My V3 Tama Log


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I've set the time to like 1 am for both tamas right now cos these little kids are coming over and one of them likes feeding my tamas a lot. :)


I think we're having dinner with them as well...that doesn't give time for my tamas to turn 3. WAAAAAAAH! ;) I want them to evolve tomorrow!!!


Hmmm...I'll just set the time back and make them sleep when the littlies come. :) Yay!

Well, a fill the training about up to 4 or 5 and let the hungry/happy hearts go down quite a bit. Not too much or you'll end up with a Nyorotchi. :(




I've set the time to like 1 am for both tamas right now cos these little kids are coming over and one of them likes feeding my tamas a lot. :(


I think we're having dinner with them as well...that doesn't give time for my tamas to turn 3. WAAAAAAAH! :( I want them to evolve tomorrow!!!


Hmmm...I'll just set the time back and make them sleep when the littlies come. :( Yay!


Poor tamas... you should hide them away and say you lost them. :ph34r:

Ok, the character was called Decotchi. Anywayz, a few days later, the matchmaker came on both of them and they both married a Robotchi! Hmmm...I think Mayu and Aya have the same tastes. Mayu got a girl and Aya got a boy. Yay! I named the boy Romeo and the girl Julliet(but I only managed to fit Julli so I call her that.) I couldn't think of any names and I thought, well, I'm mating them anywayz so, might as well name them that! Right now, Julli is a kuribotchi and Romeo is a kuchitamatchi. By the way, BIG news!!! My sister left her V3 at a restaurant and she also lost her oldest V2!!! I told her that if she kept her other 2 tamas, then she will loose both of them and then she told me that I could look after them after she finds the other 2 tamas(I think she won't find her V2 though, don't you agree?)
I had that one to! 2 generations ago! :ph34r:

LOL FROG! good idea but like I have a feeling my mum would ask if I really lost them or not or something...yeah... :(


Oh cool! Which character did you get Tamagirl97? :)

Ok, so Raphy and Leo are both 3 and guess what? Raphy caught up to Leo! They both have 7 bars of training! :D Hmmm...wonder what they'll turn into? Maybe they'll turn into different characters cos yesterday, we went out for dinner and I left both Raphy and Leo for a while and once I'd found they had fallen asleep, I saw that Raphy had lost 3 happy hearts and about 2 hungry hearts!

Leo's never lost as much happy hearts before so yeah...I'm waiting for them to evolve right now, I really want a robotchi! I've never had one before and they're so cute! In my opinion. ;) Hope they evolve soon! :D Oh Raphy lost a hungry heart! Ok I've fed him! I'll go exercise him I think, brb!

Oh yeah! I wanted to ask, what does lbs stand for? :eek:

I'll update later!

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Oh My GOOOOOOSH!!! :kuribotchi:


I can't believe it! I was on the computer and glanced down at Leo and saw that he had turned into a Mimitchi! Then, later on, after having a shower, I just came down to find that Raphy had turned into a Kuchipatchi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :furawatchi:

After waiting for about 1 year, I have succeeded in getting a mimitchi!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!! -_- AND a kuchipatchi at the same time!!!!!!! :hitodetchi:


Raphy's just like his grandad! :kusatchi: So happy! :D

Oh yeah! I wanted to ask, what does lbs stand for? :blink:

I'll update later!
LB stands for pounds. :3

I didn't get a Mametchi! I got a Leaftchi! :33333 She is so so so so kawaii!

Gee thanks! :eek:

You got a leaftchi? Lucky you! I'm jealous. :D

I've only had one once before! Then, I had to turn him into

an oldtimer...I didn't want to though... ^_^ ...


Raphy and Leo are 4 but they're turning 5 today! I don't think the matchmaker's going to come though.......There was a treasure box and a lamp at the shops so I got those for Raphy, from the treasure box he got 800 points!

Yay! :D But from the lamp, the genie cast a storm cloud over Raphy and Raphy lost all his happy hearts! Sooo not fair! What did Raphy ever do to the genie? :eek:

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Gee thanks! :D You got a leaftchi? Lucky you! I'm jealous. :)

I've only had one once before! Then, I had to turn him into

an oldtimer...I didn't want to though... :lol: ...


Raphy and Leo are 4 but they're turning 5 today! I don't think the matchmaker's going to come though.......There was a treasure box and a lamp at the shops so I got those for Raphy, from the treasure box he got 800 points!

Yay! B) But from the lamp, the genie cast a storm cloud over Raphy and Raphy lost all his happy hearts! Sooo not fair! What did Raphy ever do to the genie? :eek:
Like I said, look forward to lots of comments by me... you'll NEVER get lonesome :D

Yeah, I figure she should have an advantage at playing heading, she has such a big head.

-steals points and eats genie- :9

Lol funny! :huh: (Yeah that's why I come on daily, to see what you've said.)


Raphy and Leo haven't turned 6 yet...hope the matchmaker comes soon...I got Leo a spade, thinking that I'd get another snake but this time, I got 300 points! :huh: Yay!


I got Raphy a ticket to...somewhere. The ticket cost 5800 points so he doesn't have much points left...saving up, here we come! :furawatchi:

Lol funny! :D (Yeah that's why I come on daily, to see what you've said.) 

Raphy and Leo haven't turned 6 yet...hope the matchmaker comes soon...I got Leo a spade, thinking that I'd get another snake but this time, I got 300 points! :furawatchi: Yay!


I got Raphy a ticket to...somewhere. The ticket cost 5800 points so he doesn't have much points left...saving up, here we come! :D
omg I think you're exaggerating :huh:

My MEF! is 6 today. -chews nails- The matchmaker didn't come. Mabye tomorrow... I got 2500 from the spade once, i think. ;D

What's the ticket look like?

I set the time to 6:59 again on Raphy and the matchmaker came!She brought a Tsunotchi. I pressed yes and...Raphy got....a BOY! UHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHH! This is the 3RD time in a ROW that I got 2 BOYS!!!! :chohimetchi: :ichigotchi: :gozarutchi:

This is SOOO NOT funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I have to think up names for boys AGAIN!!! Uhhh...Great...

I'm going to breathe fire out of my mouth if I have another batch of boys!!!!!! I'll go ask my sister if she can start up her tamas again...then we can mate our tamas like mad and our tamas will have more friends! :nazotchi: He he...I don't think she'll be too convinced though. >.<; :hitodetchi:

I set the time to 9:00 (it's 6:45 am over here!) and named the V3 Finn and V2 Paul (they're boy names from my fave books! :) Right now I've been exercising them and taking cre of them really well. I want a mizutamatchi and a kinakomotchi or something so I've left them upstairs while I update my tama log.

I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. >.<; I was at a competition...



Finn turned into a Tamatchi and Paul turned into a Kinakomotchi!!! He he! I'm happy! :lol: My dad's coming back on Sunday so I'll get the tamagotchi cases then...if my friend found dad's back in Japan right now so he should of got them by now... <_<

I set the time to 9:00 because I knew that Paul and Finn were going to evolve. I had the sound turned off while I was getting ready for school. I had a peek and found that.........Finn turned into a...............Hinotamatchi!!!!!!!!!!! AND..............Paul turned into a...........................................Young Mametchi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!!!! :( I've wanted a young mametchi for so long! :(


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