My Tama's


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WOW!!!!! I'm so happy!!! Today was a FABSY day!!!!! Roxie evolved into a... Mametchi!!!! My very first Mametchi!!!!! She's sooo cute!!!! Mametchi's are a bit bigger than I thought they would be. Mezzo hasn't evolved yet, neither of them have been on pause today, so there's a chance Mezzo might evolve tonight. My Mum and brother are leaving in 1/2 hour's time so I should be able to have them out and have the sound on for a bit, before Dad comes back!!!!!

Name: Roxie

Gender: Girl

Form: Mametchi

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Training: 7

Age: 12

Weight: 30

Generation: 1

Casing: Black with white buttons

Friends: Mezzo (4 smileys)

Name: Mezzo

Gender: Boy

Form: Itchigotchi

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Training: 6

Age: 7

Weight: 20

Generation: 1

Casing: Pale blue with yellow buttons

Friends: Roxie (4 smileys)

Dudey!!!!!! Both Roxie and Mezzo are simultaneously taking a bath!!! Cute!!!!

Mezzo had his back to me and now has 7 bars training, another Mametchi in order, maybe???

Oh bless!!!! Roxie the Mametchi's cleaning her teeth with her face right up close to the screen, and her little ears are waggling, and it's so SWEET!!!!!!!

I don't think Mezzo will evolve tonight, cuz he's exactly a day (human time, not the Tama's age!) behind Roxie, so he'll probably evolve tomorrow when he wakes up. He's hidden in my pencil case and he's on loud, so I'll hear if he does evolve. Belive me, if he does, you will be the first to know!

Both sleeping soundly and no... Mezzo didn't evolve tonight, so I think we're all set for tomorrow morning when he wakes up. Reading people's logs on here, its like their Tama's evolve really quickly, but I suppose it seems like that if they don't update every night. For me, it's taking ages!!! The Matchmaker should hopefully pay a visit to Roxie on Thursday, and maybe Mezzo on Friday. I don't know what to do yet, have them mate with an anonymous Tama from the matchmaker, or mate Roxie and Mezzo at the weekend, and then the babies will be synchronised, so I should be able to plan out evolving, and mating etc... I like the idea of that actually, roll on weekend!!! It's weird, this time last week I fell out with my Mum and wasn't talking to her and I would have given anything to stay in school longer, so I could avoid my family! Now, I'm so involved and attached to my Tama's again, I prefer being at home with them!!!

Mezzo evolved today, and after all my hard work and next to perfect care, he became a MASKUTCHI! I saw him sleeping and I was like WHAT???????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I have connected him with Roxie and they have fallen in love, awwww!!!!!!! Another 3 days and I am hoping to mate them.

Name: Roxie

Gender: Girl

Form: Mametchi

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Training: 7

Age: 13

Weight: 30

Generation: 1

Casing: Black with white buttons

Friends: Mezzo (4 hearts)

Name: Mezzo

Gender: Boy

Form: Maskutchi

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Training: 7

Age: 9

Weight: 20

Generation: 1

Casing: Pale blue with yellow buttons

Friends: Roxie (4 hearts)

I've connected a few more time, they give each other presents, but they're the presents that every Tama gets, like cake, flowers, poop, ghosts, etc. Boring!!! I've been setting the clock an hour earlier in the evenings, so that they stay up later and can keep me company. Nice warm weights in my pockets. They've been in my pockets all the time at school, recently!!! I've got choir tomorrow after school until 5:30, so I'm kinda worried I won't be able to check on my Tama's, but I love choir, our Easter Concert is next Tuesday, and I'm, in my element because we're singing two medleys, one, The Phantom of the Opera, and two... wait for it...

[SIZE=21pt]THE LION KING!!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE]

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Not much to report for today, Mezzo and Roxie got horribly neglected while I was in Choir. (Good rehearsal today though!) However, they're back up to speed, and tomorrow Roxie will be on her third day as an adult. (Friday for Mezzo, he's a day behind!), hopefully the matchmaker will come and I can get going in my quest for a Robotchi. Thank you to Nazochi, as I read all your posts last night and I now understand the hidden qualities like spirit and body better. I'll follow your guide and see if I get a Robotchi. g2g for a bit, see you in a few mins!

Back again. I spotted Roxie with her face really close to the screen, it scared me a bit when I first saw it, but it was really cute!!!!

Name: Roxie

Gender: Girl

Form: Mametchi

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Training: 7

Age: 14

Weight: 30

Generation: 1

Casing: Black with white buttons

Friends: Mezzo (4 hearts)

Name: Mezzo

Gender: Boy

Form: Maskutchi

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Training: 7

Age: 10

Weight: 20

Generation: 1

Casing: Pale blue with yellow buttons

Friends: Roxie (4 hearts)

GRRR! Mezzo's hearts go down quickly, he's even worse now then when he was an Itchigotchi! I'm hoping he's going to survive tomorrow while I'm at school, cuz he won't be on pause. Remember me telling you I used to have a Giga Pet? I've just been reading up about them and compared to Tama's they are seriously bad! And its like, I used to think this was GOOD? Roxie's a darling, she's just gone to sleep, hopefully a visit from the match maker will be in order for her tomorrow. I'm gonna mate her with a character from the matchmaker asap, cuz hopefully I can try and get two good characters, let them age into old timers and breed to get the secret character, I don't want to do this with these two, cuz knowing Mezzo, he'll probably die on me at some point and then Roxie will be old, and won't be able get the matchmaker, cuz she will be the matchmaker!! I might get up early tomorrow and fiddle about with the times, see if I can mate her quickly. I might need to consider baby names soon! Okay, okay, I'm very forward thinking now!!! I'll let you know how I get on!!!

Any way, I'm gonna leave this here, I've got some Maths tests to revise for!!!! Just remembered, oh dang, I HATE Maths, I mean it's okay, but the people I sit next to always pick on me :)

Oh well, I've got Flute practise to look forward to, and my lesson tomorrow. I hope I miss Maths!!!

Hey guys, the Matchmaker came today, and Roxie is the proud mother of a beautiful baby boy, whose name will be either Spark, Chris or James. Or Simba seeing as its the concert on Tuesday, yeah, Simba. I think it's only just hit my Music teacher that the concert IS on Tuesday, she's a little stressed now. I was chatting to her for ages this morning after my Flute practice, just about ordinary stuff, and when I went, I went to find my Tutor Group only to find they weren't there! So I was panicking slightly, then I realised they had assembly. So I went to the hall and had to walk in with all the losers who are always late and whose idea of fun at lunchtime is smoking out the back gates. But my tutor knew I was doing my Flute practice so I didn't get done!

My tama's are okay, none of them need anything, nor are they doing anything extraordinary. There's technically three of them at the moment, and when Mezzo gets a visit from the Matchmaker, there will be four! In two shells!!!

Name: Roxie (and her newborn son, Simba!)

Gender: Girl (Boy)

Form: Mametchi (Babytchi)

Hungry: 4 (N/A)

Happy: 4 (N/A)

Training: 7 (N/A)

Age: 15 (N/A)

Weight: 30 (N/A)

Generation: 1 (2)

Casing: Black with white buttons

Friends: Mezzo (4 hearts)

Name: Mezzo

Gender: Boy

Form: Maskutchi

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Training: 7

Age: 11

Weight: 20

Generation: 1

Casing: Pale blue with yellow buttons

Friends: Roxie (4 hearts)

Happy Red Nose Day!!!!!! I was really busy today, so my tama's got a LOT of neglect. Mezzo sadly died, before the matchmaker could come, so I've hatched, got a girl and called her Trixi. I set the time so I could watch Roxie leave, and I'm missing her already, I guess I got kinda attached to her. She stayed for about 3 and a half minutes, just watching over her son! I've called her son Simba, like I said I would. Generation 2!!! I'm trying to get a Robotchi on this one and a Hanatchi on Trixi, I'm kinda glad I've got two on odd and even generations, cuz I can try to get any character and not have to worry about generations.

Funny, neither of my Babytchi's have called for training yet. Ooh, yep, just caught Simba crying!

Name: Simba

Gender: Boy

Form: Male Babytchi

Hungry: 1

Happy: 1

Training: 1

Age: 1

Weight: 5

Generation: 2

Casing: Black with white buttons

Friends: None

Name: Trixi

Gender: Girl

Form: Female Babytchi

Hungry: 1

Happy: 2

Training: 0

Age: 0

Weight: 6

Generation: 1

Casing: Pale blue with yellow buttons

Friends: None

I have paused alot today, so they haven't evolved into teens yet.


Name: Simba

Gender: Boy

Form: Kinakomatchi

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Training: 2

Age: 4

Weight: 11

Generation: 2

Casing: Black with white buttons

Friends: Trixi (1 smiley), Mezzo is still on the list, even though he has gone.

Name: Trixi

Gender: Girl

Form: Marutchi

Hungry: 1

Happy: 4

Training: 2

Age: 4

Weight: 10

Generation: 1

Casing: Pale blue with yellow buttons

Friends: Simba (1 smiley)

Both evolved this morning, Simba, a Young Mimitchi (YAY!!!) I changed my mind half way through, decided I wanted a YM rather than an Oniontchi! Trixi evolved into a Hinotamatchi, gonna go through Nazochi's logs again, to find out how to get a Hanatchi.

Thanks Admin!

People, I haven't mentioned this, but I would rather you DIDN'T post stuff in my log, please, by all means read, and if you want to comment, can you PM me in the future???



Name: Simba

Gender: Boy

Form: Young Mimitchi

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Training: 6

Age: 5

Weight: 21

Generation: 2

Casing: Black with white buttons

Friends: Trixi (4 smilies), Mezzo is still on the list, even though he has gone.

Name: Trixi

Gender: Girl

Form: Hinotamatchi

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Training: 6

Age: 6

Weight: 16

Generation: 1

Casing: Pale blue with yellow buttons

Friends: Simba (4 smilies)

Both are asleep, and I'm going to bed now, see you tomorrow! I have a lovely musical day tomorrow in preparation for the Easter concert on Tuesday night!!!

Before school and registration - my normal flute practice

Lesson 1 - Physics as usual

Lesson 2 - Flute (and double reed) choir, playing "Dance of the Little Swans" from the Nutcracker

Lesson 3 - Senoir choir, singing "The Lion King" and "The Phantom of the Opera" both Medleys and about 10 mins long each!!!

Lunch - Orchestra, playing "Penny Lane" and "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles, and also "Farandole" by Georges Bizet

Lessons 4 and 5 - Orchestra again!!!

After school - playing the percussion part for "Great Escape"

All great fun!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Had great fun today, and THE CONCERT IS TOMORROW NIGHT!!!! AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!! I'm hoping to get a Mimitchi and possibly a Hanatchi on my Tama's so they are both in an eternal sleep now until they evolve, Wednesday morning. But with concerts and all thats going on, they're probably better off in Tamagotchi Dreamland. This also means that the stats haven't changed from yesterday either!

Tama's both okay, they've been sleeping alot so I don't have to keep an eye on them, the should evolve tomorrow when they wake up.

I've got to leave for the concert. like, NOW!!!! Wish me luck, my Flute's been cleaned and is lovely and sparkly, my singing voice is a bit grizzly right now, but after a warm up it should be fine. I'm sooo excited, but the Blade doesn't want us to be too hyper, so I've managed to control myself a bit! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! Oh, well, I'll tell you how it went either later on or tomorrow night. I oughta leave before I go too mad!!!! I promise after this, my log shall be more Tama related, rather than what's going on in my life. :(

See you soon, be thinking of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. I might call a future tama Flute, good name!!!
