My V3 Log!


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Well... the Matchmaker didn't come today... She'll come tomorrow for sure! I cant wait until 3:00 pm tomorrow! ( The Matchmaker always comes at exactly 3:00... as I've heard on other websites... ) Like I told you all before, I hope that Ollie's baby will be a girl, & that Zack's baby will be a boy... or that Ollie's baby will be a boy, & that Zack's baby will be a girl... either way, so that they're not the same gender... If they're the same gender, then I'll just have to wait for the Matchmaker to come for them like I'm doing this time... but it takes longer than the other way... which is why I want to go that route! :D Make sense? lol

Well... here's Ollie's & Zack's current status:


Hungry: 4 out of 4

Happy: 2 out of 4

Training: 9 out of 9

Age: 6

Weight: 65lbs ( he needs to lose weight... again... lol )

Name: Ollie

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Points: 819


Hungry: 4 out of 4

Happy: 3 out of 4

Training: 9 out of 9

Age: 6

Weight: 99lbs ( I STILL haven't started on him... I've never had the time yet.. )

Name: Zack

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Points: 519

Well... obviously, both Ollie & Zack are not very happy, overweight, and poor... I better go make them happy, skinny, and rich! :( lol

So... If anything other happens today... I'll let you all know! :(

:furawatchi: ~Cherry.pie

OMG GUESS WHAT!!!??? I have some very good news... & I have some bad news... The good news is......................the Matchmaker came for Ollie & Zack TODAY! She came at around 10:30, but I thought she'd come at 3:00... oh well! She gave Ollie a female Furawatchi ;) , & she gave Zack a female Memetchi :) ! I have two very lucky tamas!!! But... the bad news is................ The babies are both boys... :( Now I'll just have to wait longer... but thats ok... :lol: Yay! The matchmaker finally came!!! :lol: !!!

Now I just have to wait for Ollie & Zack to leave their babies... I wonder what I'll name the new babies...?

:p I think I'll name Zack's baby: NICK! ( short for NICHOLAS! ) I've always liked that name... But I don't know what I'm going to name Ollie's baby... Maybe... I don't know... I'll come up with something...

When I come up with a name for Ollie's baby boy, I'll let you all know! :lol:

:p ~Cherry.pie

Ollie & Zack look so cute with their baby boys next to them! Too bad one wasn't a girl... but oh well... I'll just have to take the LONG route for the next generation. :mellow:

Oh... guess what? I figured out what to name Ollie's baby boy! :D *drum roll please...* ........................................................................................................................................................... His name's going to be JASON! Ollie's baby boy will be named Jason, & Zack's baby boy will be named Nick! Don't they sound cute for two baby boy tamas?!?!

Anyways... Here's Ollie & Zack's Status: ( with their new baby boys! :lol: )


Hungry: 4 out of 4

Happy: 3 out of 4

Training: 9 out of 9

Age: 7

Weight: 78lbs ( I'm going to play a lot of games with him when I'm done typing this... )

Name: Ollie

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Points: 739


Hungry: 2 out of 4

Happy: 4 out of 4

Training: 9 out of 9

Age: 7

Weight: 99lbs ( I'm going to play a lot of games with him too... )

Name: Zack

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Points: 519 ( still )

Well... I should go play a TON of games with Ollie & Zack now... I'm going to make them as light as they can get! :lol: For Ollie, that's 30lbs, & for Zack, that's 20lbs ( don't know why they're different... hmm :p )

I'll post again when I'm done playing games, to tell you all how much they weigh, & how many points they have now! ( It's probably going to be a LOT! :lol: )

;) ~Cherry.pie

GUESS WHAT! The last ticket I needed, the Hawaii ticket, was in my shop! Since I had enough, I bought it! Now I have 30 out of 32 souvenirs! Can you believe it?!?! I just need 2 more souvenirs, then I got them all! I've know that one of the one's I need is a bicycle that you can get from your grandparents, ( once you've gotten that far... ). But the last one I need, #32, I've heard different things about... I've heard that it's a SUPER RARE photo souvenir that you can only get randomly on I've also heard that you get it by getting all other souvenirs first! So, I hope it's the last one... Because that would be a LOT easier to get! :D

Well... After I played a TON of games with Ollie, he now weighs..... 46lbs! Isn't that much better?!?! I'm almost to 30lbs... It shouldn't take that much longer... But with Zack, he's still at 99lbs... I'm going to start on him when I'm done with Ollie... But I'll probably start tomorrow... lol :p

So... after playing some games... Ollie has a lot more money! He now has 2,051GP! He spent 2,000GP on the Hawaii ticket, which means he used to have 4,051GP! So, I bet after he's completely done with his workout... he'll have about 3,500-4,000GP! Yay! :lol:

Well, I think that's it... If I think of anything else... I'll let you all know! Otherwise, I'll just post tomorrow... lol! :lol:

:lol: ~Cherry.pie

Well, sine I'm an impatient kind of person... I fastfowarded time for Ollie & Zack to 11:59, so they could leave & start the next generation... Well it worked, so now I have Jason & Nick! Yay! :D I went to right afterward to get the prize from the grandparents! I was right... the prize for one of one's I needed was a bicycle! Now I just need 1 more! :D YAY! :(

Well right now... Jason & Nick are sleeping... I didn't want to wake them up yet... but when I do, I'll tell you all about them!

^_^ ~Cherry.pie

Well... I woke Jason & Nick up... now they're full & happy! :(

Soo... here's they're current status:


Hungry: 4 out of 4

Happy: 4 out of 4

Training: 0 out of 9

Age: 0

Weight: 39lbs

Name: Jason

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Points: 2651


Hungry: 4 out of 4

Happy: 4 out of 4

Training: 0 out of 9

Age: 0

Weight: 42lbs

Name: Nick

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Points: 519

Well, I think that's it... When they grow again, I'll post again! :(

:) ~Cherry.pie
