My Tamagotchis Journal


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New key Reminder




Shilo and her baby Layka-Orange


Jake & Angle-light blue

Every one-Red

Hi guys!I'm sorry for not talking to ya guys for a while but anyways.There has been loads of things happening.Anyways.Here I'l-I turned in MAMETCHI and

I turned into Tarakotchi and- I turned into Kuchipatchi.Just a reminder I'm a v2 and Jake and Angle are v3's and-I had a baby girl when my matchmaker came.I was really dissapointed to get married to a...hudgesnsk...ugley charater.I don't know and I don't care what it was but I ended up with a beautiful little baby girl.Anyways...Jake and Angle have an annoucement.In 2 or a few more days or so...ahem...we are going to get married!!!!We are fully in love.Our first kiss was when we were playing video games. *honestly I thought that was strange*

Ahem anyways that's all for now.Happy days!


Ze and all the tamas!

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Hi everyone there has been 1 evoling and 1 mating and 1 leaving so here.Angle and Jake are very very very very very happy do you know why???Heres why.

We are married and had 2 girls!!!


Now for shilo...well she left and her baby named Layka started crying.And she is now yep you guessed it a Puchitchi or is it Puchtchi?Anyways yep.Thats all and Abbey...well...shes just the same.But I feel sorry for her because she is just lonely.Here she is.

Hi guys!I'm sooo happy cause my matchma-wah?Your happy!I thought you were sad!Nope!I'm really happy! Good

Hi guys mummy left I was really sad but otherwise I'm happy because I'm gonna go see her in tamatown soon sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo don't worry about lil ole me! Talk to ya l8rs.

Anyways heres the color key is in the bye and on....friday there will be this surprise thing and louds of updates ok.So bye!

Ze and all the tamas

Bye-Angle Bye-Jake Bye-Abbey Bye-Layka Bye-Me Bye-Dawn and Sky Bye-Angle and Jake

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Hi everyone!I have huge updates.First up is ny v4.Heres lil Layka.

Ok hi peeps!This is how my mummy left and this is how I am.

Mummy shilo

Status when left me-





Intelligence skill points-86

Style skill points-106

Kindness skill points-60



How she grew up was Babytchi then Puchitchi then Young Memetchi then Masktchi


Now for me well...IM AN ADULT!YAY!I was a babytchi then a puchtchi then a young memetchi now...*drumroll*Im a ponytchi!Yes

Ok.Now for Dean.That's Abbey son.She left.Heres Dean.

Hi everyone!How you goin'!?Well I'm gonna tell ya how my mummy grew up then about me!

Status when left me-





Type-Kuchpatchi-Aunt Zegos first!

Age-9 -WOW

This is how she grew up-Babytchi then a blob(find out name)then a Ringotchi then a Kuchpatchi!

Now this is me.Babytchi now a Doughnut/poo looking thing :( we need to find out real name.

Now its for Dawn then Sky :) !

Hi!Same as all the others.Im gonna tell you how my mummy left then about me.Oh and Sky says same here.

Status Angle my mum left me-





Type-Mametchi -Zegos first one too


This is how she grew up-Babytchi then a blob with arms :wacko: need to find out real name of it then a hikotchi then a Mametchi.Oh and she kissed Jake and mated then had me and Sky!Now as for me.Well....I was a Babytchi then a Kuchpatchi head(need to find out real name again :D )Then a Kuchpatchi head in a space thing again that's when we need to find out real name :lol: again.Thats all bye!

Hi!Its dawn!This is how it went.

Status when Jake my dad left me (and I thought he loved me!)





Type-Tarakotchi-Guess what!It was Zegos first too!


This is how my dad grew up-Babytchi (DUH!) Mizutamatchi then a Star (Zego needs to find out real name)Then a tarakotchi.And me?Well Im a tomboy.I was a babytchi then a Mohitamatachi now..Im a ...Chicken looking thing...

Ok thats all bye!

Zego and all the tamas

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Ok sorry I havent posted yet but i forgot what I have so I'll just say anyways oh and my tamas are busy right now sorry but this is what happening.

Dean=Strawberry thing

Layka=Had a baby boy with my friends tamagotchi

Sky & Dawn=are now Androtchi or Robotchis

This is an AWESOME log. I love reading it, so please keep replying in it. I give it two thumbs up. :D :p :) :) :)


P.S. Thank you for the nice comment in my log.

Thnkz Tamagirl!I'll talk to you later!

As for you guys!I got so much news!Dean turned into a bear wearing a crown!He looks so cute!And Bart (laykas baby boy)is a toddler and havent told him about his mummy leaving yet *sob sob* but other wise hes great and he is now a puchitchi!I want a mohitamaitchi!But i stil wove him!Oh and Im getting sick of writing in when ever my lil tamas talk there will be there name and a picture in front of it li-

Bart! :) -HIIII

*sigh*like that anyways thats all oh and Dawn and Sky are 7 but they will be paused until the weekend.Ohh and on friday I cant talk im going to (this is also off topic to sooo sorry) this great concert my brother conducts and my boyfriend (he is sooo funny and cute) might be there!*screams*

Dean ^_^ -Ooooh I smelllll kissing or holding hands!



Hi!I havent spoke in a while but other wise...I didnt get to go to the concert since my brother had to go to the hospital and stuff but anyways-

Sky and Dawn :) -WE HAD BABIES!

Yes thats the news.Sky had a boy i think and dawn had a girl...I dunno but yer.Bart! turned into a young androtchi then an Andortchi.Whats with me and androtchis!?Bye!

BYE from Ze and tamas xoxo

18 November 2007,

Im sooo sorry!I've been tooo busy to write and everything.And also I've paused my tamagotchis and I always can't be bothered to unpause of play with them and I don't know why... ^_^ ....I'm really sad.I want to play with them but I can't be to get back into them....*thinking face* hmmmmmm.........





Zegotchi and tamas

This is weeks news.Just so you all know, I've written in a Journal so yeah this is whats been happening this past week. :eek: :p :)

21-11-2007 7-35am

Dear Journal,

Danny v3, Sara, Raven v2, and Bart! v4, are all sleeping.Except for Raven.She's awake and all baby.Her dad Dean left and I haven't told her yet and that she wont be able to see him ever again.Agr!This led pencil is too small.Oops.Brb.Raven called me.COMING BABY!Aww.She wanted me to turn the lights off so she can have a nap.Bart!is paused till' the weekend because he is 7 and the matchmaker hasnt came yet!Grr!This led pencil is annoying me.I'll change to pen.Brb.Back,Yes!No more annoce.Ok.The paper is ripping.Oh well.I'll be typing this into TT (and now I am).Oops.Raven's awake and did a poo!And she's hungry and needs fun!Brb.I fed her and now she weighs 13.I'm going to play 'jump' with her.Brb (again).We 'jumped' up to 20gp.Now we are playing again.Yay!We got to 50gp!

And got the flag to the end of the screen!I'm going to see if she wants to play again.Yes she did and 'jumped' to 15gp.She doesn't want to play anymores.Now she's...not hungry, shes happy and weighs 6.All good.Uh oh.She's crying and did a poo (again).She's all good again.YAY!She should evole at 8-35am before I go to school or something.Anyways.I'll update soon when something exciting happens!


Bye xox

22-11-2007 4-15pm


Dear Journal,

Raven has grown into a poo looking thing and Danny has grown into a Star and Sara has grown into a Nikatchi!Tomorrow they will all be paused because I'm performing.That's all Bye xoxo!

23-11-2007 8-31pm

Dear Journal,

Bart!just got married and had a baby boy!I'm naming him Drake!I gotta go!xox

24-11-2007 6-36am

Dear Journal,

:( the performence got canceled btw due to wet weather.I'm very sad because of that.But at least I have my TamaGotchis!I hope I get up to 32 tamagotchi!I love them sooooooo much!Bye xox

24-11-2007 8-06am


Dear Journal,

Raven just evoled into this flying thing.I think its a Hikotchi.Anyways tahts all bye xox!

27-11-2007 7-00am


Dear Journal,

Yesterday I changed the time to 11-59pm and at 12-00 bart! left drake!Then I changed the time back to 4-41pm.I had then put drakes name in.I then wanted my dream toddler, Mizutamatchi!So I fed Drake snacks till he weighed 99lbs.I kept playing jump rope until 2hrs were up and then he evoled into a....


[SIZE=14pt]MIZUTAMATCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!W00T W00T![/SIZE]

Yes he did!He's sooooooo adorable!So now he weighes 38lbs and hes sleeping!Because of the hard work, his skills a preatty high!Here they are:

Intelligence-82 - expect it to be over 100

Style-52 - expect it to be over 100

Kindness- 41 - expect it to be over 150

Thats all bye!xox

Up till now, Sara is a maskitchi Danny is a black thing uhh Drake is a Obotchi and after all that work he is a universal charater!NOOOOOOOOO anyways.I gotta go now bye!

OMG I HAVENT WRITTEN IN AGES!WELL....I'll post some l8r right now im...tired and its 2 and a 1/2hrs till 2008 W00T


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