Natsu Damia here!


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Natsu Damia

Active member
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Hi, I'm Natsu Damia, and I'm new to TamaTalk. :p And I thought I might as well post a little bit about myself, so you could get to know me a little better.

I love dogs! Right now I have two Miniature Dachshund dogs. Not to mention six other pets too!

I l♥ve to draw! I'm an arteest! :) You might see some of my art in the PhotoAlbum soon!

My username, Natsu Damia, actually has meanings! Natsu: Japanese meaning "Born in the Summer", and Damia: Greek meaning "Godess of the Forces of Nature". But you can call me Natsu for short. ^_^

I have 8 Tamagotchis, more coming when the V4.5 comes out, of course!

I've been on forums before, so I pretty much know the basics (avatars, signatures, etc.).

PS: If you can make avatars, or have any ideas for what I can do for a signature, please PM me, because that's the part I'm a little stuck on. Not how to do it, but what to do. :D Thanks.

Yeah, thanks! :) Two dogs, Two hamsters, A ferret, A rabbit, and Two fish! Yet I live in an apartment with them all.. :lol:

[SIZE=12pt] Hi! Welcome to TamaTalk![/SIZE]

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Have fun on TamaTalk!


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