my V4.5 log!


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March 2008 Contest Winner
Jan 2, 2008
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hi this log is about my tamagotchi V4.5. I well always right in this color and my tamagotchi shall right in this color. my tama`s name is Lily.she is a teen zorotchi(I think thats how you spell it).well I well let her tell you about herself. hi im Lily im very excited to be in a tama log. when I grow up I want to be a purmatchi(I think thats how you spell it).thanks Lily. now I well tell you her stats: hungry:♥♥♥♥






0 years

23 pounds


gen 1


user name:Lizzy

ps. please do not post in this log but feel free to pm me with your coments

tamalove2 and Lily

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hi Lily just went too school and she got poo. yuck! eh ahem sorry. as I was saying after she was done we went again. poo again. she played soccer and danced with her clone then she went back too school. finaly she got skill points! im happy she got skill points or she would probably look like memetchi. shes right over here :lol: bye


tamalove2 and Lily

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hi me and Lily just went to tamatown and.... can I please tell them tamalove? sure thanks! so we went to tamatown and I got 200 points,an organ and a picture book.we went to school and I helped clean up the gym. I was always falling over.we played the game 4 times first I was 4th place,4th place,4th place then finally 1st place! I was surprised! then we visted mame city and helped catch falling blocks. then we visted my old preschool teacher. then we left. it was fun! can we go again tamalove?sure yay! bye! bye!

Tamalove2 and Lily

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Lily just went to school and got skill points and...HI GUYS! LILY! :) [SIZE=8pt]sorry. [/SIZE]as I was saying she got skill points and played a game of apple she caught 38 apples and...can I please tell them?ok. thanks! I caught 38 apples and ate 3 of them. he he!oh yeah heres the color key :me= purple Lily=red both=orange




Tamalove2 and Lily

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hi guys! tamalove is not here right now so im gona make a post myself. well im the captin of my soccer team and practice every day. when I was a todler I got my first soccerball. also when I was a todler I was a tamatchi.I was tamalove`s first ever tamagotchi.I remember right when I hatched tamalove yelled ITS A GIRL!she thought hungry ♥s were supposed to be low because it was labled HUNGRY I was sad until her friend told her they were supposed to be high. she filled them up right away.I was happy.LILY!WHAT ARE YOU DOING :) opps gota go!



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hi guys! Lily just played in her playhouse and played on her slide. she had fun. I checked her latest star mail and it was good!it said:2,3,2 I love geting star mail!I was really mad at Lily because she posted by herself when I told her not to unless im there to see what shes saying. :angry:






tamalove2 :) B)

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hi guys! Lily is playing her stero....[SIZE=21pt]dun dun dun dun! du du du duuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnn! :eek: [/SIZE]TURN THAT DOWN LILY NOW!!![SIZE=8pt]sorry.[/SIZE] :angry: :angry: IM SO ANGRY WITH YOU! this wont be prety so I will finish this post later......

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im back. I was sooooo mad at Lily for playing her stero that loud!so she played her stero and she is going to bed soon. I well post when she falls asleep









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Lily just fell asleep


aw sleep tight my little angel




Tamalove2 and Lily

Hi guys!Lily just woke up and we are gona go to tamatown now I will post back when we come back about our vist.


Tamalove2 ;) and Lily

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hi guys! me and Lily just got back from tamatown and we had to leave early because the loding froze up :( . Lily was sad but shes over it.all we got to do was watch the movie love and get the poster for it.







Tamalove2 B) :furawatchi:

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hi guys!tamalove2 is not here right now so Im makeing another post by this post I will tell you about my brothers and sisters.brothers:#1 Tito. he`s very shy.but not with me because he was tamalove`s second tama and I was he`s only tama friend back then.#2 Andy!.he`s not shy at all.loves making friends and is always gentle.#3 King!.he`s not shy but not the talking tipe.he`s always praticeing standing on he`s ball.#4 Red.he`s in love with my sister Maya.has known Maya for most of his life.sisters:#1Kylie.she`s realy kind and always looks up to always talking.last but not least:Maya. she loves Red back.has known Red for all of her life.well,thats my famly(my brothers and sisters,NOT my parents and grandparents,besides im gen 1).LILY WHAT DID I TELL YOU? :D uh-oh :furawatchi: gota go!





hi guys. Lily just fell asleep.






aww good night Lily



Tamalove2 and Lily

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hi guys. sorry I did not post for a while.not much happend to Lily.but shes gona sing a song her old preschool teacher taught her. LA LA! TAMAS ARE COOL,TAMAS RULE!OH YEAH!!!!!!!! :p thanks Lily. ok :D .BYE!

Tamalove2 B) and Lily

hi guys!I am makeing a quick post saying that when I grow up and the matchmaker comes I hope that she brings a uramametchi.[SIZE=21pt]LILY HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TOO TELL YOU :D ?[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]OH NO!IM SORRY! :eek: I NEED TOO GO! BYE![/SIZE]


hi guys! im sooooooo sorry I did not post for a long time.I was really sick and could not come to my computer.Lily not doing much any more.listen to Lily and see what I mean. these days have been SOOOOOO boring.see?im wored my log is geting too boring.please PM me saying if you love my log or hate my log.please tell me if I should keep this log going or if I should stop posting. :mametchi: .I don`t know what to do.thankyou. :ph34r:



tamalove2 and Lily.

:hitodetchi: :p :D (=)

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hi guys!sorry I did not post for a while.anyway,I decided to add my V3 tama to this V3 tamas name is shilo,and she will always right in green so I will let her tell you about shilo and im excited too be in a tama owner tamalove does not know what my character is but she well find its name for you all later.thanks shilo.oh and I forgot to tell you guys what the shell designs on my tamas are.well,my V4.5 is the staned glass design,and my V3 tamas design is green with flowers I well post shilo`s stats:




0 years old

16 pounds




2725 points

user name:Lizzy


well, thats all for now. PM me too say hi too Lily and Shilo.HI GUYS! HI GUYS!


Tamalove2,Lily and Shilo

hi guys.Lily and Shilo just fell asleep.I turned the lights off for Shilo.



aw good night Lily and Shilo.



Tamalove2,Lily and Shilo

hi guys!im gona bring Shilo and Lily too tamatown now so I will post about our vist when we come back.




hi guys!were back from tamatown so I will let my tamas talk about there trip.Shilo will go first.hi guys!ok,so we went too the acade and I played ring toss 4 times.first the prize was the prize was a skatebord.then the prize was a bassball cap.last the prize was a balloon.then we went too the racecar game.I thout mametchi would win so I said mametchi would win.and guess what?if you guessed that mametchi won then you were right!if your right you get two is the smileys:☺☻.then the loding froze up ^_^ .so we had too leave early :D . thanks Shilo!now for Lily.hi guys!so we logged on too tamatown and the loding froze up straght away :( .so we could not go on tamatown.but dont worry,im not sad like memetchi is.shes right over here: :( .thanks Lily!well,gota go!


Tamalove2,Lily and Shilo


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