NeoMame's V5 Logs


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(I have 144 views and 20 entry's/replys so far)

I just woke my Mikazukitchi up. Here's her current stats:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Bonding: 60%

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Generation: 3rd

Gotchi Points: 1,170

Mikazukitchi (Female)

Mamapatchi (Female/Mother)

Planetchi (Male/Father)

Tama: Purple V5

She will be evolving into an adult tomorrow.........but I'm thinking I might get a Large Family tama! (If the Space Family can evolve into them) Because I've only played like 1 or 2 games with her so far. Sooo I might get a Lage Family tama......But thats ok (I wanted to get them eventually anyway!) But I also know a trick to make them normal again! If you ever have a Large Family tama, just feed them a "Balance Biscuit"!

I'm not sure what exactly happens when you feeg/give one of the Neglected Care Family's there item, but I'm guessing that they evolve into a different tama.......

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I got the bonding up to 70% since my last entry, thats about it. I've still been feeding her food instead of playing games with her.....I'm just going to continue doing this until she evolves,I guess. (I'm wondering what will happen)

I know all that has changed was the Bonding, but here's an update anyway:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Bonding: 70%

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Generation: 3rd

Gotchi Points: 1,170

Mikazukitchi (Female)

Mamapatchi (Female/Mother)

Planetchi (Male/Father)

Tama: Purple V5

I'm probably not going to try to get the Space Family tamas again for a while. Cuz I'd rather be raising 3 at a time, and when your tama marries a Sunnytchi, you only get 1 egg....

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I must of missed a few training times, cuz my tama family's Bonding went back down to 60%.

(I have 163 views and 23 reply's/entries so far)

Today my Mikazukitchi evolves into an adult! She will be evolving around 2pm. Here's her current stats:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Bonding: 70%

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Generation: 3rd

Gotchi Points: 1,170

Mikazukitchi (Female)

Mamapatchi (Female/Mother)

Planetchi (Male/Father)

Tama: Purple V5

Also I should be getting another V5 this afternoon! (I hope!!!) So If I do, this log will be for 2 tama family's. I'll be posting today if I'm getting one or not. I'ff I do get one today, I'll add it to this log right after I start it!

Its almost time for Mikazukitchi to evolve! Just a few more hours to wait (around 2 1/2 hours I think).

I got the Bonding up to 80% a little while ago. But other than that, nothing else has changed. I'm still just feeding her instead of playing the games to fill up her Happy hearts.

I've been recieving a good bit of PM's from people about my logs. I just wanted to let everyone know that anyone can send me a PM, even If I never met you before. Getting PM's about my logs makes me feel so special! lol :ichigotchi:

Also If you want me to post your comment on my log, just PM me, and I'll post it. That way I can make my logs even more interesting! Just make sure you tell me that you would like me to post it on my log, cuz I don't wanna post anyones comments that don't want them posted!

I don't know many people that are interested in Tamagotchi's.....actually I don't know any that like them! So feel free to send me a PM! My Yahoo ID is also posted on my user info, but I rarely check my email. So you would have to let me know if u sent anything!

As for my Tama Family, ......IT'S ALMOST TIME!!!! My Mikazukitchi, should be evolving any minute now! I can't wait! (Wach me get the female Large Family tama lol!) I'll post as soon as she evolves!

Around 2pm, my Mikazukitchi evolved into a Sunnytchi! Here's her stats:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Bonding: 80%

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Generation: 3rd

Gotchi Points: 1,170

Sunnytchi (Female)

Mamapatchi (Female/Mother)

Planetchi (Male/Father)

Tama: Purple V5

I have more good news to! I just got my 2nd V5! It's the Tamagotchi House one. I just started it a little while ago, here's who I got:

1st hatched -> Futabatchi (Male)

2nd Hatched -> Omututchi (Female)

3rd Hatched -> Mimifuwatchi (Male)

Here's they're stats:

Family: Mongo

Blended Family

Bonding: 0%

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 0

Futabatchi (Male)

Omututchi (Female)

Mimifuwatchi (Male)

Tama: Tama House V5

On this Tama V5, I'm planning on collecting the gotchi points without cheating and getting the items without cheating.

I'll post again soon!

Yesterday the Mongo family evolved into children, here's who I got:

Futabatchi (Male) -> Mattaritchi

Omututchi (Female) ->Belltchi

Mimifuwatchi (Male) -> Mousetchi

Here's the Mongo's stats:

Family: Mongo

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 0%

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 90

Mattaritchi (Male)

Belltchi (Female)

Mousetchi (Male)

And Here's the Kirba family's stats:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 90%

Generation: 3rd

Gotchi Points: 1,170

Sunnytchi (Female)

Mamapatchi (Female/Mother)

Planetchi (Male/Father)

My Sunnytchi will be getting married tomorrow around 2pm - 3pm. Then I can start the 4th Generation! I can't wait! I miss having 3 tamas at a time.

(I have 195 views and 28 entry's/replies so far)

Wow! In just 1 day, I got over 30 views! Thats a big increase! I'm now trying to get 500 views. I realized that 1,000 would take forever to achieve, so I'm starting out small.

I just got the Kirba Family's Bonding up to 100%!

I also finally got the Mongo Family's Binding up to 10%, here's they're stats:

Family: Mongo

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 10%

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 2,440

Mattaritchi (Male)

Belltchi (Female)

Mousetchi (Male)

I also played with the Mongo Family alot today, so I got a ton of extra Gotchi points! I also tried connecting my 2 V5's and they went Bowling! The Mongo Family won and they recieved 30 gotchi points and a Family Trip Ticket! I know the Family Trip Ticked is just a junk item in the American V5 tho....Since Bandai took out the part where you have to pay to use the Dating Show. They just forgot to take out the Ticket

I sure am up late! I was falling asleep early, but today I'm wide awake! All 7 of my current tamas are asleep tho.........So I've just been playing games in the TamaTalk Arcade......I'm not to good tho. :eek: My favorite is probably "Plumber", I got a pretty good score on that................I'm really bored, can you tell?

Anyway, I'll update my 2 Tama logs as soon as I wake up tomorrow,...well I'm planning to...sometimes I get a little lazy. ;)

I love Crazy Barks! Heh heh, he's funny.....he now says "Barksisgladshadowisgone!" since I beat the using my Nintendo DS Action Replay! I got mad at the jumping part in the final had to jump back and forth as you slowly went upwards....the problem was as soon as you would turn around to jump to the next platform, the one you were standing on would fall! Sooooooo I used a cool AR cheat, that all I had to do was push a certian button and I could fly anywhere on the screen! It was a glitch of course, I could go to areas that you couldn't normaly go to. Sooooooo me just flew past the crappy platform puzzles!!!!!

Ok, I'm done rambling! I'm gonna go watch some tv, then go to bed....

I just woke up, luckily my tamas woke up around the same time I did. Here's they're current stats:

Today I will be able to use the Dating Show! Then I will be on my 4th Generation! I have to wait till 2pm - 3pm to be able to use it tho.

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 100%

Generation: 3rd

Gotchi Points: 1,200

Sunnytchi (Female)

Mamapatchi (Female/Mother)

Planethi (Male/Father)

The Mongo Family will be evolving into teens today. I can't wait to see who I get!

Family: Mongo

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Blending: 10%

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 2,450

Mattaritchi (Male)

Belltchi (Female)

Mousetchi (Male)

I just got done playing a ton of "Tea Time" games with Mattaritchi (Mongo Family). I pretty much doubled my gotchi point amount from my last update. I now have 5,010 gotchi points on my Tama House V5. Like I said before, I'm going to earn the items on this tamagotchi. I'm not going to use any cheats on this one.

The Mongo Family's Bonding is now at 20%. They should be evolving into teens sometime today.

I'm still waiting to be able to use the Dating Show on my Purple V5 (Kirba Family). I should be able to use it before 3pm. Hopefully this time, I'll get 3 eggs again!

I want to get my 1st Pure Family. So as soon as I get a Mametchi, Memetchi, Kuchipatchi, or Violetchi, I'm going to use the "Dating Show Cheat" to get the right partner. Also if I get the other tama, I'm going to try it anyway. I'm going to see if its possable to get a Pure Family by having the other tama. For example, If I get Yonepatchi, I'll get her Kuchipatchi as a partner. Then we'll see if it works or not....I hope it does!

KIRBA FAMILY - I was finally able to use the Dating Show a couple of hours ago. The parents are Planetchi (Mother) and Papamametchi (Father). Here's the new children:

1st hatched - Mimifuwatchi (Male)

2nd hatched - Mimifuwatchi (Female)

3rd hatched - Omututchi (Male)

Then an hour later, they evolved. Here's who I got:

Mimifuwatchi (Male) -> Mousetchi

Mimifuwatchi (Female) -> Sakuramotchi

Omututchi (Male) -> Ahirukutchi

MONGO FAMILY - The only thing that happened with them is I got they're Bonding up to 30%. I'm still waiting for them to evolve into teens.

(I have 245 views and 34 entry's/replies so far)

Yesterday the Mongo Family evolved into teens. They evolved around 7pm. Here's who they evolved into:

Mattaritchi (Male) -> Bakutchi

Belltchi (Female) -> Ichigotchi

Mousetchi (Male) -> Mamekatchi

And here's the Mongo Family's stats:

Family: Mongo

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Blending: 30%

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 5,010

Bakutchi (Male)

Ichigotchi (Female)

Mamekatchi (Male)

Tama: Tama House V5

Here's the Kirba Family's stats:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 0%

Generation: 4th

Gotchi Points: 1,200

Mousetchi (Male)

Sakuramotchi (Female)

Ahirukutchi (Male)

Planetchi (Mother)

Papamametchi (Father)

Tama: Purple V5

If anyone is interested in joining another tamagotchi site, try this one:

[edit: link removed. No web site ads posts. Please put them in your signature message only]

Its a forum site, just like TamaTalk. I'm one of the Admin's on it. It's new, but we are adding stuff as quick as we can.

If anyone joins, we can keep you updated on the sites progress. Send me a PM if you need any more info.

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(I have 266 views and 36 entries so far)

Today the Mongo Family will be evolving into adults! I hope I get a Mametchi, Memetchi, Kuchipatchi, or Violetchi, so I can get a Pure Family on my next generation! They won't be evolving until around 7pm tonight tho.......

Anyways, here's my 2 Tama Family's stats:

Family: Mongo

Blended Family

Hungry: 4/5

Happy: 4/5

Blending: 40%

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 5,010

Bakutchi (Male)

Ichigotchi (Female)

Mamekatchi (Male)

Tama: Tama House V5

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 3/5

Happy: 4/5

Bonding: 10%

Generation: 4th

Gotchi Points: 1,200

Mousetchi (Male)

Sakuramotchi (Female)

Ahirukutchi (Male)

Planetchi (Mother)

Papamametchi (Father)

Tama: Purple V5

I need to fill they're hearts....but I'll have to wait till they wake up. I'll post again soon.

(I have 293 views and 36 entry's/reply's so far)

Yesterday night the Mongo Family evolved into adults! Here's who I got:

Bakutchi (Male) -> Mumutchi *New*

Ichigotchi (Female) -> Onputchi *New*

Mamekatchi (Male) -> Nemutchi

Whats with Nemutchi!? I keep getting him over and over! Atleast I got 2 new tamas this time!

Family: Mongo

Blended Family

Hungry: 4/5

Happy: 4/5

Blending: 50%

Generation: 1st

Gotchi Points: 5,010

Mumutchi (Male)

Onputchi (Female)

Nemutchi (Male)

Tama: Tama House V5

The Kirba family evolved into teens yesterday also. Here's who they evolved into:

Mousetchi (Male) -> Bakutchi

Sakuramotchi (Female) -> Ichigotchi

Ahirukutchi (Male) -> Korokotchi

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 30%

Generation: 4th

Gotchi Points: 1,200

Mousetchi (Male)

Sakuramotchi (Female)

Ahirukutchi (Male)

Planetchi (Mother)

Papamametchi (Father)

Tama: Purple V5

(This is my 100th Post on TamaTalk!)

There's been alot of changes with my tamas since my last post. Here's whats been going on.

The Kirba family evolved into adults today, and I got 3 new adults! Well, 4 actually....

Bakutchi (Male) -> Hatsugatchi *New*

Ichigotchi (Female) -> LoveZukintchi *New*

Korokotchi (Male) -> Uhyotchi *New*

Hatsugatchi (Male) -> Kuromametchi *New*

Then I fed Hatsugatchi the pudding item and he evolved into Kuromametchi! Kuromametchi is one of my favorite new V5 tamas.

Here's the Kirba family's current stats:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 30%

Generation: 4th

Gotchi Points: 1,210

Koromametchi (Male)

Lovezukintchi (Female)

Uhyotchi (Male)

Planetchi (Female/Mother)

Papamametchi (Male/Father)

Tama: Purple V5

On my Tama House V5 I started the 2nd Generation today. Here's who I got:

Nemutchi (Male) -> Papapatchi *New*

(Matchmaker's tama) -> Mememamatchi *New*

1st hatched -> Omututchi (Female)

2nd hatched -> Omututchi (Male)

3rd hatched -> Futabatchi (Female)

Then an hour later they evolved. Here's who they evolved into:

Omututchi (Female) -> Belltchi

Omututchi (Male) -> Ahirukutchi

Futabatchi (Female) -> Tororotchi

And finally, here's the Mongo family's stats:

Family: Mongo

Blended Family

Hungry: 3/5

Happy: 3/5

Bonding: 0%

Generation: 2nd

Gotchi Points: 5,010

Belltchi (Female)

Ahirukutchi (Male)

Tororotchi (Female)

Papapatchi (Male/Father)

Mememamatchi (Female/Mother)

Tama: Tama House V5

Thats all for today, I'll post again tomorrow!

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Wow! This is my 39th reply/entry and I have 327 views! Thanks everyone! :D

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 30%

Generation: 4th

Gotchi Points: 1,210

Koromametchi (Male)

Lovezukintchi (Female)

Uhyotchi (Male)

Planetchi (Female/Mother)

Papamametchi (Male/Father)

Tama: Purple V5

Family: Mongo

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 0%

Generation: 2nd

Gotchi Points: 5,010

Belltchi (Female)

Ahirukutchi (Male)

Tororotchi (Female)

Papapatchi (Male/Father)

Mememamatchi (Female/Mother)

Tama: Tama House V5

My plan for raising the Mongo family is that I'm going to get they're Bonding up to 100% before they're adults and to only use the 1st training icon (Mame Family). I'm going to have to cheat a good bit, cuz I always miss a bunch of training times. Soooo I'm just going to set the time to 1 min before an even hour, then train them using the Mame Family Icon (1st one). That way, the Mongo family should evolve like this:

Belltchi (Female) -> ??? -> Chantotchi

Ahirukutchi (Male) -> ??? -> Mametchi

Tororotchi (Female) -> ??? -> ??? (it will be a Kuchi or Meme family tama)

Then I'm going to use the dating show cheat to get Mametchi the partner Chantotchi, so I can get my 1st Pure Family! And what would be better than getting the Mame Pure Family, since Mametchi is my fav tama!

Note: I got all of this info from TamaZone, on Tama_Freak's V5/Famitama Growth Chart. So far Tama_Freak's teen to adult growth idea is correct (Its worked for me so far). So I highly reccomend going to TamaZone and getting the chart! I printed it out, lol.

Tama_Freak's theory (which is correct) is that the adult tamas are split into 3 groups, High Bonding, Medium Bonding, and Low Bonding. So depending on what your Bonding % is when they evolve into adults will affect what your 1st and 2nd hatched tama evolves into. Also each Bonding % group is split between the Mame, Meme, and Kuchi Family groups. Example, the Mame Family has 2 High, Medium, and Low Bonding % tamas (one Male and 1 Female in each group).

If Tama_Freak is completly correct, then we should almost always be able to decide which adults our 1st hatched and 2nd hatched will become! Cool huh?


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