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So hi there! My name's Tara, I live in Turkey, and I sell Tamagotchis!

Heya. I'm Tammy, I live in Thailand and I sell turtles.

Heyaaaaa. I'm Vanessa, I'm from Vietnam and I sell vans.

Well hi there! My name is Wendy, and I live in Washington. In Washington is my shop, where I sell water pistols. Perfect for this summer holiday. Enjoy!

Hi there. I'm Xandra, I live in -idkoneforx- , And I sell xylophones.

You missed y... oh well.

Hey there! My name's Aleisha, I live in Australia and I sell aquariums.

Yay, I get to use my RP character's name!

Hiya. I'm Britany, I live in Belgium and I sell Bread.

Hey, I'm Denelle, I live in Denmark and sell Doughnuts.

Ello! My Name Is Danielle,I live in Delhi,I sell Dates (Type Of Fruit)

Hiya, I'm Erin, I live in England and I sell Eggs.

Heeyy! My name is Gina, I'm from Germany, and I sell German Food.

Hey there! I'm Hanna, I live in Holland and I sell hamburgers.

' ello. I'm Jacinta, I live in Jamaica and I sell jam.

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