My v4/v4.5 log!


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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2006
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United States
Okay. Hi! This is my tama log for 2 tamas! When my V4 talks, it will be in this color, V4.5 is this color. I will update this log everyday that I can. With new stats. Okay!


Okay, today my old v4 (gen1) left, because she had another baby girl. So now I have the baby girl who I named Sarah. She is already Mizutamatchi. She was left alot of money from Anna. (her mother, Ponytchi) I want her to be Mimitchi! I hope she is!

Name: Sarah

Gender: Girl

Age: 0

Gen: 2 (Mother Anna)

Type: Tsubutchi, now Mizutamatchi

Training: None


Okay today is Karen's (My tama, Tsukkomitchi) second day with her baby boy. I think I will name him Aaron. That fits. The UFO FINALLY appeared in the shop! I need more money though! :rolleyes: Oh well, I think I will try to earn it. (with the tama pizza glitch of course)

Name: Karen

Gender: Girl

Age: 6

Gen: 1 (Has baby boy though)

Type: Tsukkomitchi

Training: llllllll

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You know what? I am stupid! I forgot to tell you...

1. My usrname

2. Karen's Job

3. Uhhhhhhhh

1. My username on both tamas is PANDA

2. Karen's job is a hairdresser (Love that job!)

3. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh

Here, I'll let my tamas talk to you

Hi there! This is Sarah! I just got back from preschool! You know, that singing thing is hazardous! I fell a hurt myself! But I like my teacher a lot anyway. I also like playing with that weird clone thing, I just did it for the fist time Bye for now!


Hey! This is Karen. GOO! And my son. I'm gonna name him Aaron. I hope he grows up to be an Ura Mametchi. (Thats what his father was) I just got back from my job, which as PANDA told you, is a hairdresser. It's really fun! I get to see lots of different people, and talk with them too. I connected with Sarah a few minutes ago, shes pretty fun. But she forgot to tell you how we decorated a christmas tree with PANDA today. Bye!

Signing off,


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Karen just got a UFO! I love it!




Update! Fortune cookies just came!


Money: **

Heart: ***

Strength: **


Money: ***

Heart: **

Strength: **

Weird how they have the same cookies only reversed!

I just had Sarah visit Anna. It was cool, but Anna was invisible. Hmmmmm. I also got some passwords for xmas presents. Oooh! Karen just got visited by the talking xmas tree. earlier she got the [!] for a new job, but I love my job!

First off, merry xmas! seeing santaclautchi last night was really cool! plus, karen is gone! :eek: but she left me with her baby boy who i named aaron! -_- right now, sarah is still sleeping. shes a lazy butt. but aaron is awake, and just mad 2 poopies in 5 minutes. :D and lost all of his happy and hungry hearts except one.

bye for now,


Ok, im back. sorry i didnt update more yesterday. but it was xmas. i gave sarah a piano and aaron a cd. and guess what?! they both evolved! sarahs an ichigotchi ;) just like her mother, and aarons a crackertchi! yay! lets talk to them!

I love being an ichigtochi! its only a matter of time before i am going to go to school! i cant wait!

Pop! Crack! I LOVVVVVVE being a crackertchi! I want to go to school too! I will have SOOOO much fun!

well i guess you are having fun!

adios amigos!


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Ok! I just finished a little research with Aaron. If you look on tips and tricks you might find it, but I just added it so maybe not. the research was which games give which skill points. but im done. im going to the movies soon, so i cant really play with them, but they can watch it!

I like to lick my feet!


Yayyy! Sarah and Aaron both got into school! Sarah has Ms. Flower, and Aaron has Mr. Turtlepedia! Let's talk to them!

Ms. Flower is soooooo nice! She's pretty too! I love being in her class! My dream is to be a Memetchi! But I need alot more style points to do that! I bet she can help me though! See ya!

Mr. Turtlepedia is pretty cool! But the one thing I dont get is why he is teaching the funny class. I mean, he's not funny! Like once, he was like "Why did Mametchi cross the road? Because Memetchi was on the other side! Ha, ha!" The only thing that happened was ura young mametchi blushed. Aaron out!

Thank you, you 2. thats all for now! bye!


Ok, I'm back! Sorry I didnt update yesterday, i was busy. Aaron and Sarah have been fine, right now they are good friends. i want them to mate though. they are going to wake up in less than one minute so i will fill the time. uhh... hmmm... :rolleyes:

Yay! They are up! Okay, lets see... Aaaaaahhhh! There is a Japan ticket in Sarah's shop! Gotta go! I need it!

I'm very busy,



Sarah is a Memetchi! Just what I wanted!

Aaron is a few minutes younger, so I'll update when he evolves!








Okay! Aaron went to sleep as soon as he evolved, so I set the time ahead an hour. and........

Aaron and Sarah are in love! :D :furawatchi: ;) :furawatchi:

Then I set Aaron back to his normal time. He's asleep again, but Sarah's not. Here she is:

OMG! Aaron is SOOO cute! And an Ura! My fav! (Even though I'm v4) I love being a Memetchi! It's SO fun! Plus I have big sparkly eyes! How cute can you get?! Pretty soon I'll be leaving Ms. Flower. Poo! But then I get a job! Yay! I'm SOOO excited! Well, bye- bye!

As you can see, Sarah is pretty excited! Later we'll talk to Aaron!

Very Satisfied,


Ok! Aarons up and about! I had him connect with Sarah a few more times. I tryed to get pics, but none of them came out! ;) Anyway, lets talk to Aaron!

Hi! *Yawn* I'm tired from being woken up too early. *Cough* Panda *Cough, cough*

I'm sorry!

It's ok. Besides, I spent those minutes awake with Sarah. She's hot! And I love being an Ura Mametchi! I can like, never frown! It's like I got a permanent botox! Soon I get a job! *Dances* I can't wait! I have 120 funny points! How cool is that? Well, I'll send it back to Panda! See ya!

Thank you Aaron. Well... That's all for now! Byes!


Ok! Fortune Cookie update!


Money: ***

Heart: **

Body: *


Money: ***

Heart: **

Body: **

Isn't it funny how they had the same fortunes except for the body?

Kinda Bored,


Yay! I just put new batteries in my v3! (well, actually I did that 2 hours ago) It was a girl, I named her Maria. She evolved a few minutes ago into tamatchi. Yay!

I have 3 tamas!


YAYYYYYYYYYYY! Sarah got a job! As a florist! AAAHHHHHHHHH! Aaron will get a job as soon as he wakes up. *cough* Lazy Butt *cough, cough* Maria is fine. She's just bobbing around the screen. Lets's talk to Sarah!

Yayy! I love being a florist! It was hard the first time I went to work, but now its really fun! I have to use the claw to pick up the flower it tells me to. The hardest part is getting the crane down at the right time. That always gets me.

Thank you Sarah! Later on you'll hear from Aaron. Bye for now!



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