my v.5 log


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Active member
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
hi i am a little late at starting this log but anyway here are the stats

happy 5/5


bonds 100%

points 610

Lisa belltchi

Danny mattaritchi

Mellanie sakuramotchi

next post they will talk

bye for now

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they evolved now I will tell you the stats then they will talk

happy 5/5

hunger 5/5

bond 100%

pionts 670

Lisa shelltchi

Danny korokotchi

Mellanie ichigotchi

now they will talk

Mell-I coppied this off malcom in the middle I'm not the baby now,I'm not the baby now and im not so small.I look like a strawberry isn't that great

Dan-I like being a teenager Its the best when I am an adult I hope mum chooses me for dating show.

I will not If you say it now

Dan-why not I am the only boy

because I said and I am your mum I make the choices around here :huh:

Lisa-I am the oldest ha,ha,ha haha

be nice to your siblings

Lisa-sorry mother_________

bye for now

(p.s mell changed the word a bit)

hi im back and nothing new but this i got 700 points bit boring dont you think. :eek:

bye for now

they evolved again they are growing up so fast

here are the statistics

hunger 5/5

happy 5/5

bond 100%

point 770

gender 1(nearly 2 gen)

Lisa hotteatchi

Danny kuchipatchi

Mellanie chantotchi


hi its lisa i like being a cup thing i think dan likes being a good character its not fair that hes a kutchipatchi bye

hi mell here i hate being the worst character of all its not fair

hye dan here it is so fair mell your the young one

bye everyone

hi i can use the dating show today i married danny to kutchipatchi thing with circles on is head

they changed into mama and papapatchis next post they will talk

bye :D

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hi how is everyone today

they will talk now

Dan-hi Dan here I am the man my sisters left and I get 2 baby boys,boys rule out girls boys rule out girls

hay Im still your mum here I named Dans wife Star

Star-Star here I have 2 wonderful boys bye

what Star said bye

Liam-Hi I am the proud child of Star and Dan I am a kuchipatchi :( my stupid brother is a chibipatchi that looks like 2 people ha,ha

Brice-hi I suck I look like 2 things bye

hey brice you are special in your own way

Brice-thanks grandma

Thats alright brice

bye for now

hi here r the stats

happy 5/5

hunger 5/5

points 340

gen 2

bonds 80%

bye :D

hi me again I think I can use the dating show tomorrow I have to marry liam I know I will probly get dating show tomorrow because I allready have waited two r the stats.

hunger 5/5

happy 5/5

bond 80%

point 4250

gen 2(soon 3)

Star-hi star here my little boys r growing up so fast (kiss kiss...)

Liam and Brice-STOP IT MUM


OMG I Have not postaed for AGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG I just found out that my tamas r on 3rd gen adults must of debugged

they r










bye :) :) :)


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