my tamagotchi


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Actually I'm just gonna keep this log its fine

Ok heres the status:




65 lbs :(

2 years Old

Happy: FULL

Hungry: FULL

Training : lll


Purpoperatchi :D


59 lbs

1 Year Old

Happy: FULL

Hungry: FULL

Training: llll


Leafatchi or Furawatchi :D

! ?

50 lbs

5 Years Old

Happy : FULL

Hungry FULL

Training : llllll

Wew long post I'll keep you up to date!

If you see another log that was my very anoying brother. He said he wanted to do something and he made another.


I GOT A V4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO HAPPY!

Its a boy, now I'm cursed with boys! I have 3 boys and a girl. Tough luck for me

All my tamagotchi's are adults (my V3 left last night. Goodbye Mimitchi!)

My V4 is a guy with a crown. My V3 is a baby. My V2 is that whale dude and my V1 is the MASKTCHI! I gotta start exersising it more.

Sorry I havent beem here in a while. I was on vacation. Well my V4 turned into a GRANPA! IT WOULD NOT GET THE MATCHMAKER! IT KEPT GETTING HEARTS BUT NO MATCHMAKER CAME! Wait. Do I have to press something when the heart comes up? Tell me if i do please

A weird thing happend whwen I was away : my dog (I dont know how he did this) he changed the time on my V1 to one minute ahead of my V2 so now everything that happens on the V1 does exactly one minute after on the V2. Weird right?

Sorry guys! I was in arizona and I was grounded so I couldn't tell you :D Well heres an update from the 2 years that passed...

My v1 v2 and v3 ran out of batteries but my v4 is still working. (It's a mimichi now :D ) When my v1 ran out it was a stupid Maskachi (AGAIN). My v2 was a baby on it's 16 generation :0 and my v3 was a mimichi too on the 36 generation =). Oh ya and my v1 was on it's 3rd genertation. (My v1 dies a lot :D )

I finally caught my Mimichi on the toilet =) (I don't know how i got it i only have 6 training now :mametchi: ) well... heres an update of what happened

I saw Talia (thats her name) looking at an egg with a star on it and out of nowhere it hached! It stayed for like 10 minutes then flew away :puroperatchi: :gozarutchi: all theese tama's seem to hate me =(

I'm finally back from grounding! My brother said I punched the dog Hehe... Well I didn't. Ok so lot's of updates to go throught. The best one... I GOT A V5! it's so much fun! Right now mine are teens but are becoming adults today. They are : Mamekatchi, Chamametchi and Bakutchi. They are so cool! My v4 runes out of batteries when I connect also so i have no friends on it

My v5's are now adults! I have... Sukatchi, Memetchi and Mametchi. Sukatchi looks like he's rich =)

WOW! THATS BEEN A WHILE! Well... Huge update! My V5 is on the 3rd generation with Shelltchi Korokotchi and Itchogotchi. My v4 is sleeping but I have the one that looks like a tooth... I forget it's name anyway i'll post later!

FINALLY I'M BACK FROM ENGLAND! IT WAS A SUPRISE TRIP AND IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Except there was no computer so I didn't get to post. The good part is I missed school =) Ok.......

I am on 6th gen with Memetchi Sukatchi and Hotteatchi with 100% bonding. I'm going to try and get the Meme family. My v4 is on second gen (It died 3 times ;( ) and it is a Ninga guy, ummmm Gozarutchi or something. K i'll post later! By the way I adopted a tamagotchi it is the -_- Nyatchi. I love him so much!!

Forgot to say, i made a new log. It's called My V2 And V5 Ok! Read That One
