GRRR! Nicky is spoiled! VERY VERY Spoiled! Sorry, but she is. She thinks that just getting in a bad mood will make me let her eat sweets. Ugh! Sometimes she gets on my nerves....
OK, well, Nicky died! I know, it will never be the same without her. But now I'd like you to meet the new tama....
She's very sweet. Anna is a toddler right now. Or the last time I checked....Heehee!
Nick seems to like her. But he's still REALLY upset about Nicky dying. So am I.... But maybe Anna can be just as good.
Oh, and by the way, if you would like PM me a message for Nicky up in Tama heaven. And if there are any other tamas that I've had in this diary that you would like to send a message PM about that too.
I'll try making a list of all the dead tamas just to help.
Oh, and by the way, Anna is staying with my friend until 2:00 PM today. My friend is thinking about getting a tamagotchi so I let her take my V3 for a little while just so she can see what it's like having a tamagotchi to care for. And guess what! She might get the V5! I've heard some many great things about the V5. It would be awesome if she got one. Maybe I could get her to join Tamatalk and get her to make a tama diary.
My webkinz are fine today. Here's a little update of Yesterday. I spun the wheel of wow twice! Yay! I got 20 Kinz cash and the princess couch! I think that's all I did Yesterday. Now today! Ok, I fed Rosie a Collie Lollie. (It's her special food.) Nothing else.
I've got super news! Today at 5:00 PM me, my little sister, and my mom are going to the mall movie theater to watch Nim's Island! YAY! I've wanted to see that movie to badly. Maybe I can sneak my tamas into the movie theater too.
Well, that's enough chit-chat for now! I'll type later!
Get my view on how I liked the movie! My tamas will get to comment too!
Well, I didn't get time to post about the movie last night so I'll tell you now.
I thought it was a pretty great movie! I like the animals and things. But at some parts I was kinda thinking, Can we just skill to the next part? Some parts were scary some parts were funny and some parts were sweet. But all-in-all I thought it could get a four star rating!
(My tamas didn't go to the movie but they will comment on stuff I just told you about. And only Anna will comment since Nick is sleeping over at my friend's house.)
ANNA: Sounds like a pretty cool movie! I wish I had come! ME: You would have fallen asleep half way through it! ANNA: Hey! ME: You just love to sleep. ANYWAY! What would you rate the movie? ANNA: I'd give it four and a half maybe. But I didn't really get to see it. ME: OK, that's it for now!
YAY! I jumped for joy when the matchmaker came and Nick got a little baby boy! I let my friend pick the name. She wanted to name the baby Davy. So it's Davy and Nick.
Just to let you know none of my tamas are getting tama-sat by my friend right now. Now and then my friend might be tama-sitting one.
Anna is fine. I REALLY don't no way she's still a teen.
Today Nick left Davy. I woke Davy up early, named him, and took care of him. A little while later he turned into a toddler and is going to pre-school. Then, me and my friend brought Davy to Tamatown! There he got a coloring book, a passport, and a poster. I also bought him a robot. (He REALLY likes playing with it.) Oh, and davy will talk in red
Today I viewed all my Webkinz rooms. I've got 14 and still counting! That is a lot of rooms!
But I've got some pretty awesome news! My friend got a V5! She got the pink "I love my family" tama. Right now she's got three little tamas. (They are in toddler stage.) Her first born was a boy named Chris. Her second born was a girl named Jenny. And her third born was a boy named John. She sometimes let's me play with it. It's so fun!
My little sister's birthday is really close and she told my mom and dad that she wants a V5 for her B-day. I'm pretty sure they'll get her one. And then I'd almost have my own tamagotchi V5!
OK, enough about V5's. Let's talk about the tamas I have right now.
V4: Davy is fine. He's just been chillen most of the day. He'll poop, then get hungry, then needs me to play a game with him. Its jut been a basic tama day for him.
V3: Anna is doing fine too. The Matchmaker is coming tomorrow! I'm pretty sure I want a girl baby. Since I've already got a boy.
YAY! Anna is now a mother to a sweet baby girl who will be named April! I'm so happy!!!
My mom was about to read out lowed to me and my little siser when I looked at the V3. The Matchmaker was on the screen! Anna quickly got married to the ghost-like tama. They had April who is now sleeping soundly next to her mommy.
These two make a super pair! I wonder if April will be anything like an April Fool's Day tama. UGH! Then she's drive me crazy!
Oh, and April will talk in green. But now that i think about it....did I ever tell you what color Anna would type in? Well, she'll type in grey.
I'm planning to make a Webkinz party at my Webkinz house on Saturday, April 26. If anyone wants to come to the party just PM me telling me your username. Then I'll make you my buddy on my Webkinz and make sure to come to my Webkinz house at 12:00 PM. Thanks! I hope your Webkinz can come!