~* My v4.5 Log! *~


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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
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Hey everyone! This is a diary about my tama, Sally. She is the second tamagotchi tht I have had(first one I lost, it was named Sally, too) Anyway....please don't post here-its against the rules. Other then that, enjoy!



Sally's Stats:

Happy: ****

Hungry: ****

Training: 4/9

Age: 2 years

Weight: 21 pounds

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st


Hey everyone, its Sally! I'm a teenager and I'm zouritchi! I'm a little mad about that, but oh well!! I just had breakfast, after sleeping for 13 HOURS!! I think that's a new record for me! Evelia says we can go to TamaTown later... yay!

Thanks, Sally. Anyway, I promised Sally that we would go to TamaTown...so bye for now!


-Evelia :furawatchi:

-Sally :ichigotchi:

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Well, we just got back from TamaTown! I finished my list of codes that has every code for EVERYTHING on TamaTown. I started it a few days ago, and... presto! Its done, yay!! Anyway, I bought her a lollipop as a celebration gift. :)

Hey guys! Its Sally, I just had the BEST cherry-flavored lollipop, EVER. I also went to TamaTown for a while. I visited the King, the mall, and the bank! It was so much fun. Before that, I connected with my friend Troy, and now we are BEST friends! I can't wait to see him again tonight!!

Haha, Sally. You'll see Troy tonight, after your dinner!

Other then visiting TamaTown, nothing new is really happening. I bought a melon, and earned a lot of GotchiPoints-oh, and gained one training level! I now have 5/9 training points. That's it for now!


-Evelia :huh:

-Sally :ichigotchi:

Sally just evolved! She evolved into EXACTLY what I predicted she would be. A....



I knew she would be that because I CONSTANTLY played games with her. Lol! Anyway, Sally wants to talk!

Hey guys!! Its me, Sally. I EVOLVED INTO AN ADULT!! Evelia says that I am a Horoyotchi. Cool, huh?! Oh, and I turned 3!! Yay!! Bye for now!

Thanks, Sally. Now time for a stats check!!

Sally's Stats:

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: 5/9

Age: 3 years

Weight: 30 pounds

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st

Points: 1,100 gp


But the weird thing is... after she evolved... she went back to sleep. Huh. Can anyone PM me the sleeping times for the horoyotchi? If you could, great! Anyway, that's all for now!


-Evelia :ph34r:

-Sally :rolleyes:

Color change! I will now post in this color, and my tama will still post in orange.


Sally just got back from TamaTown! We visited the King, the Hospital, and the arcade. I got her some candy & 500 gp. Sally wants to talk now.

Hey guys! Its Sally! I just ate some candy and it was delicious. :hitodetchi: Evelia says that I can see Troy again later, he is 2 now. Evelia also thinks he will evolve tomorrow then we can make a second generation! Yay! If I have a girl, I will name her Skye.(common name, I know. But I like it!!) If its a boy, then I will name him Bill.(another common name LOL) I'm so excited! Got to go now, time to eat!!

Thanks, Sally! She is eating some cereal now. Well, I better go now. I'll update later when Troy evolves. <_< (In case you guys don't know who Troy is, he is my bro's Tama...aka Sally's mate)

-Evelia :kuribotchi:

-Sally ;)

-Troy :furawatchi:

Well, I've had a VERY random day. But this log is about Sally, not myself.

Sooo... in Sally-Land Sally turned 4 and Troy turned 3. Troy should age in a few hours. :D

I can't WAIT to continue on with the second generation. But now its time for a... STATS CHECK!

Sally's Stats:

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: 5/9

Age: 4 years

Weight: 38 pounds

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st

Points: 2,510 gp

So, Sally is doing great now. A little on the heavy side, but with a few games I can fix it.

Anyway, when Troy evolves, then I'll mate him and Sally together. Hopefully it'll be soon! I'll post when Troy evolves. :p

-Evelia :furawatchi:

-Sally :chohimetchi:

-Troy :ph34r:


I'm not quite sure what he is now... but he evolved! Yay! I'm still having issues trying to get them to make a new generation. Can someone help me? Tell me what I'm doing wrong? I posted a topic about this under 'Help for New Tamagotchi Owners' with more information.


Sally's doing good, as is Troy. Sally graduated school! Now I'm just waiting for a job... I THINK she got a job at the TV station... but it won't let me go to work. Idk. Help? LOL, I'm new to the v4.5, as you see.


-Evelia :)

-Sally :lol:

-Troy :eek:

Hey everyone, Sally got a job! She works at the TV station. I'm still trying to figure out that job ...lol.

Sally's Stats:

Hungry: ***

Happy: ****

Training: 5/9

Age: 5 years

Weight: 38 pounds

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st

So she also turned 5! Anyway, Sally hasn't talked for a while and wants to talk.

Hi guys!! I got a job!! I work at the TV station. Its hard, but SO much fun. Uh oh got to go, I'm hungry!

So, as you can see by her stats, she needs to eat! So I'll log laters. Byes people,


-Evelia :(

-Sally :eek:

Sally and Troy mated! They had two little girls, and Sally decided to name hers Skye. :D

Right now they are sleeping, so they can't talk. Its so cute!

So, once Sally leaves I will continue on with the SECOND generation, yay!!

Nothing else really happened...

-Evelia ;)

-Sally ;)

-Skye :eek:

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted, I have been busy. Well, Sally left her baby! I decided to name her April instead. She JUST evolved into a hitodetchi. She's so cute. :furawatchi:


April's Stats:

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 1/9

Funny: 42

Gorgeous: 14

Spiritual: 15

Age: 0 years

Weight: 33 pounds (ouch...need to play some games)

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2nd

Points: 3,120 gp


Fortune Time

April's fortune is 3 money, 1 love, and 1 strength. Hopefully she'll get some mail from the King!


Since my bro's tama is a girl now too, lol, I will have to wait for the matchmaker this time. Ugh... oh well.


That's all for now! I'll update later today or tomorrow.


-Evelia :(

-April :kuribotchi:

Hey! Okay, so April evolved into a...




She is such a cute japanese tama. :mellow:


Anyway, time for stats!


[SIZE=14pt]April's Section[/SIZE]


Stat & Mail Check

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 3/9

Funny: 60

Gorgeous: 24

Spiritual: 130

Age: 1 year

Weight: 22 pounds

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2nd

Points: 4000 gp exactly :mellow:


Mail: She got three stars for points, and two for strength & love. She also got a new teacher, the same as her mother! She got Mr. Turtle(I like calling him that, lol). He is teaching her lots of things, and boy does she love it! Other then that, no mail so far. But, she has been on pause while I was at school and just got un-paused two hours ago.

All right, that's really all that happened today! I'll update more tomorrow when April hopefully turns two.


-Evelia :D

-April :mellow:

Yo, yo, yo. Nothing much has changed, but my v5 family evolved into adults ...I left them off pause all day, and didn't play with them at all to see what would happen. Baha lol. Now they're all fat though. LOL. xD


Anyway... onto April...


[SIZE=14pt]April's Section[/SIZE]


Stat & Mail Check

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4/9

Funny: 60

Gorgeous: 27

Spiritual: 154

Age: 2 years

Weight: 25 pounds

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2nd

Points: 660 gp(Need more.. points..)


Mail: Three for points, with two for love and strength...again. Huh. Weird. Oh well, she hasn't recieved anything else as of now. Well, I think I'll start talking about my v5 now...which means, I'm going to actually start USING IT. OMG. Lol.


[SIZE=14pt]The Ocean Family[/SIZE]


The Ocean Family has just now come into existence. But they are adults. I have two boys, Bradley & Bob, and one girl, Sarah. Bradley is a Mukuge-tchi, Bob is an Uhyo-tchi, while Sarah is a Pote-tchi. Their stats are so embarrasing but here we go...


Stat Check

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bondage: 10%(you see what I mean by EMBARRASING?)

Family: Blended

Generation: 1st


Phew.. okay.. tomorrow they can use the dating show. Yay? I don't know but oh well!


Okay, long update but thanks for reading! I'll update more either tomorrow or later on today. Amazing I can still update after such a long post, eh?


-Evelia :angry:

-April :eek:

-The Ocean Family :blink:

I am so mad!! My tamagotchi is cursed!! It ALWAYS gets the ugliest tamas!!! First the horoyotchi, now the...




What is wrong with my tama?! Boy, once these three days are up and the matchmaker comes I will REJOICE! :angry:


Let's move on to a stat check...


[SIZE=14pt]April's Section[/SIZE]


Stat & Mail Check

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4/9

Funny: 69

Gorgeous: 28

Spiritual: 210

Age: 3 years

Weight: 20 pounds

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2nd

Points: 2750 gp


Mail: Okay, her fortune is three for points, two for love, and two for strength. Is this normal? Her fortune hasn't changed in three days! Weird...


Okay, so I came home from school and woke April up.(I set the time so she sleeps while I'm at school) I play a quick game with her then look at the store. Nothing good, so I run to check my brother's tama. His has GROWN! And its only three! Excited, I check on April and she is three! So, at that instant, April EVOLVED! But, as you know, into a shitekitchi...she would be perfect for a job as a teacher. Ah well. I guess I'll have to move on. So my first two generations were horrible? Third times' the charm! ;)


Let's move on to the Ocean Family.


[SIZE=14pt]The Ocean Family[/SIZE]


Nothing new has really happened with my v5. Their stats are the same, and nothing else has really happened. So, I think I'll stop talking about the Ocean Family now as they will be on pause again due to boredom... :p

Okay, sorry for the long post! I'll probably post later today or tomorrow. Hopefully by the time the weekend is over I will have a brand new tama! A new tama every week, lol!


-Evelia :(

-April :kusatchi:

Quick update! April has gotten a lot of mail in the past hour... LOL.


[SIZE=14pt]April's Section[/SIZE]


Stat & Mail Check

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4


Funny: 69

Gorgeous: 28

Spiritual: 210

Age: 3 years

Weight: 21 pounds

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2nd

Points: 3850 gp


Mail -- April has recieved a LOT of mail. The same fortune, but she also got two letters from the King. The first was a gift. He gave April make up! I was so excited! So, when I tried to use it...she had a question mark over her head. I guess she doesn't know how to use make up... :kusatchi: Oh well. The second letter was POINTS! The King graciously gave April 1100 game points. Now, I have more money. Muahahahaha. Lol.


Other then that nothing else has really happened. I just wanted to update you! More later today or tomorrow. Most likely tomorrow!!


-Evelia :(

-April :p

Hey guys! April is sleeping now, and she turned four! Hopefully she will get a job soon. Let's do a stat and mail check.


[SIZE=14pt]April's Section[/SIZE]


State & Mail Check

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4/9

Funny: 96

Gorgeous: 29

Spiritual: 241

Age: 4 years

Weight: 26 pounds

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2nd

Points: 5430 gp


Mail --- Well, as I said before, April is sleeping. But, before she went to sleep I checked her fortune. She had three stars for points, and one for strength and love. Other then that, she has recieved no other mail. I expect a job interview for tomorrow! Yay. Let's see... I was pretty busy today and nothing really happened. We went to TamaTown and played a few games, won a few prizes. Nothing else really new.



April might be meeting another friend soon. My friend has a tama and we are going to connect them soon! Yay!


Signing out,

-Evelia :angry:

-April :D

Hiya! April STILL hasn't gotten a job yet, but my bro's tama got one this morning! His is a fire fighter! :furawatchi: Right, let's get to the stats.


[SIZE=14pt]April's Section[/SIZE]


Stat & Mail Check

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4/9

Funny: 119

Gorgeous: 29

Spiritual: 243

Age: 4 years

Weight: 24 pounds

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2nd

Points: 5000 gp, exactly! Haha!


Mail --- Three for points, one for love, and one for strength. No job offer yet... but, when she does get a job, I hope for her to become a teacher. She certainly looks the part... lol. I also expect the matchmaker to come either today or tomorrow. April normally ages around 3:00 or 4:00 PM. So only a few more hours then she's 5! And matchmakers come when they are between 5-7... hehe. My friend's tama got the matchmaker today AND a UFO! She loves it. I think I'll start saving for a UFO now... haha... I'm getting off topic.


Well, that's all for now! I'll update either later today or tomorrow!


-Evelia :D

-April :rolleyes:

I have some exciting news. April got a job! She is a...




I'm so happy! That's EXACTLY what I wanted! Now I just need to figure out that game LOL.

[SIZE=14pt]April's Section[/SIZE]


Stat & Mail Check

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4/9

Funny: 119

Gorgeous: 32

Spiritual: 295

Age: 4 years

Weight: 22 pounds

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2nd

Points: 9300 gp


Mail --- Well, as you know, April is now a teacher! She loves being a teacher. Also, the King came and gave her 1100 points! She was so happy! Also, a new fortune. Its three for points(how come I always have the highest amount for points?!) two for love, and one for strength. A slightly better fortune then earlier today! April also said goodbye to Mr. Turtlepedia. She was devastated. He has taught her mother, and now herself. But now, April knows its time to continue on with the next generation.


April will be aging in the next hour or so, and then tomorrow when she ages she will be 6 years old - when the matchmaker comes. So, expect only a few more posts about April then we will be moving on with.. the THIRD generation! Wow! I was thinking, if its a girl, then I shall name her Bella. If its a boy, then Bill. Bill is in honor of my second generation tama v3 that died a while ago. And Bella is in honor of Bella Swan, a fictional character in Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer. Best series EVER! Back on topic now... oops, that's all I had to say. Lol.


I'll post again later today or tomorrow! Most likely tomorrow unless the matchmaker comes!


-Evelia :huh:

-April :(

Hey everyone! April turned five yesterday, and should turn six TODAY! YAY MATCHMAKER! Hehe... April also got her first pay check! It was about 1,500 points. Hey, give her a break... she's on a teacher's salery! LOL!


[SIZE=14pt]April's Section[/SIZE]


Stat & Mail Check

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4/9 (ugh..)

Funny: 132

Gorgeous: 32

Spiritual: 347

Age: 5 years

Weight: 24 pounds

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2nd

Points: 10370 gp


Mail --- She has a new fortune! Two for points, one for love, and three for strength. Other then that, April has been fairly neutral.


Okay, that's all for now! I'll update tonight when the matchmaker comes for April!


-Evelia :D

-April :lol:


I'm naming her Bella! Yay for Bella! She's so cute!

Anyway, I have to go. I just wanted to say that Bella is now in this world! Er, shell I mean. Lol.


-Evelia ^_^

-April :lol:

-Bella ;)

[SIZE=21pt]Welcome Bella![/SIZE]


Well, Bella was born yesterday. Her mother is leaving her tonight and Bella will begin on a new journey in my little tamagotchi shell. Right now, April and Bella are happily floating around the screen. Let's check on April and Bella's stats.


[SIZE=14pt]Bella and April's Section[/SIZE]


Stat & Mail Check

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4/9 (haven't been focusing on training very much...)

Funny: 144

Gorgeous: 34

Spiritual: 381

Age: 6 years

Weight: 24 pounds

Gender: Girl/s

Generation: 2nd/3rd

Points: 6050


Mail --- Well, a new fortune! Its three for points, with two for love and strength. And, obviously, as you know the matchmaker visited April last night. She married a handsome Tougyotchi, I believe. Together, they made little Bella. Well, I'm sick today so I'll have plenty of time to care for April and Bella. I'll post more later today or tomorrow!


-Evelia :lol:

-April ;)

-Bella :kusatchi:

Hello! April has not left Bella yet, but let's have a little talk with Bella to keep ya'll entertained.


Hey guys! Its Bella! Goo goo gah gah. CAKE!


Shhh Bella, I'll get you some cake. Apple cake or cheesecake?




Haha, okay. -feeds cake- Did you like it?


Yummmmmmm......... -burps-


Bella! Your manners!


Excuse me. Sorry mom! Goo!


All right, that's enough for now. I'm still sick so I'll update later!


-Evelia :D

-April :mametchi:

-Bella :hitodetchi:

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