My Tamagotchi V.4 Log


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Hey, I really like your log. It's cool! I'll be checking out your log on Easter!HAPPY EASTER!


Keep sending in those fan mail and your mail might end up in my blog!

And since cutiepuppy10 is watching my log I would like to help promote her log! Go and visit cutiepuppy10's log after reading my log!

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YAY!!!! It's Easter today! Happy Easter everyone!!! Okay here is the information:

Name: Kevin (after Kevin Jonas, my future brother-in-law because I'm gonna marry Joe Jonas!!! [[lol]])

Gender: Male

Generation: 1

Hungry: 4 hearts

Happy: 4 hearts

Training: 0 bars

Art: 0

Smart: 0


Weight: 5 lb. (Thanks to all my exercizing through games! :huh: )

Years Old: 0 yrs.

I hatched it at 3 pm so hopefully at 4 pm it should evolve! YAY!!! :kuribotchi:

(Oh and before I looked at this I saw 150 views! Thanks everyone so much for reading my log!

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YAY!!! Kevin just cried and I praised him and one training point!!!!

Okay now my ultimate goal for Kevin is: *drumroll* for him to become a Memetchi.

YAY!!! I got the bag for re-school in the mail! I'm so happy!!!!! Ok now I'm gonna go to preschool with Kevin so, TTFN!!!


1. Kevin just beeped for no reason and I put him in time out. And *drumroll* another training bar!!!!!

Okay, so as I was walking all around my house I just realized that all of my tamas (2) that I blogged about were guys, because Abby had already left before I started this blog. Weird. Well the same person I mated Abby with now has a girl so we will be mating when both of our tamas are age 4. Hopefully this time I'll get a girl because I want to blog about a girl instead. Hmmm, I wonder how long that will be, I really wonder...

OMG!!! I am SO sorry about not posting for SOOO long! I was busy with my life. Well anyways, I got a V5!!!!! YAY! Okay so I kinda cannot take care of two tamagotchis so I can no longer keep it alive. And I don't want to mislead people into thinking my tama that I'm going to write about is a V4 so I will be making a new log, please come and read my new tama log! And thank you for all the views! 300 views I'm so happy!!!!


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