After almost a year I've started playing with my tamagotchi again. I started up my Transparent pink and Transparent Black V3s. I really like the see through designs when they are in nice colors. I plan to order a TMGC+C too, it looks fun.
On I think the 16th of January, I found my very fav and was my very first Tama. The V.3!
The next day, I quickly went out to the dollar store, and I got 2 packs of batteries. Each one has 3 in it, so that means I got 6 heh. I've been playing with my V.3 Tama since that day (Jan 17th) and the first bettery has still not gone dead yet! I'm really surprised... Well, atleast all these batteries will last be a long time since the first one has lasted for almost 2 months!