My V3 Log


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We didn't win the bid, but we bought one for $19.99+shipping :D . It should get here in like.... 7 days. A WHOLE WEEK!!!! I'll still get it eventually though. Here are Ricky's stats:

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 3/9 bar(s)

Age: 1 year(s)

Weight: 22lbs.

Gender: boy

Generation: 2

Points: 6109

Username: Julie

If you have questions, feel free to PM me.

:D /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :lol:

I really wanna tell u but I have to tell you quick, the Tama im gettin is the yellow one w/ stars. Im pretty sure that youve seen that one before. GTG.


:huh: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :huh:

These are Ricky's stats now:

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 5/9 bars

Age: 2 year(s)

Weight: 21lbs.

Gender: boy

Generation: 2

Points: 1583

Username: Julie

Not much else.......... oh yeah... if u have any questions feel free to PM me. Thank u for reading my log and................ have a nice day.

:kusatchi: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :D

Guess what? My new Tamagotchi is in Champlain, NY! I live near Albany (I can't remember what town I live in!), so it might get here by FRIDAY!!!!! It wasn't even supposed to get here THIS week; it was supposed to get here NEXT week!!! I can't wait!!!

I'll give u even MORE details tomorrow (that is, if the package goes anywhere else by tomorrow!).

:ichigotchi: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :kuribotchi:

P.S. it came from Canada, incase u were wondering why its taking sooo long!! :hitodetchi:

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Yeah and YIPPIE!


Ricky turned into a Pipotchi! Sorry I didn't tell you this morning; I had a friend over and we weren't allowed to go on the computer (guest rules.).


I checked online to see where my new Tamagotchi is, and it's AT THE POST OFFICE ACROSS THE STREET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! After my long hard 3 days of waiting it finally comes! We are going to pick it up tommorow morning....... ttyl!

:puroperatchi: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :mametchi:

P.S. If you have one of the same tamas, PM me! I'm taking a poll for school next year!

My tamas are:

blue and white camouflouge

colered stars w/ yellow backround

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Here are Ricky's stats:

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 6/9 bar(s):

Age: 3 year(s)

Weight: 43lbs.

Gender: boy

Generation: 2

Points: 3831

Username: Julie

This may be the last of Ricky. (sob) When I get my new Tamagotchi, unless Ricky gets married and has a kid, I am going to reset him. I mean, it's not like I'm on generation......... 100! If I was I would not reset it.

These are the final stats for "The Two Generations: Shay and Ricky". Ok, maybe thats a little dramatic, but hey, I'm RESETING him. This is my only memory (sob):

Shay: Teletchi->i forget :chohimetchi: ->Patapatatchi->Pyonkotchi

Ricky: Teletchi->Kuchitamatchi->Hikotchi->Pipotchi

WOW-a lota P's!

Bye for now!

:kusatchi: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :nyatchi:


I have a good idea! I can pause the new Tamagotchi untill Rick has left the baby......... I don't care if that takes a while; im gonna do it! I just want my Tamagotchi's to get married.

now the FINAL bye!!!!!

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GROW, RICKY, GROW! GROW, RICKY, GROW! GROW, RICKY, GROW! GROW, RICKY, GROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I REALLY want him to grow so I can start my new one sooner!!!!!

I got my Tamagotchi!!! :lol:

I reset my camouflouge tama. Their names are:

blue: Norm (boy) (I wanted his name to be Norman, but it can only take up to 5 letters!)

yellow: Ali (girl)

They are already best friends (well, 4 smilies!) When they are adults I am going to mate them! I can't wait to see what their babys will look like!

To get a boy and a girl, I kept reseting the blue Tamagotchi untill I got a boy!

Here are their stats:

Tamagotchi: Yellow with stars

Name: Ali

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 1/9 bar(s)

Age: 0 year(s)

Weight: 12lbs.

Gender: girl

Generation: 1

Points: 500

Username: Juls

Tamagotchi: blue camoflouge

Name: Norm

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 1/9 bar(s)

Age: 0 year(s)

Weight: 12lbs.

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

Points: 425

Username: Julie

GTG! Bye!

:lol: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :lol:


I'm at my friend Emily's house; she has a Tamagotchi! It's the green flowered one. She thought it needed new batteries, but she just forgot to set her username, the time and all that jazz!

Norm and Ali are just fine. They've both donated (each) 1,171 points to the king! Now, instead of 30 points when they play games with each other, they get 100 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I gotta show Emily around TamaTalk!!

:D /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :p

Hey again!

I forgot to tell you that this MORNING, Ali and Norm turned into Teletchi's!!! So did Emily's tama. Now we have a house full of TELETCHI'S!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to ask Santa for another Tamagotchi for Christmas; I know, I'm looking into the future, but hey, a girl can only dream!!! Here are their stats!

Tamagotchi: blue

Name: Norm

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 3/9 bar(s)

Age: 0 year(s)

Weight: 18lbs.

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

Points: 1379

Username: Julie

SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to go. I'll tell you Ali's stats when I get home!

:D /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :p


We went to this weird festival yesterday and it's like a 3 hour drive! We left our house at like 7:00am and we got there at like 10:30am!!! We left at like 6:00pm, but we just HAD to go say hi to some reletives for like an hour and a half! Where do parents get these ideas to have their kid WAITING in places (such as a car, reletives house with nothing to do, ect.) BORED TO DEATH???????? Well at lest we got home before 11:00! Wegot home at like 10:49pm! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Anyways, yesterday, Ali and Norm, turned into Teenagers!! Norm turnrd into a Patapatatchi and Ali turned into an Obotchi! Well, I GTG eat brakfast. I'll tell you their stats after!!

:eek: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ ;)

Okay. Done. Ready. Here. Are. Their. Stats. (Sorry for the. Periods! Oops.)

Tamagotchi: Yellow with Stars

Name: Ali

Hungry: 4/4 heart(s)

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 6/9 bar(s)

Age: 1 year(s)

Weight: 23lbs.

Gender: girl

Generation: 1

Points: 3381

Username: Juls

Tamagotchi: Blue Camouflage

Name: Norm

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 7/9 bar(s)

Age: 1 year(s)

Weight: 25lbs.

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

Points: 4209

Username: Julie

If you have any questions about Ali or Norm, feel free to contact me.

:huh: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :huh:

P.S. I want a Memetchi, a Wooltchi, or a Chomametchi for adults!!!

P.S.S. If you don't know what characters these are, click on the link over there <-- that says 'Tamagotchi Connection v3 Character Chart'. Thank you for your support! The link is up a little ways on the side bar!!

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Hey! Sorry I didn't tell you guys about Ali and Norm earlier; I had summer camp! It goes on form like.......... 8:00am-3:00pm for the rest of this week and all of next week, so you won't be hearing from me durring the day-time!

Here are their stats:

Tamagotchi: blue camouflage

Name: Norm

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 9/9 bar(s)

Age: 3 year(s)

Weight: 22lbs.

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

Points: 3514

Username: Julie

COLOR=blue]Tamagotchi[/color]: yellow w/ stars (‘w/’ means ‘with’)

Name: Ali

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 9/9 bar(s)

Age: 3 year(s)

Weight: 22lbs.

Gender: girl

Generation: 1

Points: 3071

Username: Juls

Thanks for reading my log!! If you read this message PM me and I will............ give you a SUPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:ph34r: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :D

P.S. This is what the Tamas look like when you disipline them! :angry: LOL, LOL!!! :D

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I won't get to add to my log tonight because we're going to a party. Ali and Norm are still sleeping. Anyways, here are their stats:

Tamagotchi: blue camouflage

Name: Norm

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 9/9 bar(s)

Age: 3 year(s)(ALMOST 4!!)

Weight: 22lbs.

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

Points: 2064

Username: Julie

Tamagotchi: yellow w/ stars (‘w/’ means ‘with’)

Name: Ali

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 9/9 bars

Age: 3 year(s)

Weight: 22lbs.

Gender: girl

Generation: 1

Points: 2381

Username: Juls

Well, I gotta go tp camp!

:furawatchi: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :unsure:

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We got back REALLY late last night from seeing the fireworks! Ali and Norman have both tured into (------------drumroll please----------------------) MAMETCHIS'!!!!!! (I think.........) They evolved yesterday durring weaving. Here are their stats:

Tamagotchi: Blue Camouflage

Name: Norm

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 9/9 bar(s)

Age: 5 year(s)

Weight: 22lbs.

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

Points: 3453

Username: Julie

COLOR=blue]Tamagotchi[/color]: yellow w/ stars (‘w/’ means ‘with’)

Name: Ali

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 9/9 bar(s)

Age: 4 year(s) (I had to reset and download her a couple of times becase the screen froze! Now, she's younger than Norm :( )

Weight: 22lbs.

Gender: girl

Generation: 1


Username: Juls


:furawatchi: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :)


We got back REALLY late last night from seeing the fireworks! Ali and Norman have both tured into (------------drumroll please----------------------) MAMETCHIS'!!!!!! (I think.........) They evolved yesterday durring weaving. Here are their stats:

Tamagotchi: Blue Camouflage

Name: Norm

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 9/9 bar(s)

Age: 5 year(s)

Weight: 22lbs.

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

Points: 3453

Username: Julie

Tamagotchi: yellow w/ stars (‘w/’ means ‘with’)

Name: Ali

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 9/9 bar(s)

Age: 4 year(s) (I had to reset and download her a couple of times becase the screen froze! Now, she's younger than Norm :( )

Weight: 22lbs.

Gender: girl

Generation: 1


Username: Juls


:furawatchi: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :)


I wanted Norm to give Ali a presant, but they had their WEDDING!!!!!!!!! They now are taking care of 2 baby (drumroll) boys!!!!! I gtg to camp.

:gozarutchi: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :ph34r:

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Hi again!

Sorry I didn't give a very detailed post this morning! We had to leave in like....... 5 minutes AFTER I turned on the computer. I THOUGHT I had enough time, but no, the computer had to take 4 minutes to start up just this once! Then, the internet took like half a minute to load, but luckily, TamaTalk is my homepage! I just got lucky. LOL !!

Anyway, here are Ali and Norman's stats:

Tamagotchi: Blue

Name: Norm

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 9/9 bar(s)

Age: 6 year(s)

Weight: 31lbs.

Gender: boy

Generaton: 1 (soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo close to 2!!!!!!)

Points: 3753

Username: Julie

Tamagotchi: Yellow

Name: Ali

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 9/9 bar(s)

Age: 5 year(s)

Weight: 31lbs.

Gender: girl

Generaton: 1 (soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo close to 2!!!!!!)

Points: 1806

Username: Juls

Random things:

I'm doing this at the library down the street :eek:

Sorry for the double post!


:huh: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :eek:

P.S. If you want a suprise, PM me!!!!

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Too much is going on! I had camp, and last nicght we went to a ValleyCats; it ended up being the longest game in ValleyCats history, 18 INNINGS!!!!!!!!! Oh, and the Valley cats lost :huh: . Too much has happened. I made Ali and Norm leave the baby's and now they are Nick and Rick, they turned into 2 Kuchitamatchis yesterday, and this moring, Nick turned into a Hikotchi, and Rick turned into a Young Mimitchi! (This :( is a Young Mimitchi.) Well, here are their stats:

Tamagotchi: blue camouflage

Name: Nick

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 3/9 bar(s)

Age: 1year(s)

Weight: 22lbs.

Gender: boy

Generation: 2

Points: 4144

Username: Julie

Tamagotchi: yellow w/ stars (‘w/’ means ‘with’)

Name: Rick

Hungry: 4/4 hearts

Happy: 4/4 hearts

Training: 3/9 bar(s)

Age: 1 year(s)

Weight: 22lbs.

Gender: boy

Generation: 2

Points: 4266

Username: Juls

Well, I gotta go!

:blink: /*TamaTamaGirlTama*/ :huh:

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