My Tamagotchi V.4 Log


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Active member
Jan 30, 2008
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Okay so you all know to keep the rules of the tama talk followed if you have any comments, send me a PM and I'll qoute it in my log. So now to my tamagotchi:

I have a version 4 tamagotchi.This tama is in it's second generation. Sorry I wasn't able to post during it's first generation. I'll go over the first gen. though so you're caught up.

First Generation

Gender: FemaleName: Abby

Baby Form: Shirotsubutchi

Toddler Form: Harutchi

Teenage Form: Young Mimitchi

Adult Form: Marotchi

Married to Kevin a V.4.5 male Ura Mametchi.

Abby had a boy.

Abby left today and I named the boy Mark.

He was a Tsubutchi.

Mark evovled two hours ago into a Mizutamatchi.

Here is a link that I found on Tama Talk where you can see my characters:

That's all for now! Bye!!!!

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My tamagtchi beeped for no reason so I put it in time out and now *drum roll* two bars of training!!!

Here are my tama's stats:

Hungry: 4 hearts

Happy: 4 hearts

Training: ||

Art: 11

Smart: 11

Social: 25

Well today I'm hoping that today Mark will evolve today. And my tama cried and I praised so now Mark has three bars of training! My big goal for Mark is to have all nine bars of training.

OMG!!!! My tama just beeped for no reason and I put it in time out and I hit another training bar! Four out of nine! I can't believe it! I'm so close to my goal! Oh and I got the mail for preschool and I went to it a couple of times today. Now Mark has:

Art: 11

Smart: 17

Social: 27


UPDATE!!! Mark just cried and I praised him and now he has five bars of training now! YAY!!! Only four more bars to go!

YAY!!!! Mark evolved and is now a Gormetchi!

Stats Check:

Hungry: 4 hearts

Happy: 4 hearts

Training: |||||

Art: 11

Smart: 19

Social: 27


1. Mark is now in college with Ms. Flower.

2. Also Mark cried and Ipraised him and now he has six bars of training! Yay! Only three more bars!

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This is like nearly the best day ever! Mark beeped for no reason and I put him in time out again and now seven bars out of nine in training! Only two more! I can't wait I'm so close to my ultimate goal for Mark!

Okay first off I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. And guess what!?!?!? Mark *drumroll* has filled up all his training bars!!!! YAY!!!! Okay thats all for now!

Stats Update:

Hungry: 4 hearts

Happy: 4 hearts

Training: |||||||||

Art: 11

Smart: 23

Social: 27

Okay nothing big happened today. Although I had FCAT yes, I have to take the FCAT. So then I was unable to bring tamagotchi to school and I missed the time when I get to choose my job. :( Well I guess I have to wait till tomorrow.

:) My sis killed my tamagotchi!!!! Now it's at the egg screen. I'm going to join a group hatch so I'll update when I choose which hatch I'll join.
Okay I have asked to join the Easter Tamagotchi Egg Hatchings! I'll post when I find out if I can get into it and what time I'll reset tamagotchi.

Okay I found out that I'm allowed to be in the hatch. So I'll be posting a countdown till then.


7 more days!

6 More Days!!! Sorry about the other post is is supposed to say 8 more days but I can't edit it so it's stuck there.

Okay I was just looking at all the Tamagotchi Logs and I saw 113 views!!! I would like to thank everyone who reads my logs! And don't forget if you want to ask me anything or just leave me a message or comment on the log just PM me! I'll quote as many messages as I can!

TWO MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait! Don't forget to read my blog on Easter or the day after-for those people who wont go on because it is Easter-for my info on my new tama.

EASTER IS TOMORROW!!!! Only one more day! I can't wait!

Okay don't forget I'll post all the info once I reset my tama!


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