my tamagotchi juist wont play with me


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Sep 21, 2006
Reaction score
i duno how to get it to play it keeps saying no n itys becoming fat which is bad rite?

plz tell me some ways to make it play



sephy :hitodetchi:

Use the discipline thingy. It's the 1st one on the lower left corner. I'm sure if you press discipline a couple times it'll stop and listen. After it does praise it with a snack or something.

Just wait for him to drop a Happy/Hungry Heart, and give hime a meal/snack. It should gain some weight, and you'll be able to play!

If you do not wish to wait until it drops a Heart, just feed it a snack so it gains some weight.


If Tama doesn't want to play give it a snack.

When you say it's getting fat do you mean its lonely? does it have it's back to you with a little bubble popping out from its head? if so you need to praise it.

They lose weight when they play games. If s/he is already at or near their minimum weight, s/he will refuse to play games. Feed her/him a few snacks, then try playing the games.

What do you consider "fat"? Some adult Tamagotchis have rather high minumum weights. 30 lbs, 40 lbs, or more, depending on the species.

i ahve a Chomametchi iof

i hav tried 2 discipline it with Time Out 2-3 times still it wont listen. its curent weight is 34 lbs. n also i fed it food n its still the same. no play.

when he was a teenager i fed it sweets so tht i can play n it ended up losing 2 teeth. so im kind of scared :hitodetchi:

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