My v3 blog!


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mimitchi ^o^

Well-known member
Mar 11, 2010
Reaction score
!WARNING! Before you start to read let me tell you I hacked my v3 ^.^ so it will always be the same character! Thanks!

My egg just hatched!

Its a sweet little girl,I named her Mimi!

Since its already Mimitchi i have all the games.We played heading :furawatchi:

Well, I guess you can say I suck, because I do at that game :huh:

30 Gotchi.I dont let her beep for me,So far so good!

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I fed mimi and played sprint,the best way to lower her weight.

I will list her opponents in the races she wins :hitodetchi:

Round 1:hanatchi

Round 2:mimitchi

Round 3:violetchi

Round 4:tarakotchi

Round 5:violetchi

Round 6:violetchi

Round 7:mimitchi

Round 8:kutchipatchi

Mimi did a little dance to celebrate her victory :furawatchi: I fed her icecream afterwards for an awesome game.

(What was with violetchi though! I mean seriously! She sure was competetive, or she just was mad at mimi for beating her that whole time :huh: )

The good thing is, Mimi has a weight to 38 now! woo for her!I bought Mimi a bow, And she tried it on. She looked adorable!She had to push it up to keep it on her head :unsure: I will post later today on how Mimi is. Bye! :wacko:

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4:57 PM

For lunch Mimi had two packs of french fries, I bought it for her from the store :unsure: Then later we played sprint. Once again, heres the list:

Round 1:mimitchi

Round 2:eek:jitchi

Round 3:violetchi

Round 4:violetchi

Round 5:mametchi (poor mimi :hitodetchi: she lost)

Oh well,with her left over cash from lunch,Mimi bought a cookie to save for later if she might get hungry. :huh: I think today is going to go by fine.

5:19 PM:

Mimi ate sushi for supper, then her cookie for dessert,still managing to keep her weight under 38. (its 35) See you tomorrow for more posts! Bye Bye! :furawatchi:

Uh oh :mellow: when I woke up,Mimi was already awake :eek:

The bad part is she had two hungry hearts gone and 1 happy heart! :angry:

I quickly got that up for her breakfast, then we played sprint.

Round 1:mimitchi

Round 2:mimitchi

Round 3:mametchi

Round 4:kutchipatchi

Round 5:eek:jitchi

Mimi lost with ojitchi, but she got 70 Gotchi! ^_^

See you later for more posts B)

3:24 PM

Mimi ate a beef bowl for lunch and played sprint :ph34r:

Round 1:dorotchi

Round 2:mametchi

Round 3:tarakotchi

Round 4:eek:yajitchi

Round 5:tarakotchi

Round 6:eek:jitchi

Round 7:mimitchi

Round 8:gozarutchi (mimi lost)

Mimi got 200 Gotchi! i fed her a treat anyways for getting to the last round.

Then i bought her a drink for later.Her weight is 33!Ill post later on how Mimi is! Bye bye! :ph34r:

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8:42 PM

Mimi had dinner late today :nyatchi: She had an omellete then played sprint.

Round 1:eek:yajitchi

Round 2:tarakotchi

Round 3:gozarutchi

Round 4:gozarutchi

Round 5:mametchi

Round 6:kutchipatchi

Round 7:androtchi

Round 8:gozarutchi

(now gozarutchi O_O from now on im going to take alittle of this and say who was here the most, :) )

We played sprint again, Mimi wants the new shades in the store!

(I dont think ive said it yet but if you complete all 8 rounds you get 600 Gotchi)

Round 1:violetchi

Round 2:eek:jitchi

Round 3:eek:jitchi

Round 4:mametchi

Round 5:kutchipatchi

Round 6:mametchi (Mimi lost :gozarutchi: *she got 135 Gotchi*)

Still not enough for the shades!We then played get music(here i just say the amount of points she has. :furawatchi: when she gets to 100, she completes the game)

%19 (Grr!! :pochitchi: )


Then all the sudden she fell asleep on me :wacko: Welp.. thats the end of today :kusatchi:

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Today I woke up at 8:18. Mimi was full so that was good. :D

For breakfast she had cereal, Then I bought her an umbrella and shovel at the store,And fish for supper. :p

Okay so I used Mimi's shovel,and cake came out! she ate it.then I used her umbrella. She justed turned back and forth with her umbrella, but it was cute. :)

Then we played sprint.

Round 1:wooltchi

Round 2:violetchi

Round 3:mimitchi

Round 4:eek:jitchi

Round 5:tarakotchi

Round 6:androtchi

Round 7:tarakotchi

Round 8:kutchipatchi (mimi lost :) )

See you guys later for more posts! B)

I didnt get to do a blog for the afternoon because i went to the store :(

we played sprint.

Round 1:violetchi

Round 2:tarakotchi

Round 3:tarakotchi

Round 4:kutchipatchi (Mimi lost :( )

Mimi was spending money like it was nothing today! Mimi bought two shovels, an ipod,a stuffed animal and a chest.Mimi used the chest, and inside was a chocolate heart!For dinner Mimi had fish, :D then used a shovel. inside was a cake! she ate it. then she bought a plant, shovel and bat wings at the store.Then played sprint.

Round 1:tarakotchi

Rouns 2:tarakotchi

Round 3:tarakotchi

Round 4:androtchi

Round 5:eek:jitchi

Round 6:eek:yajitchi

Round 7:tarakotchi

Round 8:eek:yajitchi

(WOAH! thats the first time I've ever had three in a row or 4 of the same person! i fed mimi a good icecream for her awesomeness!)

Then we played sprint again!

Round 1:kutchipatchi

Round 2:violetchi

Round 3:mametchi

Round 4:mametchi

Round 5:gozarutchi

Round 6:tarakotchi

(mimi lost against tarakotchi. Well, he got his revenge.)

Oh and i dont think i mentioned this, but Mimi turned 2 today!

Oh well, i didnt get to celebrate, she went to bed. See you tomorrow for more posts!

I woke up at nine again, :( but she was full. :D

I tried on Mimi's wings, it was angel wings for her character.

Then I used her shovels.

Shovel 1: Snake! :(

Shovel 2: cake! :D

Plant : a sunflower! :D

Then I used Mimi's ipod on her. So cute ^_^ !!! she was skipping to the music!

She had cereal then brushed her teeth.Then she bought a chest.

See you later for more posts! B)

2:27 PM

I didnt get to post for the afternoon again :( We had lunch at La Familla (a Mexian Resturant) and Mimi had a beef bowl,Then bought a melon for later. Mimi used her stuffed animal and turned into it! then we played sprint.

Round 1:tarakotchi

Round 2:wooltchi

Round 3:dorotchi

Round 4:kutchipatchi

Round 5:kutchipatchi

Rouns 6:hanatchi

Round 7:tarakotchi

Round 8:wooltchi

I bought Mimi some sunglasses for winning.I used the ipod on her, It was so cute! she was jumping to the music. :D :mimitchi:

5:24 PM

Mimi had fish for supper, then her melon for dessert.I used her sunglasses. CUTE! she put them down to see. :D :wub:

See you tomorrow for more posts! B) :mimitchi:

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Hi everyone! :kuribotchi: For breakfast Mimi had cereal,Then she bought two shovels at the store. Oh and today Mimi turned three! :mimitchi: I will celebrate after dinner.Mimi brushed her teeth.

(by the way im not going to play sprint this morning, Mimi is still tired :D )

Well today went slow. :chohimetchi: See you later for more posts I guess :ichigotchi:

Yay! mimi just got married to a kutchipatchi and had a baby boy! :mimitchi:

But she just pooped :mellow: (im not going to post tomorrow or later, im really tired :( ) bought mimi a wig and chest from the store. See you on friday for more posts!

:furawatchi: Mimi is 6 now and still is with her baby :eek: I hope it doesnt stay like this :huh:

(NEWS) I got my osutchi and mesutchi in the mail yesterday!! im going to start up posts of them :eek: )

Yesterday mimi bought a bow tie and a boom box, but the boom box wont work! I wonder whats up :( If you could please send me a message telling me why it wont work, Thanks!

Mimis weight is at 36 and 136 Gotchi. :eek: Well thats all for today! see you tomorrow for more posts! :( :huh:

Well alot has happened since my last post :furawatchi: mimi left, and her son became a bunbutchi :D but i dont notice him much :furawatchi: I think i cant do alot of these posts. I have now changed the dates to saturday and sunday! :furawatchi: Well Buh-Bye!

bunbutchi is doing good.... well to tell you the truth, I really dont know :( I put him on pause and I dont want to get him out yet, its cruel, but its worth it. ill post him again on easter so to all you fans, hold your horses and see me on sunday!

Yes I know I said I would post on sunday, but the day before yesterday bunbutchi married a bill! she had a baby boy! Well let me fast forward.




Bunbutchi just left her baby. Its a kutchipatchi!! (If you want to know why it turned into a kutchipatchi so fast, read my FIRST BLOG) I named him Timi (kind of like his grandma, mimi) Me and timi played sprint.

Round 1:hanatchi

Round 2:mametchi

Round 3:mametchi

Round 4:eek:yajitchi

Round 5:mametchi

Round 6:kutchipatchi

Round 7:wooltchi

Round 8:mametchi(kutchipatchi lost)

(Mametchi, Timi's good friend battled him.By the way, I mistaked bunbutchi as a boy! Im sorry ^_^ but it was a girl.)

Timi and I went to the store, he bought cheese for lunch and a cherry for later.

See you easter for more posts! ;) :p :mellow:

Well alot has happened since my last post, kuchipatchi had a girl and left, an the girl is a pyonkotchi! I named her pyon for short. ( By the way I wont be getting the p2, I bought two music stars yesterday. one is blue with green lines on it, and one is pink with different colored music notes on it) So anyways me and pyon played sprint.

Round 1:kutchipatchi

Round 2:dorotchi

Round 3:kutchipatchi

Round 4:mimitchi

Round 5:dorotchi

Round 6:dorotchi

Round 7:eek:jitchi

Round 8:gozarutchi

( she lost against gozarutchi :p She got 200 gotchi! )

Pyon bought a donut at the store to save for later.

See you some other time for more posts! :D

Hi guys! Pyon played heading. Its been awhile since her family has played it, shes bringing back her great grandmothers game (Mimi)

Her family still isnt good at that game, she got 8 Gotchi.

She wants to get good at that game, so she tried again.

Now she got 12 Gotchi! Shes getting better! :D

For lunch she had cheese and ate her donut.

Ill see you guys soon for more posts! :D :D

Wow, so much to talk about, so little time. Pyonkotchi had a girl and left, the girl is a mametchi named mame. mame and I played sprint.

Round 1:tarakotchi

Round 2:hanatchi

Round 3:tarakotchi

Round 4:mametchi

Round 5:mametchi

Round 6:dorotchi

Round 7:kutchipatchi(Mame lost here)

See you guys sometime soon for more posts! :p :D

Guess what! Im starting up my v3 again! but this time its having two v4 siblings.Let me set them up.

I named the mimitchi sam! Im waiting for the eggs to hatch.

They hatched into boys! Ill name them the mason twins.

Sam is playing sprint

Round 1:tarakotchi

Round 2:tarakotchi

Round 3:tarakotchi

Round 4:eek:yajitchi

Round 5:tarakotchi

Round 6:dorotchi

Round 7:mimitchi

Round 8:mimitchi

Sam is so adorable! It did as victory dance and won 800 gotchi!

The mason twins connected and played flags. The yellow v3 mason won! The pink v3 mason lost. :(

Oh well.. its good to bond, right?

They played jumping rope. Yellow mason got to 14 and won 100 gotchi! Pink got to 0, with 0 gotchi :( Sorry pink mason, its just not your lucky day.

Sam fell asleep!

The mason twins evolved into.. something And fell asleep :p (sorry if I dont know my tama names! Ive havent played v4 in two years!) Thats all for now! See you later!

~ :mimitchi: mimitchi :mimitchi: ~

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