My V2 logs =)


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Matchmaker came for Oz today! She came at uh.. I don't really know. I was early though, Around 10/11 or something o.o As I'd just woken up properly, unpaused (I'd paused them when I woke up briefly before) and then after checking everyone was ok and feeding etc, the matchmaker was on the screen!

So anyway he bred with a Pochitchi and now has a little baby boy.

Wooo Cordy and Gwen just changed. More diff characters! =D

Cordy is now a Hinatchi and Gwen is a young Mametchi!

Oz left a while ago (It's 12:44am) and the little baby boy is left. I don't know what I'm going to call him yet!!

Wes is nearly old enough for the matchmaker so I'll try and get a girl.

I called the baby Doyle. Haha. I'm running out of Angel names now x.x;;; Will post again later after he's changed.


Cordy turned into Marumimitchi, Gwen turned into Mametchi (not so woo as I've had it before) and the matchmaker came for Wes and I pressed b to get a girl and it worked!

I've got Doyle on pause until Wes's baby gets to the toddler stage then I'll unpause him so they can grow up together and I'll breed them.

Hahahaha. Was funny this morning. I looked at Doyle and he'd turned into a Ichigotchi, but Dru (Wes's baby) was still a Kinakomotchi, then when I looked again a bit later, Dru had turned into a Ichigotchi too!! Lol.

I hope they don't turn into the same adults! That would be too weird.

Yayyyyyyyyy. Doyle turned into the butterfly one! And Dru turned into the Tiger one!! Yay.

Matchmaker came for Cordy and Gwen, and Cordy had a girl and Gwen had a boy.

Argh I'm so behind on this. Rar.

Doyle and Dru mated, and I got girls, who I've now named Kate and Tara. Kate is now a Kinakomitchi and Tara is a Kuribotchi.

I named Cordys baby Buffy and Gwen's baby Angel. I can't remember what their toddler stages were, but Buffy is now a young mametchi and Angel is a Hinatchi.

There. Up to date lol.

Angel has turned into a Debatchi. It's so cuteeee lol. Kate is now a young Mametchi (groan) and Tara is a Ufotchi YAY!

Buffy hasn't changed yet, but then Tara changed before Kate even though they were born at the same time.

Buffy just changed into Furawatchi. Rar. Nevermind I haven't had this one for ages so it's not too bad. I wonder if that throne thing is true.. Hmm.

Buffy and Angel mated and Buffy had boys :furawatchi: I remembered to press a for boys and it worked. They'll be leaving tomorrow night probably.

Kate and Tara might change tomorrow.

Kate is now a Hanatchi and Tara is a Tarakotchi! More diff chars. Yay. Tara changed before Kate again, but Kate is cuter!

The boys are called Gill and Nick, they both changed into Kuribotchis, Gill is now young mametchi and Nick is Ringotchi.

The button thing didn't work this time :blink: I pressed b for a girl when matchmaker came for Tara, but I got a boy instead. Nevermind.

Well matchmaker came for Kate, and I pressed A (which normally gets me a boy) and it got me a girl Lol. It's always worked the other way before. But it doesn't matter as I have a boy and girl again so can mate them.

Gill turned into a Gozarutchi, and Nick a Maskutchi >=/ I didn't take that bad care of them! They only had less than 2 hearts once. Bah nevermind. I've been doing more important things anyway. Haven't had Gills character before anyway so it's ok.

I named the babies Harm and Mac, they both turned into Hitodetchis and are now both Puroperatchis! Another new char. Woo. Shame they're both the same lol. I wonder if they'll both be the same adults...


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