New or unreleased tamas? So many characters!


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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2006
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I was looking through a Japanese site and since I cant read Japanese, I dont know what i'm looking at.

Visit these 2 pages, scroll down to the section of the tamas under a ! and ?

Are they new or will they be released in our future tamas?

How many tamas do you think will be created in the U.S.? Every new tama has new characters, it seems to get every character you have to buy every single tamagotchi version!

And they left this guy out (secret character) from the old tamagotchis! Zachi

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well on the uratama most of those charries are gonna be released on the V4.5 now you reazile the reason bandai playes "tease the tama lover by making them buy bunches of tamas for all the charries" is a money after they release all the charries in different versions they`ll prolly make ONE UNIT that could be capable of getting any charrie at all >.>

oh your 1st link dosen`t work through T_T

Those are Japanese Tamagotchis - The Entama and the Uratama.

The v4 is almost the same as the Entama, and the v4.5 is almost the same as the Uratama. :furawatchi:

There are Japanese Tamagotchi models called EnTama and UraTama. The EnTama came out in November 2005, and the UraTama came out in July 2006.

Many of the Tamagotchi Connection V4 new characters are based on EnTama characters.

The Tamagotchi Connection V4.5 Ura- characters are based on UraTama characters.

? represents Hatena-group characters available only on the EnTama, and ! represents Bikkuri-group characters available only on the UraTama. Characters from both of these groups can be obtained after breeding your Tamagotchi with a secret mate that the matchmaker brings only if you use a special matchmaker calling coupon. Normally, you have to connect to a Japanese Tamagotchi arcade game called a DataCarddas, in order to obtain one of these special matchmaker calling coupons.

I made character charts for the EnTama and UraTama, showing their names using the English alphabet. You can see these charts on photobucket.



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Yes, they've left Charitchi out too... a Japanese P2 secret character.

As Binary said, they're Hatena and Bikkuri family characters.

The Hatena family is from top to bottom, left to right (on the website): Hatenatchi, Getatchi, Meganetchi, Rakugotchi, Okutchi, Ohigetchi, Kabukitchi, Shiripuritchi, Nekutaitchi and Ashitchi.

The Bikkuri family from top to bottom, left to right (on the website): Bikkuritchi, Tsuetchi, Makigamitchi, Mokutchi, Kabotchi, Benzatchi, Gorogorotchi, Gosutchi, Washikitchi and Reinbotchi (a.k.a. Rainbowtchi).

Characters from both of these groups can be obtained after breeding your Tamagotchi with a secret mate that the matchmaker brings only if you use a special matchmaker calling coupon.

Oh, I was confused because on the tamagotchi connection site they showed the new V4.5 characters, and the ones you talked about by breeding werent shown at all or mentioned.

Mabye they are supposed to be a secret.

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