~* My v4.5 Log! *~


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Great news! My brother's tama had a...




That means his tama, and my tama can mate when they get old enough! Yay! I've found a mate for Bella and April hasn't even left her yet, haha. Just wanted to share that!


-Evelia :D

-April B)

-Bella :)

WOW! Sorry for not posting!! I have been busy. Well, I have some news about Bella. She's a...




Great, huh? Anyway, no stat check today because I have to go soon. Bella is 2 years old now and should age tonight. But, I will be gone for a little while so don't be expecting any new posts for a week or two! So sorry!


Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!


-Evelia ^_^

-Bella ;)

Hey guys! I'm back! Bella was on pause most of the vacation, but she's now a Mametchi! Yay Bella! She's four now and shoud turn 5 tonight. Ooooh matchmaker soon. FOURTH GENERATION!!

Oops, I have to go. But I PROMISE I will post a stat & mail update in about an hour or so. But before I go...




That joke the Admin played was hilarious. x]

Here is that long awaited stat & mail check that I promised you. :eek:


[SIZE=14pt]Bella's Section[/SIZE]


State & Mail Check

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 2/9 (wow...)

Funny: 29

Gorgeous: 143

Spiritual: 66

Age: 4 years

Weight: 40 pounds

Gender: Girl

Generation: 3rd

Points: 170 gp (OUCH! Need to play some games...!)


Mail: Bella's fortune is three for money, one for love, and two for strength. She also got a job at the hair salon! I haven't tried it yet but I'll try it after I finish and let you know how it is. Other then that, Bella hasn't changed much. She has been on pause while I was on vacation. Hopefully I can get back into the routine again. :p




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Well, the matchmaker came to Bella! She had yet another... GIRL. UGH. Oh well, I'm still debating between Skye or Misty for a name. PM which one you like better. :mellow: Anyway, I'm starved...hehe...so I'm going to post later, I PROMISE! Thank you for reading. :huh:





Sorry for not updating yesterday! I have been busy. Anyway, I decided to name the baby Skye! She is a hitodetchi toddler. :nazotchi:


[SIZE=14pt]Skye's Section[/SIZE]


Stat & Mail Check

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 1/9

Funny: 25

Gorgeous: 20

Spiritual: 10

Age: 0

Weight: 39 (ouch... need to play some games!!)

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4th

Points: 35,660 gp


Mail: Two for money, three for love, and two for strength. Skye also went to PreSchool! She loves it. Skye is also turning 1 today, and will evolve into a teen! Yay! I wonder what she'll turn into...


Also, yes I made my avatar. I was bored today so I decided to make it! I am really pleased with it, seeing as I made just about all of it in MS Paint. And this was my first try. Like it? PM me and I might just make you one!! They're fun to make lol. ;)


Evelia and Skye


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