my tamas :)


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got on again, so i got batterys for all of them so i have 2 v2s, 1 boy(Jake), and 1 girl(Jade), both stars,

i got a v3(John), the toddler running guy ( :furawatchi: ) and a v4 with the mohawk toddler(Jazz) a v5 with a hoshitchi(Rachel) and a v6 with a kikitchi (unnamed sorry).


EDIT:second page!

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jake and jade are ufotchis,

John is that onion with the creepy smile,

Jazz is a teen whale,

Rachels a mikazukitchi,

and the v6 is a kikitchi, i'm thinking of pausing the v6 now, i never really lked it, and i never got the pro debut judges.

Jazz: night night, #yawns#

John: hehe night, #squirts water gun# night!

Jazz: aaaaaaaah!

gtg bedtime where i live

the batteries i got turned out bad, and the stupid shop's batteries only last a week.

so i got another weeks worth for Jazz but Jade and jake are gone.

Jazz is this huge thing with arms over it's head.

Rachel's a sunnytchi,

and yeah so bye

I'm so sorry for the lack of posting :'( but I have been doing other stuff in my life and I got an iPod touch which i'm writing on right now! Sorry off topic... I'll try do it daily now. There's a slight chance I might get tmgc+colour.

Anyway, My v6 is out of batteries.

Rachel had babies to a boy and a girl, which evolved into a sakuramotchi and I can't remember the other one, and now they're a chamametchi and A mamekatchi. John turned into a guy that reminds me of a platypus! And jazz had babies with a strange character which i don't know the name of and got a boy! I can't wait for John to marry ;)

John got married to a (*?*) and got a baby girl! i am gonna make his baby and Jazz's baby marry when they're older. can someone who's reading my log please post names for a boy and a girl :D thanx :( :D :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:Dsorry for spam :) and Jazz should leave soon...

Jazz and John have left :) i watched both of them :'( BUT... Jazz's boy is Zac and John's is Susan. I got batteries for my v6 and i passed the pro debut :( now he is rich!

Also the v5 family (Begab) evolved into hatugatchi and lovezukintchi. I changed the hatugatchi into a kuromametchi, and married him to a memetchi, and now i have a girl belltchi, and a boy mousetchi.
