My V4 Log


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I am now a mizutamatchi. I am cool :furawatchi: . I am a little triangle.

That's right. Now I have to get your weight down with games and games. That means more money and skill points. I adore you. You'll become a tensaitchi.

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Hi I am Mike. Whatever Walt says it's not true. I have not been mean!

Of course you have been a bit bothersome Mike.

Yeah Mike.

Walt it's not your business.

Yeah Walt.

Mike I'm giving you a time out.

I am Walt and I am a Mizutamatchi.

They already know that Walt.

bye bye. bye.

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[SIZE=14pt]Please do not post in my log![/SIZE]

I paused the tamas right now.


Three major things. I'm now writing in blue.Walt evolved into a Hinotamatchi and Mike evolved into a Poniyotchi or the male ponykotchi. Walt will now be writing in red.


Hi nothing much happened. I have the same characters as before. I'm turning Walt into a Sisamashi. I'll play flag with him right now.

Ooh yay! I love flag. I'm going to be cute.

He gets all the attention. Walt gets to be a good character. Nothing about Mike.

I'm sooo hapy for Mike. He is older than his brother and he is really cute. And what did you say Mike.

Mabe not.

Well bye.bye.bye.

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I stayed up last night so late I saw Mike go to bed at 10:00!I have to breakfast right nnow. see ya,


Hi guys! I sated up really late and saw my pyonotchi go to bed at 10:00 and stayed up almost until 11:30. Nothing is going on. Mike will be 4 and Walt should evolve soon. But they're still sleeping and I'll let them talk later.


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O.k. I will be writing in red yet again because Walt evolved.

I am Walt and I'm writing in orange because I am a













bye everyone.

Walt and Mike don't have jobs yet

I'm going to be a brave fiefighter.

I'm going to be a hair stylest.

Those are great jobs!

Walt and Mike don't have jobs yet

I'm going to be a brave fiefighter.

I'm going to be a hair stylest.

Those are great jobs!

opps sorry I have a slow computer

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Like I said I just became a firefighter!

I know and you got a helmet too.

My teacher likes me so much he kept me to show a responsible tamagotchi. I'm not being held back, I'm being paused.


Mike is offically a dad. I'll let him talk about it.

I am a dad. I have a beautiful girl named Pam. She is a baby now but I hope she'll be a memetchi. Mabe even a Maikko!

I haven't had the matchmaker yet. I think she's avoiding me.

Don't worry Walt. You will get a boy and be a father too.

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I am a dad! Another girl. I might be on pause for a whole to wait for Katie the Nikatchi to have a baby boy. I am going to name my girl Kathy. If Katie gets a boy She'll name him John.

And I have a job! I am a rockstar.I am famous and my brother is brave.

Hi! I am back from a trip. The sad thing is I had to keep my tamas paused.

Hi! I still have a baby girl and still have the same job.

I still have the same as Walt.

I'll be getting Mike and Walt to leave their children soon!
