My V1


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Well, Jamie didnt get his wish for Logan to be a Kinakomotchi. He's a marutchi. Lisa gave him a ball to play with and he loves it! He plays with it all the time. I know a trick for version 1. You give them meals until they say they dont want anymore and it prevents them from getting as hungry. I am just wondering why I always get marutchi and never kinakomotchi. Im going to post a help topic in Help For New Tama Owners even though i am SO not new. it seems more appropriate than What Happened To My Tama!? because nothing has happened.

I'm going camping in a fewdays so i wont be able to get to a computer. im going to write a diary while im away and type it up when i come back. Logan plays with his ball heaps and loves it! Lisa thinks she's too mature to play with hers but when i give it to her you can see she really enjoys it! Logan wins most of the games they play together.


Shilo Logan & Lisa

Good morning! It's 8am and i just woke up! My family is still asleep, im on my laptop still in bed! The first thing i thought when i woke up was "jeebes! what time is it? are my tamas awake?' then i saw my clock and thought, 'ack! Logan just woke up too! What if he evolves, mum will have a fit, his sounds still on!' so i creeped down the hallway and found little Logan the marutchi, bouncing around happily. I turned his sound off and played a game of jump with him. he's ever so cute! I hope he evolves into young mimitchi but Jamie dreams of him being an ichigotci and thats a good option too! I found out that the toddler character is determined by the adult on v1. If you have mametchi, mimitchi, memetchi or maybe kuchipatchi, its baby will become kinakomotchi! Well, thats all for now since Lisa is asleep, i am hoping she will evolve today or tomorrow.

Shilo & Logan

EDIT*Forgot Lisa was asleep and had her in the signature.

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Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Logan just evolved into hinotamatchi! After all that good care... :( But i dont not love him, i'll just have to work harder to get mametchi. Going camping this afternoon but i promise when i come back i will type it up.Bye!


argh! i had so much of the log i wrote while i was away typed and my computer shut down! so im going to do short notes on them ok?


*Evolved into ;) at approximately 10am

*Wins eating contest most

*Happy that there is a smart girl on the Simpsons called Lisa

*Sometimes calls me Aunty Shilo

*Brushes her teeth LOTS!

*Does a crazy electricity dance!

*Went to bed on Saturday night down 1 of each heart with a poop.

* Her wig looks like a fuzzy swan!


*Felt left out of log when he was Hinotamatchi

*Evolved into :lol: at 10 this morning!

*Mostly wins balloon game

*Takes baths

*Doesnt have Kuchi Items yet but he will

*Went down all happy once-eliminated Mametchi as adult.

Thats it 4 now! I'm so happy about Logan being a healthy kuchipatchi! Maybe now his children will become kinakomotchi! I think i had kuchipatchi then kinakomotchi a while ago when i had done a poop schedule notebook log instead of this one and it drove me crazy so i quit. I did that on chip who's parent was kuchipatchi im sure & he became kinakomotchi. Chip was Deltas dad on my light blue v1 that got stolen (cries)/

Shilo Logan and Lisa

omg lisas matchmaker came! (wait a sec) OMG! baby boy! she mated with hanatchi! how cute! we will name him Red! Welcome to the world Red! aww! Lisa is in love with Logan too. But she is faithful to the Lone Hanatchi and wont leave him for Logan.

Logan just got his maracas! Shake shake shake! Hopefully Lisa gives him his other item later,


Yup, Lisa gave him a cap. He's happy, he says now he's musical AND cool. hehe.

Shilo, Lisa ;) and Logan :lol:

I found someones really excellent tama site. Here are their descriptions of Lisa and Logan,

Kuchipatchi: I love Kuchipatchis! They are a favorite, second only to Kiwitchi! They are romantic, lovable, daydreamers, although they are lazy and usually late. To get one, take average care.

Androtchi: Unlike most robots, Androtchi is actually cute! He has human feelings and cares about everyone. However, he tends to not say what he really feels. Androtchi is really fascinated with mechanics, but he doesn't know too much about them. To get one, keep his hunger needs satisfied but be forgetful with happiness needs.

I was a little forgetful with Lisas happiness when she lost games to Logan. My care of Logan was a LITTLE bit careless when it came to him losing games as well. Never mind! Red is destined for good things! His mummy loves him! She wants to post his hoped growth later.

my little bro got a v4 for his birthday and it died because he forgot to pause it when he went to school ( i take mine with me) and he thinks im so cool because i 'made it alive again' (aka reset it). Hehe! Anyway i was looking at the growth chart with Lisa and we decided what we wanted Red to become.

Babytchi (obviously)

Marutchi (because shes an androtchi he cant become kinakomotchi)

Ichigotchi (because he's the teen that wakes up earliest and can become mametchi)

Mametchi (because he's so so cute!)

Thanks! Nothing new with the tams yet. Red is so adorable blobbing up and down next to his mommy.

Shilo Lisa :) Red and Logan :D

I love your log it's probley the best I have to say.Keep up the great and fantacic work.Say hi to everyone for me and hopfully your tama's and you get your dreams...

King-Hi.Im a ringotchi.I'm girl and my name is a boys name but anyways.Cya

Thanks Zegotchi, I'm sometimes going to post news about my lil bros (my step.) Tamagotchi. It's a version four that I brought 'back to life'. Its name is Snach and he's a mohitamatchi. His teacher is Miss Frill and Snach is so adorable!!! Thats it!

Well the Tamas havent spoken in here for a while so i'll let them now-

:kuribotchi: Hi! It's Lisa!

I have to leave Earth for TamaPlanet tonight. I'll miss everything! Shilo took us to the pool today. But obviously we didnt get to go in! it had a HUGE blue slide that looked like SO much fun. I hope Red has a good time growing up on Earth. Logan is doing close ups! With a pretty flower for Shilo. How sweet, I still feel funny about calling Shilo mum but my dad didn't, but he IS a boy i guess. I've only seen my REAL earth mum once, when i was a tiny baby like Red. I have told Red to call Shilo mum though. she deserves it after all she's done for me! At least when i go back to TamaPlanet i will see my dad Matty again. And my husband, the Lone Hanatchi.


Lisa :nazotchi:

Hi! :huh: It's Logan here!

I dont have much to say except that mum went to the movies as well today, her little brother didnt want to see Hairspray so they saw Underdog. It was pretty cool! The gods real name was Shoeshine, haha! :huh: Mum also went into Supre which to me was pretty boring but she seemed to be having a good time. She found some tama holders she had made so we were pretty comfy in her pocket. I am proud to know that my relative Mark the Kuchipatchi was in the same holder as i was in today! wowee! i looked at Shilos log and he said she knitted tama beds so i asked her aout those and she said she lost them. but a short while ago she mad one out of a shoebox. i :nyatchi: that one lots hehe! Cause there is so muc room!



Good Morning TT! It's 9:10am and Red is awake, unfortunaetly when it was cared for by my friend she dropped really hard once and now theres a line of pixels missing. I put a space before and after RED and now because of the missing pixels it looks like FED. But I know it's Red and other people will know too because their Tama doesn't have the missing pixels. Red is just a little baby blob now and is very needy so enough typing, more caring!

Shilo Red and Logan :angry:


P.S I think Logans matchmaker might come today! He's so excited! 'Yes I am!!!'

KEY= purple writing- me green writing- Logan red writing- Red

EDIT- 10th page!

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Hello! Now im a little marutchi! Hehe! I looked at the log and my mummy put marutchi on her growth chart list! Yay!


Wow! page 10! Anyway, mum is really proud of me for giving Red a nice gift. He loves that ball! I loved mine when i was marutchi too! I think Mrs Busybody might bring me a partner tonight! I'm so excited! I remember how happy Lisa was when she gave birth to Red, i loved her so much but she was such a faithful wife to the lone Hanatchi although she never saw him again, she's probably with him in Tama Planet right now. Im glad she found someone. I hope for a little baby girl. Red has a little crush on Zegotchis tama, King but they've never met! They are good friends anyway. I'm going to go shake the maracas Lisa gave me before she left.

Logan :lol:

*sniffles* i just read Kings log and she's in love with Mametchi. =(


Awww. poor Red. Anyway, my stepbrother just left for his moms house and left Snach behind, lucky for him that I'll look after it. Snach evolved into Hinotamatchi last night and his teacher is Mr Canvas. His color in this log will be blue.

Hi! Im Snach, good thing Aunty Shilo will look after me for a little while other wise i'd be dead! lucky my sound was on otherwise Auntie wouldnt have found me. phew!

I've decided to unpause my V4, Pete. But he's at my dads place so i'll have to wait a little while.



EDIT- i made a new key.






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