My tamas


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School has been hectic yet agian so I'll try to make this short.A day or two after mylast post I gave up on Tai for aa few moths because he was still saying the battery was low, even though it was BRAND NEW.A few days ago I bought some new batteries and tried agin , but my V1 just will not work like it is supposed to. I suppose I should be grateful that all Tamagotchi conncetion V1-5 all take the EXACT SAME battery,but I wish my V1 would work like it is supposed to. Sarah grew up into a Yattatchi, had a girl named Becky who grew up into :kuribotchi: and had a girl named Angel whos is currently a Mohitamatchi. On my other V4 Kriss had a baby girl named Kimmy who is now a :D . About three weeks ago I also got a cotton candy V5. My oldest in a Nemutchi (male) The middle child is a Yonepatchi and the youngest is a Mumutchi, which means using either my middle or youngest child I could get a Kutchi Family or a Meme Family when mated to either :kuribotchi: or :hitodetchi: . I have tried for the past couple of days to mate my Yonepatchi with a :chohimetchi: to create the Kutchi Family , but the matchmaker on the dating show won't present the right partner :chohimetchi: . I have been trying for two days and the closest I've gotten to a :kuribotchi: is a :marumimitchi: . Now how sick is that?!


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