my V4.5 log!


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hi guys! nothing much happend too Lily or Shilo.but theres some big news!I orded a V5 off ebay and it should be coming on monday or so excited! I will add the V5 too my tama log when it araves.the V5 is the love my family design.I will let Lily and Shilo say what they think about having a new member in the family(and the tama log)!Lily will go so excited too have a new member in the family and the tama log(or three new members because theres three eggs at once)he he!thanks Lily!ok now for very excited too just like Lily!I wonder what the V5 is will find out soon Shilo.yeah little sis` you will find out soon and so will I!will thats all for now,


Tamalove2,Lily and Shilo

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hi guys!great news!I got my V5 today!I got two daughters and one son.I named the family Rose.the first daughter is a omututchi.the son is a futabatchi.and the second daughter is a mimifuwatchi.and I made names for them.the first daughter`s name is Rosie.the son`s name is Jake.the second daughter`s name is Anna.they will always right in blue.I will let you tell them about thereselfs.OMG!we are so excited too be in a tama log!this is so cool!ok so Lily and Shilo,this is the Rose family,Rosie,Jake and Anna.very nice too meet you,Rose!triplets!so cool!very nice too meet you too.thats all for now,


Tamalove2,Lily,Shilo and the Rose family

hi guys!great news!the Rose family evoled!Rosie is now a belltchi!Jake is now a mattaritchi!Anna is now a sakuramotchi!I got the bondage % up too 40 and they run around and fall on there faces!he he!lets let them say what they think about being todlers.WOW!its so cool too be todlers!thanks Rose family!thats all for now,


Tamalove2 and the Rose family

hi guys!great news!the rose family evoled!Rosie is now an ichgotchi!Jake is now a bakutchi!Anna is now a shelltchi!lets let them say what they think about being teens!for this post,Rosie will wright in pink,Jake will wright in grayand Anna will wright in yellow.

it feels great too be a teen!I love being a ichgotchi :chohimetchi: !I feel very good and wise.I feel like a little strawberry!

it feels great too be a teen!the best part about being a teen is you get too act crazy and have partys!I look like a bomb!so cool!so cool!


I love being a teen!I look like a shell!so cute!


thanks guys!hey Shilo,wana go too tamatown?yes!ok.yay!I will post back about our vist when we get back.thats all for now,






Tamalove2,Shilo and the Rose family

Hi guys! I am so sorry I did not post for a while.Anyway,alot happend!th rose family evoled!Rosie was a hotteatchi,Jake was a kutchipatchi,and Anna was a Memetchi.I put Anna on the dating show to try and get the meme family.On the third try,the Matchmaker had a mumutchi!I said yes and Rosie and Jake cryed with Anna ;) .then they left and Anna and the new Father(I now named him D-jay) kissed and turned into parents.I now got the meme family!They had two babys and they evoled into a cute memetchi and imotchi.I named the memetchi Ella and the imtochi Delila.lets let them say what the think about being in a tama log!OMG!OMG!We are so excited to be in a tama log!Also Anna and D-jay(parents)well talk sometimes and they will write in yellow thats all for now,






Tamalove2,Lily,Shilo and the Rose family


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