My V5 log.


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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2007
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Hi there I would do a log about my other versions but they all ran out of battery :(

This log dosent want replys.

Hi I just got my verson 5 Familitchi today so here is there sats

Age: 0

Names: Jake, Sally and Sam. (It hasent given me a chance to Name them but this is what i want to call them)


Bond: 0

Colour code:

Black /Grey is me talking

Red is Sally talking

Blue is sam

And green is Jake

Sally wants to say about when she was born..... OVER TO SALLY

Hi im Sally Long I live with my Brother Jake. Our first visit to Tamatown was when we had tasted our first food and played games to make us happy. When we got to Tamatown we did build your own Feris wheel But a gozaratchi kept on flipping the floor over then making my Gondala dissapere :( .

Tamawho!!?? is the best owner EVER :) ... P.s I am a Futabatchi

Now its over to..... SAM...........

Hi im Sam Long I live with my Brother Jake and my sister Sally. They always say im the lucky one because im the one who always gets to go to Tamatown and The one who gets to play the games My first real food was as soon as i come from my egg It was a bread roll... MMM ....wait Be right back im going to get some bread roll......10 SECONDS LATER...... mm bread My favorit food :p M Sam.... Yes... iTS Favorite... Oh ok..... My favorite Food :p Im going to get soem more roll Bye... P.s im a Omututchi :D

Now its over to Jake....................

Hi im Jake Long I like my name cos this is the name of star character in The American Dragon I just relised that because me Sam and Sally and Tamawho!!?? Was watching it :eek: My vist to Tama town was awaome Because Sam kept on bringing us points back. At the end of our visit we had $1400 Wait i have to go Its TV time :( My faveorite time Bye....... P.s. Im a Mimifuwatchi Bye

Well thats my log for today I will write everyday Bye :(

EDIT:....... My tamagotchi's JUST GREW

Sally turned into a Thing wiht a flower on its head (will check growth charts

Sam turned into a chicken....

Jake turned into a Lion sorta thing :( OMG THEY GREWW. im so excited I dont know why.....

Time and date of growth: 8/2/08 6:17PM



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Today 9/2/08

My Tamas are still toddlers. After I came off the computer yesterday I cheaked out my V5 proply and I noticed a few things...

I noticed that the sound on the tama is a bit quieter and has a different tine to it.

I also noticed that the pixels on the tama are a bit lighter (Or it could just be mine...)

I'v noticed that its only one Tama whos in the middle who gets to do all the stuff like play games connect ect.

The growth pattern takes longer.

And thats all really.

Any way back to my Tamas

Hi Sam here I still love a bit of bread roll even if i just been found out that im a girl :lol: I liked being a boy but I dont mind anymore Im still the one who gets to go to tamatown. We went on tamatown this morning and it said there was a traffic Jam :D I wonder what it could be. My character is now a Sakuramotchi. (The one with the flower.)Bye now.

Hi Sally here Its weird because Im not living with 2 annoying brothers im living with 1 annoying brother And 1 Good sister :( Last night we did eachothers hair and tryed some coads in and got some amaizing food and toys. Im a Tororotichi. (The one that looks like a lion) Well bye.

Before Jake speacks I want to tell you guys 1 thing... Sam is talking to a fridge.....

Hi jake here I cant belive that Sam a girl :p I was shocked Well I cant think of anything else to say accept Im a Ahirukutchi ( A thing that looks like a chicken ;) )

I kinda Like the V5 because it tells you the character your Family are. I havent seen the parents ever scince I got my V5. So im hoping that I will get to see them.

Well I cant think of anything more to say.

So Bye


Like I said I will keep up on any updats and write every day. (If I have time)


New thing happaning My 3 tamagotchis are looking at flowers they look adorable :(

I'v also noticed some thing on the V5 go onto The clock and click the c and the b button and contrast comes on and it makes the screen darker and lighter ;) WOW my amazing discovery

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TODAY 10.2.08

Nothing really new today Sam got better at the Teatime game.


Names: Sam Sally and Jake Long

Stage: Toddlers

Bond: 20 %

Gender: Sam-Female Sally-Female Jake-Male


Gen: 1

Chracters: Sam-Sakuramotchi Sally-Tororotchi Jake-Ahirukutchti

I think they may turn into teens tommrow because they have been toddlers for 1 day now I just brought my kids a top hat Lol So now I have 590 points left. They just requested training. The bond did'nt go up? Me Sam Sally and Jake slept at my cousins house yesterday thats why i wrote so early ;) .



Yes I tink Sam and Sally should stop being rude to...Bye I will keep you updated on my Tamas and tell you what they grow into :D Bye................

Hi Im JakeLong I dont like it when she says our names because she always puts me last :( I have to go now were going on TamaTown when were done YES!!! P.S. I dont like being a chicken Sam ans Sally keep bulling me :( I cant wait till tommrow when we change into big strong teens :p

Hi Sally here I like being a thing that looks like a lion :) I can scare them easily. I also cant wait till tommrow when i turn older :) Bye

Hi im Sam I reall really cant wait till tommrow I will be a teen Me and Sally are being rude to Jake cos hes a chicken Lol. I think we should stop now.... Any who bye

When i press the C button Sam goes al big and puts her face to the screen Lol Bye

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Any one who dosent have a V5 want to go on TamaTown then here my log in number feel free to go on Sam and go on.




Then PM me the Log out No. ;)

I know Im kind :D

My Tamas are lost :angry: I dont know were my Tama is.They could be dead because they have been lost the past hr. I dont want my Tamas to die..... :p If they are dead I will post it in the memorial and Then continue this log but new tamas :p

I WANT MY TAMA BACK ....................

Good news my Tamas bonding went up by 10 % witch means my bonding level is 30 %. Here are some Tips on when your V5 will ask for Training:.

11:59 am set it to that time and wait about a min

5:59 pm this is just now when my Tamagotchi asked for training.

Thats all I know because I think my tama has only asked for training twice today.

Earlyer I lost my tama guess were I found them :angry: ?

In my little brothers Trainer :( It must have been when my little brother said he would look after it then he hid it. Either that or my littlest brother (1) Got hold of it and put it there...



Bond: 30 %

Gender: Sam-Girl Sally-Girl Jake-Boy

Gotchipoints: 1350

Gen: 1

Characters: Sam-Sakuramotchi Sally-Tororotchi Jake-Ahirukutchti

We went on a visit to Tama town before I went on Tamatalk It was kind of fun and we played:






And a few of the Employment games






And a few of my own Tamagotchi games



And thats all the games I played.

SAM: Hi the day is ending today seemed to go so fast.... Ohno??? Tamawho has school tommrow What am I gonna do? She might choose to leave me here :( Or she might bring me :)


So here are the updated Stats


Names: Sam, Shelly and Jake Long

Bond: 30 %

Gender: Sam-girl Shelly-girl Jake-Boy

Gotchipoints: 1350

Gen: 1

Charcters: Sam-Shelltchi Shelly-Chamametchi Jake-Korokotchi

YAY I got a character from the Mame Family :)

Back to Sam: I really wanna go to school with her but wither way shes not going to have time to take care of us. *Puts hand on belly mmm im hungry..... Wait.... This isnt my normal flowery belly OMG WAIT.... DID JUST TURN INTO A TEEN :eek: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WOOP WOOP...

Sorry about that guys Sams just recovering from her butiful Shell self.... So we will just keep the ball rolling next with Shelly....

Shelly: Hi guys I cant belive we just grew into teens Sam is soooo lucky she turned into a Shelltchi. But I htink im luckyER cos im in the Mame family woop Im mametchis Sister :eek: Bye....

Sam is talking to a fridge again....... I think I should leave Sam to her fridge and let Jake have a go at talking.....

Jake: Hi Im a teen now I can play all the teen games like truth or dare (Lookin forward to that)


Thats all now I have to go and have a bath bye...

Tamawho!!?? ^_^ :ph34r: :wacko: :D

Will post later when I get out (Thats if no one goes on it when I get back ) If not later then Tommrrow after school the latest Bye!!!

Bye Bye Bye

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Hi just got back from school my Tamas came but I didnt have a chance to play with it so I just left them traveling all day until last lesson I took them back to the normal screen were they jump and they had 4 empty hearts :lol: and they were wobbeling on the screen so I clicked the toilet icon and my Mame character sat on the toilet and pooped. :kuribotchi: I fed my Tamas and then let them play then I watched Neds declasifyed school survial guid with my Tamas and then I went on tamatalk to write my daily Log :furawatchi: .


Names: Sam Shelly Jake Long.

Stage: Teens

Bond: 30 %

Characters: Sam- Shelltchi Sally-Chamametchi Jake-Korokotchi

Gen: 1

gotchipoints: 1350

Gender: Sam-Female Shelly-Female Jake-Male

Sam: Hi Sam again I liked traveling to day but it got boring after an hour but I had to spend 4 hours travelling doing the same thing over and over again. When we was in the helicopter for the 6th time Jake was sick me and Shelly was laughing our heads off! Yesterday I was jelous of Shelly cos shes a Mame.. Then she got jelous of me cos her name is Shelly and im the Shelltchi Lol... Tamawho!!?? whats Lol? Its when somehting is funny on the internet and you say Lol it means Laugh out loud so you say it on the internet... Oh... Any way It was sooooooooo funny! Any way Im going now Bye....

Jake: Hi dont listen to Sam I wernt sick. Yes you was... I wernt anyway... Travelling was so BORING so was school all I like is when were at home and me and Tamawho can play. I cant think of anything else to say so BYE!!!

Sally: Hi Jake was sick and it was soooooooo funny! I WERNT *SLAPS SALLY*

OUCH! *kicks Jake* STOP YOU TWO!!!! ok...Sorry Jake.... Yeah Sorry Jake... Yeah sorry Sally for hitting you and sorry Sam for telling you to shutup Good any way I...

Wait it was my go to Talk :p Oh yeah sorry... Yeah you should be :D I didnt like school cos Tamawho!!?? Didnt get to look after us... That is all...

LOL!!! any way that was the first aurgument they had ^_^ My tamas just asked for training I trained them but there bonding didnt go up. And well thats it for today will write tommrow or if somthing cool hapans this evening

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Good greif another whole day of school :mametchi: This calls for a hard earned rest.....Wait my Tamas should have grown today? They turned teens on the 10th and now its the 12th? They have been Traveling all day though I wonder if that effects the growing pattern...? Anywho.....


Names: Sam Sally Jake Long

Stage: Teens

Bond: 30 %

Characters: Sam-Shelltchi Sally-Chamametchi Jake-Korokotchi

Gender: Sam-girl Sally-girl Jake-girl

I know the name of Sally changed in every post I kept calling her Shelly cos of my new Shelltchi But her real name is Sally...

Sally: Hi Sally here we went school today Today it was kind of fun cos we had art and out art teacher doesnt mind Tamas. PHEWW Lol But the rest of it was boring. We had another whole day of travelling. I learned something new today Its called the ALPHABET It goes like this: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y And Z :D Tamawho!!??'s english teacher kept on saying it when Tamawho and gher friends were coad breaking.

Gozaratchiboy-Tamawhos little brother hid us today under his pillow cos He lied and said Tamawho!!?? Hit him :nazotchi: Then we Tamawho!!?? found us he took us off of him and held us hostage over the toilet he said 1 move and we get droped. :wacko: I was scared but Tamawho!!?? Saved us GO TAMAWHO!!?? Tamawho kept on saying how we should turn into adults todayBut we havent :mellow: I cant wait though...WOW cant remember what I was gonna say so Bye!!!

WOW she isnt shy any more That was alot she just said Lol!

Sam: Hi We went back to school today It was well boring sept from ART Mr.Caba dont mind Tamas :chohimetchi: The rest was ok but not fun More traveling.. Tamawho says not to worry cos tommrow is half term so no school for 9 days !!!!! WHOOOOOOO. Sally keeps on Showing off about her ALPHABET thing sept I new my alphabet from I was a kid.. I learnd somthing new also form Ms Bailey In maths.. Its called BASIC MATH Here 6x6=36 I am so much more smarterer then Sally. I cant wait to turn into an adults and have a baby But I wonder what one of us will be lucky to have a kid (ME!) I don no what else to say so Bye :furawatchi: *WAVES*

That was alot from Sam today to :hitodetchi:

Jake: Hi I dont have much to say sept this day was BROIN sept Art was wicked.... so bye *waves* *walks shyly to the shadows and stays there*

WOW majorly weird expecily from Jake... A boy at school is being rude to him and taking is stuff... Oh *deals with it* Sorted YAY!!!

Ok will reply later when my tamas grow...IF thye grow




Another long day of school. But there was a good side to today (Hard to belive :blink: ) But It is really wicked my Tamas grew they are now adults... YAY! Gen 2 here I come...


Names: Sam Sally and Jake Long

Stage: Adults

Bond: 40 %

Characters: Sam-Yoneoatchi Sally-Violetchi Jake-Nemutchi

Genders: Sam-Girl Sally-Girl Jake Boy

Sam: Hi I cant belive Im finally an adult now I have to use the proper puntuation and every thing. I think that if I do that Tamawho!!?? will let me get a baby I think im the Tama for the job. Well Tamawho!!??'s school was ok today. We were intorduced to so many of Tamawho!!??'s other frends.(And there Tama friends.) All of Tamawho!!??'s friends have V5's And Im just happy that Tamawho!!?? is my owner!. Bye Now

Jake: Hi im the new improved J man I want a little kid so even if Tamawho!!?? doesnt chose me to get kids im going to get some any way xD. We met some of Tamawhos!!??'s other Tama friends there was this one HOT babe I saw she was a Makio a HOT Makio I think she took a shine to me because im in the mame Family. One of her friends told me that she likes Mames But Im not sure if it was true or not but Im going to go and meet her now so bye!

Sally: Hi I hate the way Jake calls himself the 'J man' Its so annoying... I'v already got a hot boyfriend called Conner he is so cute he is the same character as Jake but Jake thinks hes hotter (He's not! xD) I think Tamawho!!?? should pick me for the job because me and Conner totaly would love a kid :furawatchi: Any way me and Conner have a date tonight so Bye!

Yeah well thats it for today Bye!

Hi, I had no school today because its half term. I accidently turned my Tamas into the Large Family. I then started panicing and thought that they would stay like that because I couldnt find the Balence Biscuit. I then made a forum in help for new Tamagotchi pet owners and I the code from a very helpful member and he/she said that the code was from Binary. Thanks you to! Any way yeah....................... My Tamas did a new animation today when I pressed the C button they all went big and up to the screen and they all made faces then all went back Lol.


Names: Sam, Sally and Jake.

Stage: Adults.

Genders: Sam and Sally are Females and Jake is a Male.

Bond: 100 % (I kept changing the time and date till I got 100%)

Characters: Sam-Yoneoatchi Sally-Violetchi Jake-Nemutchi

(I'v decided to put my log in more detail)

Sam is the main Chracter witch means he gets to go to Tamatown and stuff.

Here is a code for Tamatown Dont use the last one unless you want to see how sam was when he was a Toddler.

Login No.



Sam: LOL LOL LOL Today me Sally and Jake turned into Sumos Lol It was so funny Jake suggested that cos Im oldest and get to do the main stuff that we dont talk to a fridge we weigh ourself's it was soo funny. Then we ate this yummy biscuit to turn us back to normal and it worked ;) . I asked Tamawho!!?? if she could turn us back into Sumos she tryed but it didnt work :huh: It was fun being Sumo but I dont think we will again.

Sally: Hi, today we turned into Sumos It was a real laugh Sam wighed Himself instead of talking to a fridge and it was funny we laughed so much that we couldnt breath and we kept on falling over :unsure: .

Jake: Im pretty much going to say the same thing as them so I might aswell not talk Bye!

So that was it for today tommrow I will write more I think they should have babys tommrow because ttommrow will be the second day of them being adults.

Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye!

I picked Jake the Nemutchi To have a baby Because I think hes the cutest character :huh: So Jake had a baby with this potato thing Sally and Sam flew away :D NOOO Im gonna miss them.

On the bright side Sam and His GF turned into a patchi mum and a patchi dad. Now the parents come onto the screen to feed to heal and to play golf and shoe pairs.


Names: Corey Reece and Jenny

Bond: 0 %

Stage: Babys

Gender: Corey Boy, Reece boy, Jenny Girl

Charcters: Corey-Futabatchi Reece-Omututchi Jenny-Futabatchi

They are Taking a Nap for the min so I will just write Sam Sally and Jakes Last diray entntrys before they left:

Sam: I cant belive she chose Jake :( It was so sad before we Left me Sally and Jake all had a little cry then me and Sally went it was so sad Sally is still crying It has been a hard day but I will never forget Sally or Jake or My Mum Tamawho!!?? I wish they could visit me in Tamatown :( .

Sally: I-I-I- Im still crying I miss Jake soo much I wish I could still be down there with my Grand children They are so Cute I also wish that they could visit us in Tama town I dont like V5 Tamatown But we're going to be living there without being visited.

Jake: Im happy that Tamawho!!?? chose me to be a dad but Im sad that My two great sisters had to go > :( I wish they were still here but now I habve to go cos I think Corey Reece and Jenny are Hungry :huh: . Bye!

Here is a new colore code for my new little Tamas:






Jenny: Hello , Im Jenny Long I want to see my Grandparents and Daddy keeps on Looking sad It has been fun when we were first born we went to the store We picked up a ball it is such fun. We had a nap just now mm it was nice!. Corey is the oldest then its Reece then its me. :( I wich I was older then them Im hungry so Im going now Bye!

Reece: Hi Reece here That ball is sooo fun Im hungry I want to go Tamatown I want Daddy and mummy to be better and stop cwying Bye!

Corey: *Plays ball* OW! Reece frew ball at my head WAAAA! Mummy sorry! I think corey should go get his head checked bye!

Will write back tommrow Bye!


All: YAY!!!!

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Well sorry that I didnt write Its because my computer broke down (AGAIN...) well here are the STATS


Names: Reece Corey and Jenny Long

Bond: 50 %

Stage: Teens

Genders: Reece B Corey B Jenny G

Characters: Corey: Bakutchi Reece: Mamekatchi Jenny: Ichigotchi :D [/color]


I love my new Characters I think they are good :s But who cares I still love em... These lot have to be the best generaton ever (Unless I get a Gozarutchi) I love the Character Gozarutchi because he shares the same Interests as me. (Martial Arts) I know that Gozarutchi is a universal Character and all but I have a friend that I know in real called Masketchigirl... And I have an annoying little brother that comes on here called Gozaratchiboy (He spelt it wrong :D ) I have drawn alot of pics of Gozarutchi (Will get some Links) Any who lets see how my Tamas are doing. seeing as there bond is 40 % when I press C they run across the screen then fall when they get back Lol.

And when Corey talks to the fridge his Dad talk with him Lol. When they have a bath they sit in a tub and then get spayed with a shower head Lol.

Diary entrys:

Corey: Being the oldest rules I am the besttt I look like a bomb so I can scare them by saying woo I think im going to explode Lol. It great being a teen but it seemed to have gone past quick I remeber like almost half n hour ago when I was having a tanrum baning ont he floor then suddenly I felt older no need to do this any more Now I cant think of nothing to say so bye![/color]

Reece: Hi My little Sister Jenny and my big brother Corey are so annoying Corey with his Im going to explode! Drama and Jenny with her singing :D So annoying so I dont spend much time with them unless its Bonding time I hate that feature. Some times I wish I was born into the other Family when daddy was a kid I could be his brother they seemed less annoying. Bye now! BTW I chose grey Because Im dark and I fade into the shadow ost of the time...

Aw look there Taking a bath so I will let them bath until there down and then let Jenny Talk...

They have finished there bath.....

Jenny: Hi I dont have much to say so Bye! BTW Reece do you always have to act like that? Yes.....

Yeah I am making a pic right now it may not be accruate but What the hey I always say! Omg I just made a pic and it didnt save :D I will try again tommrow So Bye!


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Hi sorry if I missed some days its just that nothing new has happand... And over 200 views thanks guys :)


Names: Jenny Corey and Reece Long

Stage: Teens

Bond: 70 %

Genders: Jenny G Corey B Reece B

Charcters: Jenny: Ichigotchi Reece: Mamekatchi Corey: Bakutchi


My Tamas have done three new animations that I have not seen before

1: The kids Dad Vacume whilst Corey stands infront and Has little twinkels.

2: When I press the C button Corey kisses Jenny then Jenny gets a heart, Corey kisses Reece, Reece gets a heart, Reece and Jenny kiss Corey at the same time then a big heart forms then explods Lol.

3: The parents Eat bananas :eek:

Diary entrys:

Corey: I like it when Mum and Dad kiss and when I go for my daily chat with my pal refridgerator my dad comes to! Im having a bath ATM so im telling Tamawho!!?? what to write and she writes it! I feel so Random today I had coke.... Tamawho!!?? knocked it off the table and it Exploded on us :rolleyes: ! We got dried down with a wipe and then started hopping again. I had a fight with reece today cos he took my turn with the ball and then he started teasing me with it Even though im the oldest! And then he poured water ovee me and set my Flame off And Im a bomb! I also had to protect my little sister Jenny cos these older boys started being rude to her so I told them mess with my sis n i would dribble them like a ball. Lol and it worked they all ran off! All this talking is making me thirstey so Bye!

Reece: I love Banana's they are nice I also like small talk do you like small talk? I have finished my bath. It was warm Like Corey said we had a fight I won I did no I did I DID! Gosh I hate kids y'know... And your one of the kids I hate... I hate you more! pfft.... Any way back to me.... He is so stupid he didnt rescue any one from anything he told some boys to back off they did he thinks hes so bad cos hes oldest. Im Bored bye...

Jenny: Corey is my hero he saved me from the big bullyes they took my bag and started throwing it to each other and saying haha you cant reach. Daddy says is cos they love me :l They dont or they wouldnt be so horrible. When Corey and reece had that fight all thses people started crowding it was funny Coreys friends was cheering COREY COREY COREY!!!!!!! And Reece's friends (Not that many) Hey... REECE REECE REECE!!!! I Gtg now bye...


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I dint write again yesterday I was at my cosins... My Tamas turned into adults cool! And I got a new chain to carry them on itsd a light blue Mametchi one and I got a little Mametchi charm :angry: .


Names: Reece Corey Jenny

Gender: Reece B Corey B Jenny G

Bond: 90 %

Stage: Adults

Characters: Reece-Nemutchi Corey-Mumutchi Jenny-Onputchi.

Corey: Us lot was about to run away in the morning we were hungry ad unhappy. We didnt know why. We were in the light then we fell somewere and stayed there for ages we thought Tamawho was ignoring us but then she sat and fed us plaed with us and made us happy! she said she lost us :huh: I was scared. Nooooo Tamawho has school on monday. I love the new chain were hanging on and the new mametchi :p

Jenny: Same as what Corey said

Reece: Same as what they both said :huh:

My Tamas was ready for the matchmaker so I picked Jenny to get married and her parents who turned into to sumos cried and flew off then Corey and Reece came on cried and flew off :lol: . Then Jenny turned into a Maememamatchi and Her huspand turned into a Papatchi. Theres two eggs!

Here are the final stats of Corey Reece and Jenny:


Names: Corey Reece and Jenny

Bonds: 100 %

Genders: Jenny G Reece B corey B

Stage: Adults

Characters: Reece-Nemutchi Corey-Mumutchi Jenny-Onputchi

Last diaray entrys:

Jenny: WOO Tamawho!!?? picked me But im sad that my parents and my brother and sister went :(

Corey: :( I Miss her Im sad :(

Reece: Obv she was gonna pick Jenny Idc

:( Reece is always like that :lol: .

Stats of the new characters:

Names: Vroom and Twinx

Stage: Baby

Genders: Vroom B Twinx G

Bond: 0 %

Charcters: Vroom-Futabatchi Twinx-Omutchi

Diary entrys:

Twinx: Im a baby so I dont no what to say!

Vroom: Me either but I saw some people crying dad says they were our grandma and grandpa and our Great once Or w/ Lol

Will write tommrow !

Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye!

I just recived a V5 Tama in the post from my aunt Its a black Gozarutchi one woo!!! So now I have to V5's Yesterday at 6.00 Pm my Tamas turned into toddlers. I think I should start up my other Tama now what do you think?

Ok so I am cutting the packaging........ Open!

Ohhh should I pull the tab??? Oh what the heck I pulled it!

I set the time and date: time 11.04 am date not sure....Got it 23rd of february..

My B day 18/1 Now I see 3 eggs.

Whilst Im waiting for them to hatch I will write the stats of my Love family desinge

Stats of Old Tama

Names: Vroom and Twinx

Stage: Toddlers

Bond: 0 %

Genders: Vroom B Twinx G

Characters: Vroom-Ahirukutchi Twinx-Trororotchi

One of my Tamas hatched :ichigotchi: Its a boy His character is Futabatchi or something.

Next one hatched A girl I dont know her character

Finally next one! Boy Futabatchi :kuribotchi:

I am thinking of names for my New little crew...

Gottit Middle one Tj Left Mikey Right Sam

Stats new Tama:

Names: Tj Mikey Sam Blue

Stage: Babys

Genders: Tj B Mikey B Sam G

Already told you characters..

Bond: 0 %

Diary entrys:

Twinx: I love the new kids we just connected with them I think I could be quite good pals with Sam. Tj is the middle character and so am I so we connected we played games Tj is cute hes only a 1 day younger so I think me and him could go out :furawatchi: when Tj grows up me and him will talk I think he likes me :eek: Sorry I just cant get over how cute Tj is! As soon as he met me he stared at me and went all red so I cant wait till were adults. Bye!

Vroom: Omg Twinx loves Tj! I met Sam yeah shes cool... Tj's ma best pal and so is Mikey Im so happy that we have a friend. Tj and is crew are eating atm but when were done writing here im gonna ask if we can connect again! Uhoh.... Tj and his crew are sick... few Tamawho!!?? nursed them there better :hitodetchi: Bye!

Tj: Hi Im not sure what to say... I think Twinx is H-O-T! HOT! I think she likes me! Vroom wicked dude my best pal and Mikey is my twin. Sam is in love with Vroom. She is!? Yep ask her I want to play a game so bye!

Mikey: Yup Vroom is a cool dude but if Twinx likes Tj and Tj likes Twinx and Vroom likes Sam and Sam likes Vroom who likes me ? I am not looking forward to the future I wont be able sto have a baby cos Tj will probs have one like hes the coolest.. Im sad and want to play a game so bye!

Sam: Yep I like Vroom but I feel sorry for Mikey cos like he dont have no one. But like if Vromm and Twinx mum and dad had 3 babys and 2 were girls then he wouldnt be lonley! Twinx is my best friend Tj is now annoying me and wev only been alive a few minutes I have to go Tamawho!!?? is playing games bye!

Wow that was alot like they said we have to go playing games now Bye! Will wrtite tomoz

Ok so I activated (Got new batteris) for my V4 so I curently have 3 Tamas

Not working:




V5 Gozarutchi

V5 Love my family

V4 Sky pattern

Stuff about my V5's

Stuff about my V4

Read the rest of the log and you will see the Longs are the one I have been writing about and the blues are new and the V4

Stats of Longs:

Names: Vroom and Twinx

Stage: Toddlers

Bond: 20 %

Gender: Vroom Boy Twinx Girl

Charcters: Vroom-Ahirukutchi Twinx-Trororotchi

Stats of the blues:

Names: Tj Mikey and Sam

Stage: Toddlers

Bond: 20 %

Gender: Tj Boy Mikey Boy Sam Girl

Characters: Tj-Ahirukutchi Sam-Tororotchi Mikey-Ahirukutchi

Tj-I dont think that Twinx likes me any more cos she keeps calling Tj ugly in fights :hitodetchi: I look like Tj and Mikey so I hope when were Teens things will go better. I cant belive she thinks im ugly!? I dont think your ugly your cute! Oh worry over *Blushes* Lol Bye!

Twinx-Hehe Tj thinks im cute! I think hes cute but Vroom started a rumor around school that Tj loves me :kuribotchi: I hate Vroom hes the worst brother ever! I am going now I have to kill Vroom! Bye!

Mikey- Its like im still sad <_< HAHA Vroom just got hit over the head with a pillow Made ma day! Tj and me and Vroom and Twinx played snap earlier Twinx won! But she gave us a rematch and won again. We went to Tamatown earier to we have alot of money now and played some really cool games! Bye!

Vroom-Ouch she hit me with a pillow really hurt :l Lol I hate her I didnt start a stupid rumor about them loving each other :wub: I didnt say it was about love :furawatchi: Ok Ok it was me But what you gonna do about it? VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I gotta run They dont call me Vroom for nothing :) Bye!

Sam-HAHA I just love there love hate relation ship and the part when Vroom gets hurt! Well Bye!


Name: Jay!

Age: 0

Training: 1

Job: Preschool

Points: 2590

Pencil: 11

Flower: 10

Star: 18

Stage: Toddler

Jay!-I wish I could connect with them they seem funny I am really jelous I wish I was V5 :unsure: :( I want to go to Tamatown play a few games to make me feel better Bye!

Will write tomoz :D

I love my livley bunch I have to play games with Jay! on Tamatown to make him feel better ;) Lol!

Bye! Bye!Bye!Bye!Bye! Bye!Bye!

wooo hoo Random and hypa today had alot I mean ALOT of coke xD

So yesterday my V4 Tama grew into teens I forgot to say about toddler...




Name: Jay!

Age: 1

Training: 3

Job: Mr canvas elementry school

Points: 10090 WOW! (Tamatown) Hehe

Pencil: 11

Star: 18

Flower: 17


I am aiming for a young Kutchipatchi, Mametchi or a Memetchi.

Just now my V5 Tamas (Both) Turned into Teens and Tj and Twinx have four smily faces! There gonna be in love oooooo




Names: Twinx Vroom

Stage: Teens

Bond: 30 %

Gender: Twinx Girl Vroom Boy

Character: Twinx: Ichigotchi Vroom: Bakutchi




Names: Tj Mikey Sam

Stage: Teens

Bond: 20 %

Gender: Tj Boy Mikey Boy Sam Girl

Character: Sam Ichigotchi Tj young Mametchi Mikey Bakutchi

Jay!- Hi I feel much better about V4's because Tamawhos!!?? school friends mostly have V4's then V5's. I had a long sleep today cos when leson time came all of Tamawho's friends Tamas went into her locker. So because not alot happand today I might aswell go but being a teen is awsom!

Twinx-Me and Tj connected alot today so were now best friends! I cant wait till adults when we can get hearts oooooo!!! Yeah like Jay! said we stayed in a locker asleep very comfertable so bye!

Vroom-Hi we were in a locker Bye!

Tj- Hi we were in a locker me and Twinx and Jay and Vrooom and Mikey are all besttttt friends I love my friends! and Tamawho Bye!

Mikey-What they said Bye!

Sam-What they said Bye!

Will write tomoz!


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