My V5 log.


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Over 3 hundred veiws TY Guys!!!

For being so kind heres a Login no form the longs!


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And heres one from Jay for the V4 tamatown!


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All my Tamas died (Jay Tj Twinx Vroom Mikey Sam) I lost them and Then I wanted to try my V3s out so I took the Batteries from my V4 and V5s and put them into my 2 V3s and my V2 so here is the stats of my V3's.

Name: Stan!

Age: 1 yr

Stage: Teen

weight: 20 lb

Training: 4

Gender: Boy


Name: Tiny!

Age: 1yr

Stage: Teen

Weight: 20 lb

Training: 3

Gender: Girl


Name: Pika

Age: 0yr

Stage: Toddler

Weight: 17 lb

Training: 2

Gender: Boy


Im trying to make Tiny and Stan have babies who knows how long it will take for them to be adults Pm me if you know!


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So now I have taken the batteries out of my v3 and put one is my V5 so now i have V3 and V5 and V4!!!

Stan died to! hes the one I kept in! :D Stan is the name is the bear in my avatar!

P.s. I found Tj Mikey and Sam but its broken my dad stepd on it:(

So stats


Stan Lucas and Lucy gen 2!

Short stats I cant do much because Im going out in a bit so bye!

Ok right I just figured I havent come on in a long time so now im just starting to get my groove back into righting in my log...


Stage: Adults

Gen: 2

Bonds: 80 %

Genders: G B G

Names: Kellie Micheal Kelsi

My tamas died again...!

I want them to be Ninjas... V4 tama died in the wash and had to be fed to the trash :mellow: :(


Hey guys Im Kellie Previous Tamas died again so we've got 4 dead tamas in the book I feel sorry for them :lol: Jay went through the wash yesterday :unsure: It was sad to watch he came out as a black screen with water marks and a biiiiggg lump on his screen :wacko: we aired him out for ages and tried a hair dryer in low heat but it didnt work :blink: ... Bye!


I just hate it when people write like this: 'H3Y PPLS' And spell names like this: /\/\ 1 ( l-l 3 @ l_ Lol .... And yeah Jay went through the clothes wash yesterday we tried to resusitate him but it didnt work rough ride? I said to him but it was like bbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

Mike we gotit Lol.. Yeah right ... Yeah ummm *eyes drift off and look into space*


Yeah its like I miss Jay I got in with the bad crowed at school and now I dont like it but I dont no how to retire without being the enmy of them :lol: mm time for my snack Bye!

Yeah well Random Lol bye!

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Ok My tamas just turned into teens!


Names: Jenny Stan Lilly

Stage: Teens

Gender: Girl Boy Girl

Points: 550

Bonds: 60 %

Gen: 4

Characters: Jenny-Watatchi Stan-Uhyotchi Lilly-Lovezukintchi


Im bored today no school!!! Tamawhos!!??'s cozsin satyed round today and is going home tommrow! shes kind and brought her Tamas to! hold on one of hers wants to connect with me!...


That Wii looks really cool we got Mario Karts wii a fe days ago and Tamawho and her brothers keep on playing it! I wish I was human I would be able to have ago :huh: .... And The games I want to play is Mario Galexy Wii sports and Karts And I want a ds :chohimetchi: and my own Tamagotchi... I could go on forver... Bye!


Boy o boy.... It sure is boring today.... Yawn... *Twiddles thumbs*... Well Lol I dont really know what to say... So like Later!....

Yeah so bye!!!!!

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