The battery ran out of my yellow v2 but I'm was prepares because a few weeks ago I bought two new batteries so he's working perfect again. h34r: They're going to eveolve tomorrow around 2:00 pm. I'm hoping for a Mametchi on my V3, on my V2s I don't know really *Checks Chart* Uhm, Furawatchi, Pochitchi, Hanatchi or Kuchipatchi. But I'll probably get one Mametchi and one Pyonchitchi, but you can always dream. But I really, really want a Pochitchi!
PS. All cred to Bubba28 who made this smiley: :kusatchi: ! It's awesome!!
PS. All cred to Bubba28 who made this smiley: :kusatchi: ! It's awesome!!