My V3 Tama Log by tamalover99!


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I just "borrowed" one of my brother's V3s. I played games on my tama and his tama until they had 1000p each. I donated to the king. After that I just connected them because they got:

After 1000p----100p for winning, 200 for perfect

After 3000p----150p for winning, 300 for perfect

After 5000p----200p for winning, 400 for perfect

Sorry, I haven't gotten any farther than that.

At first, my brother was really mad, but then I showed him the password for the King on TamaTown and he was really happy.

:D B) :( :D :D

I did that because I was bored and it was actually fun, it took about 30 min. because we hadn't donated any points when I started. :lol:

P.S. Only 33 more minutes until 11:45!

P.S.S.:[SIZE=14pt]YAY! 21st post![/SIZE]

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I just visited the King on TamaTown!

Souviner List:



3.special key








13.panda bear








21.teddy bear

22.Golden Tamagotchi

23.Rare CD

24.Rare shoes

25.poster 1

26.poster 2

27.poster 3






Next post, my tamas babies!

The parents are making standing up, looking at the babies...

...the lights are on (I left them on)...They're gone. :lol: B) :( :D :D

...I have reset Rosie, now a boy named Apple...

...I'm shaking with sadness right now. :D :lol: :( :( :(

More info next post...I have to pull myself together. (No, I am not crying but I am sad. :( )

Ok, i'm happy now (My brother made me laugh.) :D

All the babies are about 1 second old, on pause.

Pink V2: Generation 1

Orange V3: Generation 2

Blue V2: Generation 3

*unpauses tamas* :)

Posting stats next post (sorry about all these delays) :mellow:

3 babies at a time!!! :D :p :eek: :D :D

It's been about 30 min. and it is hard to take care of 3 babies! They are taking naps now so I can quickly post stats:

Blue V2

Name: Peach

Age: 0

Weight: 5 lbs.

Hungry: ***

Happy: ****

Training: 0/9

Gender: Girl

Generation: 3rd

Character: Baby girl

Orange V3

Oh, no! They just woke up!

The rest of stats next post :D :eek: :mellow: :)

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Blue V2

Name: Peach

Age: 0 yrs.

Weight: 12 lbs.

Happy: ****


Training: 2/9

Gender: Girl

Generation: 3rd

Points: 962p

Character: Hitodetchi

Orange V3

Name: Mango

Age: 0 yrs.

Weight: 10 lbs.

Happy: ****


Training: 1/9

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2nd

Points: 902p

Character: Mizutamatchi

Pink V2

Name: Apple

Age: 0 years

Weight: 10 lbs.

Happy: ****


Training: 1/9

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1st

Points: 270p

Character: Marutchi

My goals in Tama life:

I) Get a/an:

a.Mametchi* :)

b.Memetchi :)

c.Mimitchi B)

d.Kuchipatchi* :huh:

e.Robotchi B)

f.Ichigotchi :)

g.Masktchi* :mimitchi:

h.Pochitchi :(

i.Gozarutchi :lol:

j.Hinotamatchi* (Darn, no smiley!)

k.Furawatchi* :rolleyes:

I SOOO want these characters...(*=I've had it before)

II) Get more than 6 generations without my tama dying

III)Get all the souviners on TamaTown

IV) Get a Version 4 Tamagotchi someday!

V) Mate most of my tamas instead of the Matchmaker :lol:

With my tamas, it's just eat---game---random.stuff.on.screen---eat.again...

When they're teenagers it will be a little more exiting because I have decided to make Apple and Peach mate, which means I'll be connecting a lot. :D

The next post will be when something interesting happens.

(Or when I feel like posting. ;) )

My brother's tama just beeped. I'll take care of it because he's downstairs and can't hear it.

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I was wrapping my brother's Christmas gift when Apple beeped for no reason. He needed a

time-out but I accidentally gave him praise! :blink: Then I gave him a time-out but he did not get a training point and he lost a happy heart! :D :( :( :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

I'm going to a party tonight and I am taking my tamas. :lol: :p :blink: :blink:

BTW I probably won't be able to post again until tomorrow, the party is going to last a long time.

:blink: :D ;) :D ;)

[SIZE=14pt]YAY! 31st post!![/SIZE]

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[SIZE=21pt]YAY!!! YIPPEE!!! YAHOO!!!!![/SIZE]

[SIZE=21pt]3rd PAGE!!![/SIZE]

[SIZE=21pt]170 VIEWS!!! YAY!!![/SIZE]

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The party ended and we went home. Even though it's 10:00 pm, my mom let me on the computer because I'm on winter break! :D :D :p B) B)

OMG!! oh, no. My brother was running into his room to show me a Line Rider course and he ran right into his bedpost!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :lol: :(

My dog is licking him and making him laugh. :p :D

Now I'll go play Line Rider, I haven't played in a long time.

Line Rider (Click here!)

My tamas are sleeping, they should evolve at 1:04 pm tomorrow.

More info next morning!

P.S. TomorrowisChristmasEve!

My tamas woke up at 8:00 am and I woke up at 8:10!!! :angry:


Blue V2


Age: 0 yrs.

Weight: 11 lbs.

Training: 4/9

Hungry: IIII

Happy: IIII

Gender: Girl

Generation: 3rd

Points: 912p

Character: Hitodetchi

Relationship: 4 happy faces with Apple

Orange V3

Name: Mango

Age: 0 yrs.

Weight: 10 lbs.

Training: 3/9

Hungry: IIII

Happy: IIII

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2nd

Points: 1102p


Relationship: -----------------------------

Pink V2

Name: Apple

Age: 0 yrs.

Weight: 11 lbs.

Training: 2/9

Hungry: IIII

Happy: IIII

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1st

Points: 285p

Character: Marutchi

Relationship: 4 happy faces with Peach

I have another plan:

Peach and Apple mate--They get paused until Mango gets the Matchmaker--unpause all

of them--they leave the same day--Yay! Babies are same age!!

They should evolve into teenagers at 1:04 pm!!! (And then 3 days later I'll see if I got anyone on my list of characters!!!) ;) :huh: :angry: :D

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NO FAIR!!!! My brother's tama just evolved into a :huh: !!!!!!! That's on MY character list!!!!!!!!!

(Then again, I am trying to get :angry: )

Mango got another training bar and I played Jump with Peach...

Hurry up, 1:04 pm!!!! I want to see what teenegers I get!!!!

(If get an :angry: , I will be the happiest person EVER!!!!)

Peach and Apple got 1 training point each. (Apple got Time-out, Peach got praise.)

When will something INTERESTING happen???!!! B) ^_^

I will compose a chart when interesting things happen.

Interesting Events

10:38 am----Peach and Mango lose a hungry heart. I feed them.

11:24 am----Apple loses a hungry heart. I feed him.

11:25 am----Peach and Mango both lose a hungry heart. I feed them.

[SIZE=21pt]All my tamas are 1 year old!!![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Only half an hour until they evolve!!!!![/SIZE]

:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :lol: ;) :ph34r: :lol: :nazotchi: :mimitchi: :nyatchi: <_< :wacko:


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