My Tamagotchi Log!


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Active member
Jan 30, 2008
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Ok So I got my new Tamagotchi v5 Familitchi yesterday! I will start it tommorow morning. Hopefully I get two daughters and one son, that's what I really want them to be that. So when I start it I will post as soon as possible!


Don't forget everyone! Just like my other log you can PM me about any comments on my log so then we can respect the rules made by the TamaTalk officials! And I will take those messages and post it here in quote! SO send in those mails!

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Okay I started my tamagotchi today with my friend. We synchronized each other's tamas. And we were SO surprised that we both got the exact same characters, in the same exact order, and the exact same genders for the exact same characters! We started it at exactly 9:20 am 4-16-2008. (This is the actual date everything happened don't listen to the day one the top of this message.) Ok so I will name everyone! My Futabatchi which is my daughter. That was the first to evolve and the center one. The next one the on to the left which is a Mimifuwatchi. And my third and final one the one to the right is my other daughter which is an Omutuchi. I will name them all so I don't confuse you all:

My Futabatchi (First to hatch): Cayla

My Mimifuwatchi (Second to hatch): Bryan

My Omutuchi (Third to hatch): Bella

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Okay my tamas already evovled but I didn't want to add it to the other post. Okay so here is the information:

Cayla: a Sakuramotchi

Bryan: a Mattaritchi

Bella: a Belltchi (How ironic? Name: Bella a Belltchi! Wierd, maybe it's meant to be!)

Okay so currently Cayla is talking to the fridge which is really cute!

Note: It is also 4-16-2008

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Yay! I just took Cayla to Earth Expo! And I went to go to the Asia/Oceanic Pavillion Place and I got a job there! I made shell necklaces!!! Then I logged off and I got 30 gotchi points!

Okay that's all for now!

Note: It is still 4-16-2008, and the times are weird too I still have to fix them.

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Okay today at school me and my friend -the one who I synchronized the births of our tamagotchis- connected our v5's and guess what!?!?! They became bestfriends!!! So when our tamagotchis are at the right age we will marry them!

Okay that's all!!!

P.S. I forgot to write that I was able to fix my date & time problem!

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Stats Check!

Okay I wanted to tell you all the name of my Familitchis are Ramos after my real last name.

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 40%

Family Type: Blended

Generation: 1

Gotchi Points: 360


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