My Tama's Lives:Past and Present


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Past:Dave changed into a Oniontchi.Dave was unpaused then repaused beacause I'm really busy.

Past:Dave died...I got a new Tamagotchi.It was a girl.My brother debugged her and reset so right now I'm exparamenting with debugging.

Present:I'm doing a Debug log so it may be while befroe I get back to this log,but I will keep you updated on how the debug log is going.Also,I'm turning 10 soon so I'm getting some Taamagotchis for my birthday,here is a list of the ones I'm getting:

Tamagotchi P1

Keitai Tamagotchi

Tamagotchi Plus

2 Digimon Tamagotchis

No,I'm not living in Japan,I got the Japanese ones off of Ebay.So,I will put logs on them,too.

Please keep reading this log beacause I will update as soon as I finish the Debug log.But,until then you can read some of the other logs here.

Ok,I'm pretty close to finishing my DEBUG log beacause I think I want to un-debug.I miss the raising for days to get your Tamagotchi on the next generation.So,I'll start posting about Tamagotchis again.

Ok,it's been decided.I'm going to post on this log again but my Tamagotchi is still debugged so it changing might go faster beacause of hyper time.

Past:Life of my 9th Tamagotchi

Well,since my Tamagotchi is debugged I got to chose a charecter and it's always a boy when you first pick inless you use a cheat to get a girl.So it hatched into a boy and I chose the Memetchi.It looks like this, ;) .I named him Tom after my Mimitchi that got married and had to leave like all Tamagotchis do.After he hatched he immedently fell asleep so I put him into hyper time and he woke up instantly.I filled his hearts after he woke up.I put him into hyper time but a moment later he got up close and winked!It was so adorable!Anyway,after he turned 3 the Matchmaker came beacause Tom was an adult for 3 years and that's when the Matchmaker comes.The Matchmaker brought Tom a Memetchi!I said yes,but then after they got married I was surprised beacause they had a baby girl!I took care of Tom until he fell asleep the night he was going.I checked his status,his training was EMPTY!I just know had realized he had NEVER asked for praise or dicipline!That ruined my chances of getting a Kinokomotchi which meant I couldn't get the charecter I was aiming for,Young Mimitchi!I changed the clock to 23:59 and turned the lights off then back on so I could see Tom leave his daughter.It was sad but I kept watching.When it was over,I turned the lights of for the baby to sleep well.I put my Tamagotchi in hyper time and soon Tom's daughter woke up crying.

Read my next post for Tom's daughter's life.

Past:Life of my 10th Tamagotchi

After her father Tom left,she woke up in the morning and was crying.I named her Anna after the baby girl my brother reset after he debugged my Tamagotchi.I took perfect care of her,every time one heart went down I gave her what she needed.I also made sure she wasn't over weight.Suddenly,after a jump game she started turning her head one way reapetedly.I couldn't press a single button.I was scared that something bad was going to happen.But then she started to change into her child form,the...I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this...a KINOKOMOTCHI!There she was,a Kinokomotchi even though her dad was at 0 training.I was puzzeled for a little bit.But,then I remembered someone had gotten a Kinokomotchi that didn't have parents beacause of perfect care which I had done.

After that I put Anna in hyper time and took perfect care of her.When she fell asleep I turned the lights off and put her in hyper time.She woke up and then she began to change into a Young Mimitchi!I was so happy and Anna was just plain adorable!I paused her so I could have something for this log in the morning.


I put Anna in hyper time,now she's 4 years old!You know what that means!Anna is an adult she is a......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Ok are you ready............................................................................................................................................almost ready to tell...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ROBOTCHI!!!!!!I was puzzled,I took perfect care and got a Robotchi.But then it hit me.I remembered that I had thought I paused my Tamagotchi,but I didn't and when I found it an hour or so later all the hungry hearts were down and she had a poop by her and she was sick.I took perfect care except for that and I got a Robotchi beacuase of that incident.Oh well,Robotchis are adorable!

Correction:I messed up,Anna is my 12th Tamagotchi,and her dad Tom was the 12th.

Present:Ok,Anna's got a baby girl.Yes,she got married.I'm going to name her baby girl Amy and I'm going to make sure that Dave's brother has a wife so I'm planning on getting girls every time until Jim get's his battery so they can get married.Maybe Amy will be the one...I really hope so.

Present:Ok,Anna left.I'm raising my 13th Tamagotchi,Anna's daughter,Amy.She is a Babytchi right now.She's paused beacuase I don't want her to be really needy when I'm typing,but by the time that your reading this,she'll be un-paused and depending at the time your reading this she may be a kinokomotchi already,or even an Ichigotchi,(Hopefully.I'm just typing the ones I want Amy to be)

maybe even a Mametchi with a baby.But she is doing great right now so we'll just have to wait and see.

Present:I was REALLY wrong about what I said that Amy would be:

a Kinokomotchi

an Ichigotchi

a Mametchi

Here is what actually happened(I used hyper time to get these earlier):

a Marutchi

a Hinotamatchi

a Kuchipatchi

*sighs*I think it's nearly impossible for me to get the charecters I want now beacuase I'm distracted.I'm distrcted beacuase I'm getting new Tamagotchis for my birthday.I hope Amy baby gets better care from me.

Anyway,Amy's going to get a baby soon so I've already picked out a boy name and a girl name.I want a girl,and if I get one,it will be named Kelly.If I get a boy,it will be named Alex.I'm going to hope for a girl.I know there's a way to control that,I'll look it up before Amy gets the Matchmaker on her screen.These are the charecters I'm aiming for with Kelly/Alex:

Babytchi(automatically get this one)


Oniontchi(I haven't gotten one for a while and there adorable!)


Hopefully I'll get these charecters.Getting an Oniontchi after a Kinokomotchi will be a challenge beacause it's not in me to be cruel to a Tamagotchi,but maybe if I use the same method as I do to get Memetchi I'd get one.I'm going to try.

*sighs*Well,I haven't posted for a whille beacuase of my computer.Here's what's happened already with my Tamagotchi.Amy had a daughter,I named her Kelly.I took perfect care of her until school,then I paused her and stuck her in my lunchbox so I could take her with me to a field trip.Kelly got unpaused in my lunchbox and got horrible care since I couldn't take care of her.Kelly is a Marutchi,still beacase I haven't had time to play with her.I'm getting an Oniontchi for a teen,for sure and I'm going to try and get Kelly to be a Mimitchi when she's an adult.

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I got a Oniontchi like I wanted and like I had to get.Kelly is only 2 beacause I want her to turn into an adult on my birthday.My birthday is May 22nd,it will be the first time I've been on TamaTalk for my birthday,it's also my 10th birthday which is really special beacause it's a whole decade and it's double digits!I will tell you what she turns into as soon as it happens.

I just found Kelly.(I forgot to say I lost her)She is a 3 year old Onointchi.

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Kelly is a 4(almost 5) year old Memetchi beacause I found her and I left her paused in the night but I rolled over on top of her and she unpaused and when I woke up she was a Memetchi.Poor Kelly,I can't believed I rolled on top of her.

I paused Kelly all day today but tomorrow is the last day of school so I'm taking her and my P2 Mango to school.I'll keep you updated.

I've got some good news and some bad news:

Bad News,I couldn't take Kelly to school and Mango died.

Good News,schools out so I will have more time devoted to my Tamagotchis and I got an Angelgotchi and an Osu/Mesu pair.

I keep forgeting to un-pause Kelly beacause I'm so axious to become a TamaElder.
