My V4 log =]


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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
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[SIZE=11pt]This is my Tamagotchi Version 4 log. I've had my tama on pause for a pretty good while now, but since I'm out of school, I've had lots of extra time on my hands. [/SIZE]


As of now, My Tama is an Adult Simasimatchi. It just recieved a letter, that contained a little thief that stole 800 points of mine! >.< arg...


My Tamagotchi's stats are as follows:



Hungry: Full

Happy: Empty (because of the thief)

Training: 4 bars

Intellectual: 26

Arts: 15

Social: 31

Age: 5

Weight: 95



1st Generation


More to come! I'll continue this log also, after my tama passes away (which I hope will not be soon =[ )


Tata for now!



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I'm baa-aack! Well.. Crash has been on pause.. and still is as a matter of fact. I just unpaused him, and he just received a new message. It's the thief again!! He just stole 300 points! >.< GR! I'm really getting angry now...


But anyway, I just fed him 4 cones. (Yes, I'm being lazy =] )


And an update on my life: When I left my log, I helped set my pool up! (Yay for swimming!) Then I rode my ATV, and went to a friends house. Then, of course, I came back and here I am. =] Nice life, huh?

[SIZE=12pt]Alright. I have to admit that I slept late this morning [/SIZE] :blink: . When I woke up, Crash had poo on his screen along with another message. So, I did the usual (flushed toilet :) ) and checked the mailbox. I had received a fortune cookie, and some important info.


Crash jumped off of his little screen for a while before returning home. He went somewhere that I couldn't exactly tell where, but it seemed to make him frustrated...


Anyway, his stats are as follows:


Name: Crash

Happy: 3 hearts

Hungry: 2 hearts

Training: 4 bars

Intellectual: 26

Arts: 15

Social: 31

Age: 5 yrs

Weight: 99 lbs

Points: 3410


1st Generation.


More to come!



[SIZE=12pt]Okay. So, I just received a new message. It's the king! He gave me grapes as a gift! How nice of him...Whoopsie! Crash just pooed...must clean![/SIZE]


As of my life: No current updates. Guitar Hero has gotten the better of me. :lol: Now, to TamaTown with myself! Wee!

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[SIZE=13pt]Crash and I's visit to TamaTown was fun! [/SIZE]


First, we went to the office. The only job available was a Tamagotchi cook, but since Crash doesn't have over 80 social points, we had to let that one go.


Next, we visited the Arcade and played Tama Soccer and earned 200 points! Then we played the claw game and got 700 more points.


After that, we went to visit Mrs. Frill at the Tamagotchi Pre-School. She was very happy to see us, and said that Crash had grown so much!


Finally, We went to the theatre and watched the movie 'LOVE'. It was a very comical movie starring Babitchi, and Shirobabitchi. Shirobabitchi broke Babitchi's heart! How sad... After we received our movie poster, we returned home.


As for me: Sitting here typing... then I'll probably either play Guitar Hero (dang video game weakness :p ) or go swimming.




[SIZE=11pt]Uh oh.. [/SIZE] :huh: So far I've been a really bad caretaker... I feel ashamed... I had left my Tamagotchi for a few minutes to go swimming, and when I came back, it was sick, had 1 poo, and I received a fortune cookie and an important notice. The sickness took 1 shot to cure.


When Crash opened the important message, he went to an amusement park!


Stats as of now:

Name: Crash

Happy: 1 heart

Hungry: 0 hearts

Training: 4 bars

Intellectual: 26

Arts: 15

Social: 31

Age: 5 yrs

Weight: 97 lbs (Hey, he lost 3 lbs!)

Points: 4310


1st Generation


My life updates: I went swimming, and boy was it COLD. Talk about freezing yourself into a human-popcicle :huh: . Well, off to ride the ATV!


More coming!



[SIZE=10pt]Well, Crash was on pause for the whole ATV ride, and when I unpaused him, I realized he had a letter from the King. He had given us 700 points! He's being very generous today [/SIZE] :p . I just fed Crash 2 cones, and we played flag and made it to round 7 and got 250 points.


A quick shop update:


Pants: 1400 pt

Popcorn: 110 pt

Drum: 1900 pt (which I just now purchased)

& more Popcorn: 110 pt


Me: I've been riding the ATV for about 2 hours straight. I rode around my neighborhood, and managed to catch a few waves from several random people also :huh: . Walked over to my grandparents house... no one was there, so I came back home. I'll probably go back outside later.


But for now, here's something for your enjoyment:


Judy Nails


My three drawings ^ :huh:


More later!



[SIZE=14pt]EDIT:// PM me if you have comments about this log! Tell me how I'm doing! ;) [/SIZE]

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[SIZE=14pt]Crash and I are doing fine. He just received a letter and a fortune cookie a few minutes ago.[/SIZE]


The letter was a snake that scared him! :) >.< I do not like snakes at all.


Crash's stats:

Name: Crash

Hungry: 3 hearts

Happy: 0 hearts

Training: 4 bars

Intellectual: 26

Arts: 15

Social: 34 (hey he gained 3!)

Age: 6 yrs

Weight: 99 lbs (oops.. he gained his weight back :) )



1st Generation


Aww! He just now came up reaallly close to the screen and made this really adorable face! How cute! :p


Me: Nothing really... continued playing guitar hero and while I was at it, [SIZE=14pt] I videoed myself doing a section of the song Jordan on Hard. [/SIZE]


You can watch it here.

[SIZE=17pt]All for now,[/SIZE]

☺ *mimitchi*

[SIZE=21pt]EDIT:// PM me and tell me what you think of my Guitar Hero skills! :D [/SIZE]

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[SIZE=21pt]Wee! I'm back! But Crash isn't doing so well. I found him on his screen with a poo beside him, had mail, and he was begging for food. I feel really ashamed right about now [/SIZE] :blink: . I cleaned his poo, then fed him grapes, and an orange. Then I went to check the mailbox. He had received a letter and an important message.


The letter was a little heart, which made Crash feel better! When I opened the Important message, he had gone somewhere, with what looked like a truck in the background. After that he was just doing his little bobbing around the screen thing again :p .


EDIT:// I forgot to add that he fell asleep at 11 PM sharp! G'night, Crash!


My life: Nada, Zero, Zilch. No updates right now! :D


Extras: Billie Joe... Jeez I haven't seen that man in forever :p


☼ *mimitchi*


PS: Can someone spare me some information? When my tama opens it important messages and goes somewhere, it looks angry at the world. Is it something I did? Pleeease PM me!

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[SIZE=10pt]*Cry, Sob, Sniff* Bad news guys...Crash died today. [/SIZE] :ph34r:


This morning, everything seemed perfect. I woke up at 8:45 AM and Crash was still asleep. We went to church, and I had left him upstairs when I took the little kids downstairs for children's church, and when I returned my Dad had my little dead tama in his hand. I felt terrible for leaving him up there =[


He died with his stats at:

Name: Crash

Hungry: 0 Hearts

Happy: 0 Hearts

Training: 0 bars

Intellectual: 28

Arts: 15

Social: 35

Age: 6yr

Weight: 98 lbs

Points: 3510


1st Generation


I posted a memorial for Crash in the Tamagotchi memorial section. Once it's up, I'll have the link.


My life: Nothing still. Scanned a few Instruction sheets which I sent to the Admin. They might appear in the Tamagotchi Reference Section later.


Extras: Go here. Its fun!


I shall reset Crash in a few minutes, and put the information in a new post.





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[SIZE=14pt]Okay so heres what happened. I reset him at 12:45 PM. And waited...and waited...and waited...until..*drum roll please* It's a GIRL! I named her Izzy. Then, I fed her 4 pieces of bread and we played jump rope. at 12:57 Izzy got sick, and it took 1 shot to cure. She took her nap at 1:18 and woke up at 1:22. She had her first praise at 1:28. [/SIZE]


Then it was my turn to take a nap :p


As of now, Izzy is still on pause. I shall unpause her now. She has poo beside her, but thats about it.


Izzy's stats:

Name: Izzy

Hungry: 3 hearts

Happy: 3 hearts

Training: 1 bar

Intellectual: 7

Arts: 10

Social: 5

Age: 0yrs

Weight: 6 lbs

Points: 1400


1st Generation


EDIT:// *gasp!* She changed! Into a Harutchi :p at 5:19 PM


Me: Nothing. Getting ready to play Guitar Hero :p .


Extras: Patrick = On the phone :(


More later!



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Nothing's been happening so far... I had Izzy on pause for the time I played Guitar Hero, and just now unpaused her and found her asleep at 9:53 PM. Goodnight, Izzy! :p


My life: Nothing. Except for tomorrow, I will be going to a friends house! Woo! Were gonna go swimming, then to the movies.


Extras: Some pictures for your enjoyment :angry:


Izzy Sparks = Best Guitar Hero character ever <3

My Boys = The best boys

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[SIZE=12pt]Wow... its been a while since I responded... =] I've been busy... again. As for Izzy, she's been on pause. Again. When I looked at her, she was sick, had 2 poos, and the attention light was on, and she had mail. The sickness took one shot to cure, and as for the mail, she got a fortune cookie, and an important message. Mrs. Frill came to visit! They jumped off the little screen, and visited the pre-school. Then, Mrs. Frill gave Izzy a present. [/SIZE]


After all that, I fed Izzy four pieces of bread, and four tarts.


My life: Busy, busy, busy. My Grandfather has knee surgery today, and my Mom is taking off from work, because otherwise I would be home alone. Then for the next two days, I'll have to stay with friends because everyone will be gone (parents work, grandparents stay at hospital). So, I may not update for the next few days.




Baahahaa...Patrick rocks ;)



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[SIZE=14pt]Woo! I actually have time to update! Right now, I'm at my Dad's office and Izzy is still on pause. Its 7:38 AM and I desperately want to go back to sleep *ZzZzZ*...I just unpaused Izzy and she is still asleep. Apparently she fell asleep with the attention light on...*hint hint at my bad caretaking skills again*... Ruuh....[/SIZE]


I must go now...



Still at the office >.<...Izzy is out in the car on pause. Dad is watching UFO videos. I'm stuck here with nothing to do. This was pretty much a pointless post :p

[SIZE=14pt]MUST UPDATE! Okay first of all, Izzy turned into an Ojyotchi. She is asleep right now though. But I had to wake her up to check the mail. Okay so she got:[/SIZE]


A fortune cookie, A message that contained a heart, and an important notice. When I opened the important notice, Izzy had graduated school! Yay... thats my happy moment for now ;)


Izzy's stats are as follows:


Name: Izzy

Happy: 4 hearts

Hungry: 4 hearts

Training: 1 bar

Intellectual: 7

Arts: 10

Social: 5

Age: 1 yr

Weight: 34 lbs

Points: 1400


1st Generation


Mm'kay, It's time for her to go back to sleep. Night, Izzy!


As for me: STILL BUSY AS HECK. Papaw just got home from knee surgery and is having the therapy done at the house, but its a good thing, because he don't have to go back to the hospital. I have to go to piano lessons tomorrow, and haven't practiced whatsoever. Oh yeah, and remember the link to Crash's memorial? Well, guess what? I finally have it.

Click me I'm a link.


My entertainment section:


Fall Out Boy is making a new video, and I found pictures and videos and whatnot XD Enjoyyy!


Click MEH

[SIZE=14pt]Alrighty. Nothing much has been happening latley. Izzy just got some more mail which was a fortune cookie and a message. The message was from the King! He left Izzy 200 Points! Here in a second Izzy and I will play some games and put all other stuff that happens in a new post. [/SIZE]


Me: Just got home from piano. Ruhh... I must also go to VBS tonight.


Other Junk: My Blog... its not much yet, but I'm still updating. :mellow:


All for now,


~ *mimitchi*

[SIZE=14pt]Izzy and I just played some games. We played:[/SIZE]


Flag: We played it once and got all the way to round 8, with 400 points.




Shape: and we only got 10 shapes :p


Wow, pretty fascinating huh? Onlynotrly :p


We might visit TamaTown later...but Caio for now!




PS: My Dad just said "Far Out!!"....... I lmboed :D :D :D :D

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*Cries* Not again! Izzy died the other day. I didn't have time to update because I was gone. You all must think I'm really terrible with taking care of my Tama. I know you wouldn't trust me to babysit yours (I wouldn't want me to babysit my own either =[ ).


Well, I guess It's time to reset. So, I just set the time and date and stuff, and now I'm waiting.......still waiting....It's a... boy! I shall name it...Jynx. I did the usual, fed him and played with him until he was happy. I'll post more of our activities in the next reply.


~ *mimitchi*

Wow. I haven't updated in forever and I've got a lot of explaining to do. Jynx has been on pause for pretty much the entire time I replied last... :S and is still a baby. Yes, I know, it hasn't even go-- He changed! Well, that was a nice interruption! He changed into mohitamatchi... And is currently asleep at 8:39 PM.

Okay, so why haven't I been updating? No reason really, except for that my tama was on pause, and I've been going crazy on MSN and Guitar Hero, and replying to other threads in TamaTalk too. Wow, what a pastryfied excuse. I have to go to work with my dad in the morning... again. This time, I'll be smart and bring a jacket :) Other than that, nothing important is popping up in my mind at the moment.

Peace to yourselves. I must wallow in my boredom and daydream about nothing. I make no sense. Get over it.

♫ *mimitchi* ♫


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