MySims DS and Wii Discussion Topic


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DS Cheats

Get Money by fishing!

Go to the dock where the two huts are and fish. And try to get the big fish in the water. To tell if you will get a lot of money ,when you pull the fish out of the water it will be too big for your sim to hold. And when you give it to Joseph you will get about $700.

Name The Furniture Store

Once you have 2 stars, you can name the Furniture Store!

Get a new house

Do you need a new house in Mysims? Well, once you have unlocked the Entertainment Area, and have met the wealthy sim named Elizabeth, she will tell you she is selling a house that used to be her pet's house, and she'll ask you if you need another house. Say yes, and then she will tell you the price, which is 10,000 simoleons.

Wii Cheats

Unlock Special Outfits and Items

There is a hidden password system in Mysims to unlock unique outfits and special furniture. To reach this password screen, do the following.

-While running around town, bring up the pause screen with the - button. Then input the following commands on the Wiimote (not nunchaku):

2 button, 1 button, Dpad down, Dpad up, Dpad down, Dpad up, Dpad left, Dpade left, Dpad right, Dpad right.

A special keyboard to enter passwords will now appear allowing you to unlock clothes and furniture. The following 3 passwords are a gift for reserving the game, and are case sensitive!

Password Effect

Tglg0ca Diamond Vest (Outfit)

I3hkdvs Kimono Dress (Outfit)

Ahvmrva Racecar Bed (Furniture)

F3nevr0 Bunk Bed (Furniture)

Itha7da Rickshaw Bed

T7srhca Modern couch

Ghtymba Hourglass Couch

Gvsb3k1 Genie Outfit

N10ng5g Camouflage pants

R705aan White jacket

Tools to use around town

Once you reach a set level you'll receive a message telling you what new tool you've earned.

Unlockable How to Unlock

Crowbar Have your town reach one star

Saw Have your town reach two stars

Pickaxe Have your town reach three stars

Blow Torch Have your town reach four stars

Town Monument Blueprint Have a 5 star town

Unlockable Uber-Sims

After bringing your towns interest level to 100% in any of the six categories you will recieve a message telling you that a special guest will be waiting for you in the hotel. This Uber-Sim will be waiting in the hotel the next day.

Unlockable How to Unlock

Samurai Bob 100% Studious Town

Mel 100% Spooky Town

Star 100% Geeky Town

Amazing Daryl 100% Fun Town

Chancellor Ikara 100% Tasty Town

Hopper 100% Cute Town

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