromame.

It is time to face the Day. (Actually, an hour past.)


Note:: Those who are also on TamaZone, share moment of condolence with me for Tamagotchi_Freak_06?

She too has lost someone in her family to Cancer. May those who have passed recently (in NZ as well) rest peacefully. ♥

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Generation 8... and New Bleep Background


If you wish to view Today's Full Entry... visit my Blog:: The*Bleeping*Egg

It is Raining tonight... I like this.♥

Bleep has a New Background... Hope the Readers Enjoy it.


The Matchmaker came... but brought a Ganguro (Ganurotchi?).


STILL no Sukatchi. I WILL KEEP TRYING! (Once Married However, I am going to take a v5 Break.)

Since Odenkun-kun killed many batteries and only have one New/Unopened left... I will borrow this one.


We are waiting for Granny to bring her some Prospective... *ahem* 2 minute Fathers. >.>


[~Memepetchi~] [8G]

00 yr

78 lb

7350 Pocket Money

12 Lottery Tickets


Happy:: 9/14 [HALF GREEN]

Items:: 04 [-POPSICLE STICK-]

Cygnet married a Kuromametchi... and brought home ANOTHER Girl.

Why Yuetchi??? I have gotten all the Even Females and two of the Odd.

Only 1 Birth has been Boy. (Not including Unnamed who was my 1st Generation.)

This frustrates me... -_____-;;

I really have too many Pink Tama now. (Technically 7...)

Looking into Red v2... instead of the Pink one I originally planned with Seller. (I want Yellow Butterfly. >.<* )

Mesutchi will be giving her batteries away again. (I have many LR44 battery, but she must be put away in Tamage until selling time.)

Another of my 2 remaining vintage will be started in her place.

I switch Tama quite often, but is not that I do not like running for long.

Best explaination is... my mailbox stays Pregnant with Tama. o.o

Missing Ranpaku and Kimi so very much... Hopefully can get more Battery soon to start them again.

I have March Tama Goals:: Order IDL, Find P2 and next "Secret" Tama...

Bwah... Gymtime.


::Collection Updates:


Current Total:: 16 Tama

New Tama =Waiting Arrival=

Thanks to Ciara683 for helping me decide my new background.

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Daikon Marries... but No One else does.


If you wish to view Today's Full Entry... visit my Blog:: The*Bleeping*Egg

Even though my floor is wet ... I still love the Rain. ^^;;


[~Odenkun~] DAIKON [1G]

11 yr

34 lb

06 Training

04 Hungry

04 Happy_____________1930 pnts

Odenkun Daikon has been married to a Broccoli Meat Susie. He is the father of a lovely Baby Girl.


[~Memetchi~] LALAMI [1G]

08 yr

34 lb

06 Training

04 Hungry

04 Happy_____________1330 pnts

Lalami still has not been given a Mate. We are hoping for Mame, Big Teeth or Gozarutchi.

I realize now that the Japanese Games are actually pretty good, though slow to win.

I will start playing 2game of basketball, only make 10 baskets.

+4 Hearts, -6kg and +100 Coin... (If Pixelmood is right.)



OLDEST:: Furikotchi

MIDDLE:: Furawatchi

YOUNGEST:: Mumutchi

100 % BOND

05 Hungry

04 Happy

Hasugatchi is Stalking my Furawatchi. He has come 5/9 times in the past Three Days.

Even if it takes all of next week... Sukatchi WILL come to marry Furawatchi.



01 yr

10 oz

03 Discipline

03 Hungry

04 Happy

My P1 has made a return. Currently Marutchi.

We are going to try for a full Three Weeks without messing up time. (My record is 22/19 True days.)


[~Memepetchi~] [8G]

02 yr

25 lb

8310 Pocket Money

12 Lottery Tickets


Happy:: 13/14 [HALF RED]

Items:: 07 [-HEAART CLOUD-]

Her name is Hikari... a basic name since I am frustrated with so many Female.

Hopefully she gives a boy whenever she marries. Should evolve to teen upon waking.

I set up a new "Picture Studio" for my Tama.

It is my Study Area near Laptop in adjacent room. Hopefully it takes good pics. Certainly easier than my previous method.

I hope my Abs stop hurting soon. Since tomorrow I should be with Ganon... no Gym.

Sunday sunday sunday! I cannot wait.

New Tama... I want you in my mailbox tomorrow. >[


::Collection Updates:


Current Total:: 16 Tama

New Tama =Waiting Arrival=

Does everyone love Dubstep now? It makes me miss my Junglist days. ^^;;

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Two More Birthdays... before I see my Bestest Friend.


If you wish to view Today's Full Entry... visit my Blog:: The*Bleeping*Egg

I promised a blog before I leave... so here goes.


[~Odekun~] Daikon [1G]

12 yr

35 lb

Daikon should leave tomorrow night. They are well...


[~Memetchi~] LALAMI [1G]

09 yr

33 lb

Lalami has been Married to a Gozarutchi! She has a Baby Girl and will be leaving tomorrow alongside Daikon.



This Family was Married as well. Sukatchi finally came to Dating SHow.

However... I did not check my Bond Points. Since I had no calls today, it must have been 90%.

Thus... I have another IroIro family.



02 yr

30 oz

03 Discipline

03 Hungry

04 Happy

Still a Marutchi. If he does not evolve while I am gone tonight, It should be in le morning.


[~Chamametchi~] [8G]

Hikari is fine. I may have a Care Miss or Two. The Tree finishes tomorrow.

Devilgotchi App is on my Razr. So I can take PICS!

I also managed to sell the Pink Flower v5. I will ship in le morning.

To the Buyer... I hope you enjoy it!

This means I can order my v2 on Monday. YAY!

Time to go see Ganon! ♥


::Collection Updates:


Current Total:: 16 Tama

New Tama =Waiting Arrival=

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Dessertchi became a Crane... Tsurutchi.


If you wish to view Today's Full Entry... visit my Blog:: The*Bleeping*Egg

I came back from the Gym a long time ago, but sidetracked listening to Music. ^^;;

Post Office today... then Nap, Errands, Order V2 and finally... Harvest Moon!

But first... Log!



04 yr

37 oz

03 Discipline

03 Hungry

03 Happy

I have been extra cold lately without my "Bed". TamTam beeped while I was half asleep watching "Blow" (Johnny Depp movie) in front of the TV.

After ignoring him for half the movie, I finally gave him some attention. He evolved sometime during... into Kuchitamachi.

To make up, I will simply run him again.


[~Hitodetchi~] Nanami [2G]

01 yr

13 lb

01 Training

01 Hungry

02 Happy_____________1710 pnts

Lalami left yesterday... alongside (Odenkun-kun). Her daughter, Nanami, is currently a Hitodetchi.


[~Mizutamatchi~] VIPIO [3G] 930 pnts

01 yr

91 lb

01 Training____________09 Pencil

04 Hungry______________09 Star

04 Happy_______________12 Flower

I technically have no Free Batteries left. (The v5 buyer is getting my last new one.)

After having Dessertchi for 30days... I realized I wanted something different with more control.

Vipio is Demoi's Son... I wanted Tensaitchi, but he evolved into Mizutamatchi, meaning 97% chance of Meme Family.

I am trying to get Universal Character. At least that way I can still try for Mametchi. Either way I can get Tosakatchi.


[~Meatboya~] Renkon [2G]

01 yr

14 lb

00 Training

01 Hungry

01 Happy_____________2260 pnts

Daikon left at the same time with Lalami. His Daughter is Renkon, currently a Meatboya.

Hopefully she follows a different path than her father... maybe a Bad Care Character?


[~Maidtchi~] [8G]

04 yr

43 lb

9120 Pocket Money

12 Lottery Tickets


Happy:: 11/14 [HALF YELLOW]

Items:: 07 [-HEART CLOUD-]

I took care of Hikari lazily... but enough to make sure I did not get the Makiko again.

So... she is a Maidtchi. I am wishing desperately for a Boy. -____-;;

Even if Odd Generation (Which are only ones I have had) I can at least get Gozarutchi.

Anything to break the Female Streak again.

Technically I am running the Devilgotchi App on my Razr also.

It is MUCH slower than Droid App... is Backdated version.

Because of this, I want to make sure it is still a Solid App before Logging Officially.

Cannot wait to get more battery! I really miss Ranpaku and Kimi (v1's).

Running one without the other would be boring... But, the Tama currently running are fun also.

I wonder if I can juggle 7 Tama... o.o

Maybe we find out when I get more battery?


P.S: Mmm... I wonder where my New Arrival is. >.>

::Collection Updates:


Current Total:: 16 Tama

New Tama =Waiting Arrival=

Want to help Japan? Today... We are all Japanese. Wear Red and White to support the Land of Rising Sun!

Also check Bleeping Egg for 10$ Donation Text Numbers to Red Cross and Salvation Army.

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Post Office Battle... and New Tama.


If you wish to view Today's Full Entry... visit my Blog:: The*Bleeping*Egg

So, when going to deliver the Pink Flower v5, the guy tells me it will be 10$.

In order to make the cost less... I ended up shipping the tiny bubble wrap inside a Giant Priority Mail Envelope.

All because the man did not understand what I meant by "First Class." -____-;;

The Post Office is Officially NOT my friend. I hope we move one Zipcode away before the Summer Ends.



06 yr

Yesterday he became Nyorotchi while I sorted through my Video Game Collection.

Today he Passed Away while I was in the shower... 45 minutes after flling the Stats.

Nyorotchi really DOES die young.

I am putting TamTam away again... turns out I am terrible with Vintage Tama.

(Also, found another connection battery, so I need Tama space open.)


[~Hinatchi~] NANAMI [2G]

04 yr

13 lb

02 Training

04 Hungry

04 Happy_____________1630 pnts

Hinatchi is so very cute... like a baby Tarakotchi or Penguin. I like it.


[~Hawainotchi~] VIPIO [3G] 2330 pnts

01 yr

Vipio will be awake with me until I go to sleep.

Since his weight was so high to get the Universal Hawainotchi, we will be playing lots of Shape tonight.

Hopefully he becomes Mametchi. ^^;;


[~Chikuwa-kun~] RENKON [2G]

04 yr

14 lb

02 Training

04 Hungry

04 Happy_____________2250 pnts

Renkon evolved into Chikuwa-kun. So happy she is different from her Father.

She looks like a Log Roll Cake. I pretend she is Strawberry Flavored.


[~Tamagotchi~] [Gen 8G]

06 yr

Hikari is still awake... we have to play the Apple Game a bit tonight.

I have been neglecting her Bath (shes Gray) and Game-wise the past few days.

So, I finally ordered my P2... Cannot WAIT for it to arrive. Even though I am terrible with Vintage Tama, I love to have in my collection.

It is New, but Unpackaged... So I will not feel so bad playing it.

I also ordered the V2... it will not ship until Thusday. (GAHH!!!)

Lastly... another Tama maybe coming as well. I will not be sure until the Seller Mails me again.

Now if only my 1st March purchase would arrive...

Until things get sorted... I may have to go back to sleep pausing the little ones quite often.

Especially during my sleep own RL sleep. Normally I do not mind them waking me, but at current... I cannot tolerate. (They have been neglected a bit the past two days.)

Sadly, its raining again... and I am sore. So no Gym.

I will probably start a Console Game of some sort before sleeptime.


::Collection Updates:


Current Total:: 16 Tama

New Tama=STILL Waiting=

New Tama=Waiting Arrival=

New Tama=Waiting Arrival=

Possible Tama=Waiting Confirmation=

Yay! Bathory came back... I have missed them. ^^;;

I probably should not write logs... while in Tama Chat. o.o

Hatching P2 Power! Welcome... Astralitchi.


If you wish to view Today's Full Entry... visit my Blog:: The*Bleeping*Egg

No Green Day Outfit for me... I did not go anywhere of importance except an evening run.

Ironically... the LAST Tama I ordered arrived FIRST, in two days by First Class. (Awesome!)

I am Zerking over the 1st one I ordered... I wonder where it could be. -____-;;

Log Time!



01 yr

12 oz

00 Discipline

04 Hungry

03 Happy

Astralitchi... my new Series 2 P2, currently a Tonmarutchi.

The Numbers game on P2 is superior to the "Which-Way? WRONG!" game on P1.

Let's hope I do not make the Bad Care Mistake... like with TamTam. >.>

Astralitchi is 4hours behind always... For my sleep schedule.

Also... this Tama is in the >> >>St. Patricks Hatch<<.


[~Dorotchi~] NANAMI [2G]

06 yr

18 lb

05 Training

04 Hungry

04 Happy_____________2110 pnts

Nanami is a Dorotchi. This means she actually is a "Girl Gotchi."

Not fond of the Ghost, but meh... (I wonder how you get the Sheep Clothes for Kurokotchi. o.o )


[~Mametchi~] VIPIO [3G] 9930 pnts

06 yr

33 lb

03 Training____________247 Pencil

XX Hungry______________12 Star

XX Happy_______________18 Flower

Oh Yes! I have Mametchi... next is Tensaitchi time!

Vipio is still awake... we have points to get, which I will try to do before and after Gymtime. (Which I am a kind of late for.)

If you're wondering how I made sure to get Mametchi from the Universal Hawainotchi here are the Stats he evolved with.

Pencil:: 139

Star:: 09

Flower:: 12


[~Itokon-kun~] RENKON [2G]

06 yr

12 lb

03 Training

03 Hungry

03 Happy_____________3110 pnts

Renkon is Itokon-kun. (Kind of funny looking Ganguro Noodle Hair thing.)

I think will run one more Odenkun child... Hopefully by then another Tama arrives.


[~Maidtchi~] [8G]

08 yr

46 lb

10230 Pocket Money

12 Lottery Tickets


Happy:: 9/14 [HALF GREEN]

Items:: 07 [-HEART CLOUD-]

Hikari will be reliving March 17th again... for get Married tomorrow.

We have LOTS of work to do after wakeup time.

Still waiting on 2 More Tama. (The "fourth" is still in Discussion?)

Two days until IDL release... I wonder how long until After-Release Orders Open...

Technically I am an hour late for the Gym. >.> *run*


P.S: Starting to feel... Like a Dungeon Dragon. ^^;;

::Collection Updates:


Current Total:: 16 Tama

New Tama =STILL Waiting=

New Tama =Waiting Arrival=

Possible Tama =Unknown=

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Ahhh... The Return of Phnx.

Lucky for me there is not much to update... however, right now is LoL time.

I will be adding the "Few" Tama Talk updates I had missed last month.

Technically I did not "leave" as I still read certain people Log Updates and watched forums for ID-L stuff.

Just letting those who were reader's of My Log (and Bleep) know that I shall be returning. ^^;;


::Collection Updates:


Current Total:: 16 Tama

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LET'S CATCH UP? Yes... Let's Do.

There is a bit of catching up to do before I can return to Logging...

Instead of Continuing my Laziness... I am going to do it now, while I am not in League of Legends. ^^;;

March 19, 2011:: >> Chronicles of Yuetchi #9 <<

Back on March 19th... The Mailman came with my Coveted Tama, however no one was home to receive the package. Meaning? Post Office Tomorrow.

While running my TMGC+C Yuetchi, I had my 2nd Maidtchi named Hikari.

It was Omiai Marriage Day, so she freshened up and took a swig of Slender Drink before heading out.

At the Omiai... Granny introduced her to a very Handsome Mametchi... and after their tet-a-tet on the Omiai floor I finally had my 3rd TMGC+C Boy.

Making his Happy Wish upon a Star... the Child dreamed of becoming a Ninja.

March 20, 2011:: >> The Torture and New Arrivals <<

March 20th... I woke up and prepared for my adventure to the Post Office to retrieve my Coveted Tama.

On the way I stopped a tthe Mailbox to find a nice Surprise... RED HEARTS v2! (From Rikkusfaith here on TT.)

The weather was finally nice that day... so I took the long route for getting to the PO, enjoying my music along the way.

Once there, I signed for the Tama... Opened the Package which left me with a Grin the entire Morning.


Is sooo beautiful... the white with Colorful Balloons.

(I originally planned to start it for Easter... however, is so adorable I admire the Pureness of being New instead.)

Not long after arriving home, Mom informed me we were to pick up my Niece from her Parents.

The Little Monster instantly decided that she MUST have batteries inside Blue Tinkerbell Egg (Papillon).

However, limited on Batteries I told her no... so she stole and hid Astralitchi (P1), Tsurutchi (v4) and Odenkun.

Once I gave in... she decided that my also Brand New Red Hearts v2 must also be relinquished to her with batteries.

To solve the problem... she was tied up and tickled for 3minutes. However, Astralitchi beeped for evolution inside the magazine basket.

Due to being hidden for approximately 30minute, Astralitchi evolved into Hashitamatchi, losing my chance for Nyatchi. T-T

Mom took us out with her shopping, so while in the Car... my little Vipio (v4) evolved into... TENSAITCHI!

I was so happy... the v4 is no longer Random. Such awesome news and a wonderful gift after Astralitchi's Mishap. It made my weekend.

March 21 - April 2, 2011:: >> Aftermath and the Break <<

Something between the 21 and 23rd of March I stopped Diathustchi (Keitai), Tsurutchi (v4) and Odenkun.

They are all on their next generations for when I start them up. Also Astralitchi evolved into a Bad Care Takotchi. He passed away at 6yr.

Once I finished with them... no new Tama were Started. My little Boy on Yuetchi grew into a Young Mametchi and then Gozarutchi (as predicted), however the batteries died.

I had replacements... but at this point it was time for a Break.

Pokemon White and Soul Silver we both Bought for me that week by friends... I threw myself into Job Hunting so I could purchase an ID-LovelyMelody and ID-L without worry.

However I still have not been accepted for anyplace I have applied to. Things were rough (though I got a New Bed). But I was starting to feel depressed.

No matter how much I wanted to... I knew my little babies would be Neglected if I tried.

April 2 - 28, 2011:: >> THE COMEBACK! <<

Everyday that I looked at my Tama Box, I thought about starting one... but I had sooo much to do.

Job Hunting, Re-arranging my room and the House for Cousins Return from College, Dealing with "Friends"

I stopped watching most of my cartoons. Video games were played in short 30minute shifts between Job Seeking.

I finally pooped out one day and decided to play League of Legends, but my AIR file needed fixing (which turned into a full re-install).

Since the re-install I have been playing League of Legends Non-stop between Job Applications.

I decided on Easter that I would add a Tama back, so I started Red Hearts v2 for a short test.

He did not make it three days... but it gave me that needed push back into Tama Land.

From here, The Story Continues.....


::Collection Updates:


Current Total:: 16 Tama

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Am I a Tama Talk Ghost, now? o.o

May 1st was my last Tama Talk entry... After that things kind of went all unstable. -_____-;;

You can read about the events since then in these Two Bleep Entries below if you wish.

JULY 11 2011:: >> I wish Time could Stop <<

TODAY:: >> Am I a Ghost? <<

Otherwise... Lets Begin!

In the Haus of Tamage we left off with the nameless Yuetchi child growing into a Ninja.

That nameless child has now been dubbed Getsuku. (Literally, Moon 9... Also short for 9pm)

It kind of sounds all cool and Ninja-style... Also he is my 9th Generation.

With Yuetchi now up and running... The "Chronicles of Yuetchi" can continue!

We also left off with the CYOI Entama finally arriving as well as Red Hearts V2.

As I currently only have 1 battery left... the decision has been made to soon start 1st Entama Generation!

In news for the New Additions...

I am currently in search of a Lovely Music ID Tama, followed by an ID-L... and lastly, that ever coveted "Secret Tama".

Hopefully I will find upon some Random Magic Money soon as I actually have NOT been tutoring this summer. T-T

Why am I back you all ask? See below for more answer!

League of Legends became tiresome lately. My friends who are good at the game have moved onto Rift while waiting for StarWarsTOR.

My other friends who are not so good at playing LoL will bring down my Rating since I have moved into Ranked Matches.

Since playing alone is not much fun, I decided to hardcore Console Game instead.

Is much easier since I do not have to worry about other people and can leave to do random things at my leisure.

Which also means I can TAMA BLOG whenever I feel without others getting angry at me. >[

Lucky for me, Ganon bought me a game I have wanted since before my Birthday Last year. (Even before I started collecting Tama)


She came over to drop it off on a SUPER HOT day and only asked to borrow my copy of HM:: Sunshine Islands in return. T-T

(I wonder if she wants to eventually play Pokemon too, otherwise I will start those two games as well. >.> )

Ganon is supposed to be visiting tonight... but, I will do my best to make my next post even while she is here.

I have pics taken of Getsuku and will be taking more over the course of today.

However, I must get ready to leave now... I have an appointment at my College. ^^;;

Until later this evening!♥


::Collection Updates:


Current Total:: 18 Tama

P.S:: I have missed everyone... I see the community is not as lively as before and that many people have "left"...

However, I hope to perhaps find my old readers... and maybe make some new ones.

Update... Update... Update!

If you wish to view Today's Full Entry... visit my Blog:: The*Bleeping*Egg

Ahh, the 2nd was SOOO hectic. However, I have a new scale and should hopefully be getting a little money.

Thus... I am Happy!

The movie Purple Rain was on a few hours ago. Mom and I watched it together.

For those who may be New Readers... My Glam Rock v6 Star (Popurain) is actually named after that movie.

My 1st generation Mametchi was also named Prince.

Mom asked me about Popurain, so I should be getting at least enough Money to buy Batteries soon. ^^;;


[~Gozarutchi~] [Gen 9G]

09 yr

35 lb

12060 Pocket Money

12 Lottery Tickets


Happy:: 7/14 [HALF BLUE]

Items:: 07 [-HEART CLOUD-]

Poor Little Getsuku was left in the car during the shopping trip.

Good thing he fell asleep... otherwise he might have been an ancestor now. o.o

Instead of giving him a bath everyday, I pretend he has a Tan like his Mommy.

It's cute... Especially since is the summertime. XD

He will be getting a bath properly tomorrow before his date at the Omiai... If we even go there. >.>

I wonder if anyone on this community also likes the Harvest Moon video games series.

If so... you can let me know on Bleep. It would be nice to know more people who share my interests.

No one else seems to know much of Warcraft or League of Legends. =(

Either way... that is all for today... It is Harvest Moon time for me.

Until later...


::Collection Updates:


Current Total:: 18 Tama

And I return... Again.

Hello TamaTalk Family... I have returned again. My last entry here was followed by shame and sadness.

I did not want to tell you all, but I accidentally let poor little Getsu pass away.

To read the story of my little Ninja's Demise... See >> BLEEP POST <<

Following that, real life got in the way (per usual). Both Bad and Good things.

Log for September 16 :: >> HERE <<

Log for September 22 :: >> HERE <<

Right now I am running my Tama Monster App and eventually will be using my one and only battery to run Tsurutchi.

If you wish to view Pukudebi's Full Update... See my Blog:: The*Bleeping*Egg

[Note:: There are pics!]

I managed to get Pukudebi by taking horrible care of my Zukidebi.

Hunger and Friendship have not reached over 2. (Except for the hour after she evolved. I filled them as a Happy Present to her.)

Her Devil Points have not been lower than 70.

Right now she is asleep completely empty and with 75DP.

I am hoping she evolves into a DevilMametchi. Tomorrow she will only be 7days old.

However, I am enjoying her as a Pukudebi. She is very cute. I will love her for another 3 -5 days.

I really should name her... I will try to think of one tonight. -___-;;

Now that I am all caught up, I will go back to playing Zelda:: Oracle of Seasons.

I must play through as many Zelda games as I can before Skyward Sword and Assassin Creed, Revelations release.

(I hear those are my Birthday Presents this year. Muwaha!)

Until later! <3


::Collection Updates:


Current Total:: 18 Tama

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