My V5 Familitchi log!


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28th May 2008


Things are going great! I decided to give them cheerful training toys when they ask for it. They have evolved into teenagers and will evolve into adults tomorrow. Mausutchi evolved into Bomutchi, Sakuramotchi evolved into Ichigotchi and Mattaritchi evolved into Mamekatchi.


When it comes to what neglect family they will become after they evolve into adults, it is most likely they will beome a Ninja family because of the results on this poll.


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bond: 50%

Family Type: Blended

Family Name: Candy

Generation: 11

Money: 480G

Older Brother: Bomutchi

Sister: Ichigotchi

Younger Brother: Mamekatchi

Father: Papamametchi

Mother: Mamametchi

31st May 2008


Well well. They evolved into adults. Bomutchi became Mumutchi, Ichigotchi became Onputchi and Mamekatchi became Furikotchi. I tried to make them become a Ninja family, but it wasn't working. I finally asked on TamaTalk to find out that I was doing it wrong. Oh well! They are able to use the dating show now, but I'm saving that for tomorrow morning. Trying to change them to a Ninja family would take too long. So I decided to make them a Large Family instead. It worked! I'm going to mate my female Osumotchi to a Taioutchi(Sunnytchi) and get an Iwatchi! I'll do that as soon as I wake up tomorrow!


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bond: 100%

Family Type: Large

Family Name: Candy

Genderation: 11

Money: 480G

Older Brother: Osumotchi

Sister: Osumotchi

Younger Brother: Osumotchi

Father: Metaboritchi

Mother: Metaboritchi

6 June 2008


That was good! I mated my female Osumotchi to a Taioutchi and got a baby Iwatchi. That is, after Osumotchi said goodbye to her Osumotchi brothers and her Metaboritchi parents. :D :blink: :lol: My married Osumotchi evolved into Metaboritchi and Taoiutchi evolved into Planetchi(does anyone know planetchi's japanese name? PM me if you know). Then Metaboritchi layed only one egg. And it was an Iwatchi! My precious little asteroid was so cute. She is a girl. After an hour, she evolved into a shooting star! A Hoshitchi!! YAY!! Then 2 days later, she evolved into Mikazukitchi! Then 2 days later(which was yesterday!), the moon became the sun. My Taoiutchi will get married tomorrow. Her husband will be the first Tamagotchi I'm offered. But I'm doing that once her bonding percentage gets to 100%!


I'm going to stop posting stats. I don't see the point anymore... well, I'll post what characters they are at the end of every post from now on instead. And their family name and type.


Daughter: Taioutchi (Sunnytchi)

Mother: Metaboritchi

Father: Planetchi

Family Name: Candy

Family Type: Blended Family

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9th June 2008


And it's happened. I also found out Sunnytchi Planetchi's japanese names(thanks binary!!!). Anyway, Sanitchi got married to a Nemutchi on the dating show! YAY!! :lol: :lol:

And then Sanitchi said goodbye to Metaboritchi and Pulanetchi. Awwwwwwww! :( :(

Then Sanitchi evolved into Pulanetchi and Nemutchi evolved into Papapatchi. Pulanetchi then layed 3 eggs. The first one was a male Futabatchi. The second one was a female Futabatchi. Then the last one was a male Omututchi. Then later, they evolved into Mattaritchi, Tororotchi and Ahirukutchi. My first Tororotchi! Yay! Earlier today, they evolved into teenagers. I've been giving them Easy-Going training toys. Mattaritchi evolved into Korokotchi. Tororotchi evolved into Shelutchi. And Ahirukutchi evolved into Mamekatchi. Their bonding is at 70%.


Son: Korokotchi

Daughter: Shelutchi

Son: Mamekatchi

Mother: Pulanetchi

Father: Papapatchi

Family Name: Candy

Family Type: Blended Family

12th May 2008


They have evolved again! Korokotchi evolved into Kuchipatchi, Shelutchi evolve into Hottotiitchi and Mamekatchi evolved into Mametchi! They will be able to use the dating show tomorrow. The one I'm going to use on the dating show will be a hard decision. I'll need to think about it...


Son: Kuchipatchi

Daughter: Hottotiitchi

Son: Mametchi

Mother: Pulanetchi

Father: Papapatchi

21st June 2008


I made mistake on the last post! It says "12th May 2008", but it should be "12th June 2008"!


In the end, I chose Mametchi. The first option was a Chantotchi! Lucky me! They got married, and then Kuchipatchi, Hottotiitchi, Pulanetchi and Papapatchi left. :D ;)

Then Mametchi evolved into Papamametchi and his wife Chantotchi evolved into Mamametchi. Then Mamametchi layed two eggs which were both Mimifuwatchis! Then they evolved into Mametchi and Chamametchi! So I had a Mame Family! Then when I took Mametchi on the dating show, he got married to a Furawatchi. After that, he said goodbye to Chamametchi, Papamametchi and Mamametchi. :D

When Mametchi and Furawatchi evolved into Papamametchi and Mamametchi, I was hoping 2 eggs would appear so I would have a Smart Family. But, three eggs appeared! Doh! They hatched into two Mimifuwatchis and an Omututchi. They later evolved into Mausutchi, Sakuramotchi, and Ahirukutchi. I gave them Cheerful training toys. I also kept their bonding below 40% so I could get Watatchi. They then evolved into Bomutchi, Ichigotchi and Mamekatchi. Then Bomutchi evolved into Uhyotchi and ichigotchi evolved into Watatchi. I was hoping Mamekatchi would evolve into Hatsugatchi, and he did! Then I fed them a Sesame Bun, and Hatsugatchi evolved into KuroMametchi. Then I showed them the Girl's Dresser item, and Watatchi evolved into a lovely Makiko. I will take Makiko on the dating show tomorrow.


Son: Uhyotchi

Daughter: Makiko

Son: KuroMametchi

Father: Papamametchi

Mother: Mamametchi

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5th July 2008


Boy, I really need to update more. Anyway, Makiko got married to a Mumutchi and she evolved into Majorite and Mumutchi evolved into Memepapatchi. They had 3 eggs which were 2 Omututchis and a Futabatchi which later became Belutchi, Ahirukutchi and Tororotchi. They then became Ichigotchi, Bomutchi and Shelutchi which later became Memetchi, Sukatchi and Chantotchi. Memetchi got married to an Uhyotchi. After the others left, Uhyotchi evolved into Memepapatchi and Memetchi evolved into Mememamatchi. They had 3 eggs. 2 Omututchis and a Mimifuwatchi. Later, it was Ahirukutchi, Belutchi and Mausutchi which later became Bomutchi, Ichigotchi and Mamekatchi. They later became Mumutchi, Onputchi and Furikotchi. I wanted a Ninja Family and tried to get it and it worked! Mumutchi and Furikotchi became Gozarutchis and Onputchi became Kunoitchi. Memepapatchi became Kashiratchi and Mememamatchi became Okugatatchi. Kunoitchi go married to a Mametchi and they had 2 eggs after the others left. They were two Mimifuwatchis. The older Mimifuwatchi was a girl who became Sakuramotchi and the younger one was a boy who became a Mausutchi.


Daughter: Sakuramotchi

Son: Mausutchi

Mother: Okugatatchi

Father: Papamametchi

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23rd July 2008


Sakuramotchi evolved into Chamametchi and then Chantotchi, and Mausutchi evolved into Mamekatcgi and then Mametchi. Chantotchi got married to a Hatsugatchi and she evolved into a Mamametchi and Hatsugatchi evolved into Papamametchi. They had three children: A girl Mimifuwatchi, a boy Mimifuwatchi and a girl Futabatchi. They later became Sakuramotchi, Mausutchi and Tororotchi. And they later became Chamametchi, Mamekatchi and Ichigotchi. Then they became Furawatchi, Furikotchi and Yonepatchi. Yonepatchi got married to a Nemutchi. Yonepatchi became Mamapatchi and Nemutchi became Papapatchi. They had 2 Futabatchis and an Omututchi who later became Tororotchi, Mattaritchi and Belutchi. They later became Shelutchi, Korokotchi and Ichigotchi. Now they are Potetchi, Mukugetchi and Watatchi. One of them will get married tomorrow.


Daughter: Potetchi

Son: Mukugetchi

Daughter: Watatchi

Mother: Mamapatchi

Father: Papapatchi

30th July 2008


Before I went on the dating show, I let them use the Girl's Dresser item and Watatchi evolved into Makiko. In the end, I chose Mukugetchi to get married. After he said goodybye to Potetchi, Makiko, Mamapatchi and Papapatchi he got married to a Yonepatchi. He evolved into Papapatchi and Yonepatchi evolved into Mamapatchi. I crossed my fingers, hoping that Mamapatchi would lay 2 or 1 eggs so I would have an Easy-Going family. How many did she have? Two! Now I have an Easy-Going family! Of course, the babies were both Futabatchis. The older one was a girl, and the younger one was a boy. They evolved into Tororotchi and Mattaritchi. Later they evolved into Shelutchi and Korokotchi. Now the are Yonepatchi and Nemutchi. One of them will get married tomorrow


Daughter: Yonepatchi

Son: Nemutchi

Father: Papapatchi

Mother: Mamapatchi

2nd August 2008


I went on the Dating show and too Nemutchi on it. He said his farewells... :hitodetchi: :)

And then he got married to a Memetchi. He evolved into Papapatchi and Memetchi evolved into Mememamatchi. Mememamatchi layed three eggs. The first one was a female Omututchi who evolved into Belutchi and is now Ichigotchi. The second one was a male Omututchi who became Ahirukutchi and is now Bomutchi. And the last one was a female Futabatchi who became Tororotchi and is now Shelutchi.


Daughter: Ichigotchi

Son: Bomutchi

Daughter: Shelutchi

Father: Papapatchi

Mother: Mememamatchii

14th August 2008


They evolved into Onputchi, Mumutchi and Furawatchi. Onputchi got married to an Uhyotchi and became Mememamatchi and so the Uhyotchi became Memepapatchi. They had three children which were a male Omututchi, a female Omututchi and a male Futabatchi who became Ahirukutchi, Belutchi and Mattaritchi. Later they were Bomutchi, Ichigotchi and Korokotchi. And then they became Mumutchi, Onputchi and Furikotchi. Mumutchi got married yesterday and became Memepapatchi. His bride was a Memetchi who is now a Mememamatchi. They had 2 children, both Omututchis! The older one is a girl so the younger one is a boy. I now have a Cheerful Family for the first time in 21 Tama-generations! Now the children are Belutchi and Ahirukutchi. They will evolve tomorrow.

26th August 2008


This is the final entry for this log. I've been in Essex all week and my Mum's friends in Essex didn't have a computer. We came back yesterday and this log over because of what happened then.


Belutchi evolved into Ichigotchi and Ahirukutchi evolved into Bomutchi. Then Ichigotchi evolved into Watatchi and then Makiko and Bomutchi evolved into Uhyotchi. Makiko got married to a Mametchi and they had three children a male Mimifuwatchi, a female Mimifuwatchi, and a male Omututchi. They became Mausutchi, Sakuramotchi and Ahirukutchi. Later they were Mamekotchi, Chamametchi and Bomutchi. I noticed the tone of the beeping was getting a little dark. Then they evolved into Furikotchi, Furawatchi and Nemutchi. I was planning to mate Furawatchi off the a Sukatchi and get a Violet Family...


... but then the batteries ran out. :) :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


As I already said, my Mum won't get me anymore batteries. So now I have no more Tamagotchis to play with.


[SIZE=7pt]My life is over![/SIZE]
