My Tama v4 log


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-_- This morning was great because i woke up feeling bad because i had a head ache. When i went and checked my tama... Here it comes... Tommo had evopved into a YOUNG KUCHIPATCHI!!! -_-

This is great because that is one of my favourite characters (my other favourite is the Young Robotchi!!

TOMMO - Are you please with me for turning into a Young Kuchipatchi?? :(

EMMA - Yes, very. I wonder what DOLLY has evolved into... :p

TOMMO - Well, you can ask your Best Friend, Emily later cant you?? :(

EMMA - Yes, i suppose i can. So are you going to tell everyone what we are doing today?? :p

TOMMO - I thought we were going to go shopping later. :(

EMMA - Not anymore!! Well i think its time to play jumping rope!!

TOMMO - Goodbye everyone!!

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :D

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;) Just a minute ago i got off the Phone to Emily (MY BEST FRIEND) she said that Dolly had evolved. She told me what she looked like. You will never guess what she turned into... YOUNG DOROTCHI!! YAY!! ;)

:blink: I told Tommo what Dolly had turned into. But he didnt know what young Dorochi's look like. I told him that he will find out tommorow!! Coming to the subject, i am really excited about tommorow. But Emily does need a bit of help knowing how to do what on her v4. That will be a piece of cake!! :nazotchi:

:angry: Today has been quite annoying mail wise because i keep getting poo or snakes in the post!! RAW!! But i am quite glad that i got 900 points from the Tama king today in the post!! :D

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :kusatchi:

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:kusatchi: I AM WORN OUT!!

:angry: I have spent so much money on items that i have been having to play so many games!! Here is the list of all the items i have so far... :nazotchi:



















;) I think soon i will have no room left to buy anything else. But i only buy all these stuff to keep Tommo happy!! Im gonna go play more games to make Tommo loose weight and to get more points! :blink:

Speak to probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x ;)

:blink: HELLO


My dad's stupid friend Richard has come round with his stupid daugther un - invited and he is so annoying!! I came on here to get away from such a stupid man!!


:lol: Tommo hasnt really been doing much at the moment. I was watching a new TV show called Ugly Betty just now so i havent really been playing with him!! But i will now!! :D

I just checked Tommo and he is in the bath at the moment so he cant say hello. But ill let gim later if he wants to!! I didnt see him do his teeth this morning, but he might of done it when i was sleeping!! OHHH, Tommo just got out of the bath here he is...

TOMMO - Hi Everyone, i was in the bath just now so i couldnt talk!! Emma was watching Ugly Betty earlier so i wasnt really playing with her much. I thought the programme was quite good but i dont know what Emma thought of it. Anyway, id better go now because i am really tired!!

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :angry:


:p Today Tommo evolved into a Minotchi!! He is so sweet!! Emilys v4 turned into a Pukatchi and she is sweet as well!! Tommorow at school we are going to use the LOVE POTION on them so they have little tamababies!! I rang Wizz on the cell phone i have in my items and Tommo and Wizz talked (WIZZ IS TOMMOS MUM)!! ;)

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x ;)

PS. Sorry for the late post i was round Emilys yesterday!! I wont post on friday coz im going to my friend Holly's for a sleepover. Emily is going to, we are gonna have a tama party. Holly is getting her v4 this week so it will be a tama party!!!

:huh: HELLO!!

:ph34r: I just wanted to say hi!! Tommo has not done much other than evolving today!! I went on tama town earlier amd i won him about 4000 points. I wonder what he will do tomorrow??? :(

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :huh:


:D Today because both me and Emily's tamagotchis had evolved we used the love potion in them and now they have 4 hearts up on the frineds list!! <_<

:D If they have tamababies together then i want them to be girls because Tommo was a boy!! Dolly looks really sweet as an adult, so does Tommo. B)

:eek: You will never guess what... Tommo has a job of being a news reader!! I got mail from the school teacher to say good-bye and then the job mail came and i put an applictaion for working on a TV show!! I managed to be promoted to being the news reader. YAY!! I didnt know it was a news reader job so i looked in the instructions and it said... NEWS READER ICON!! :)

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :blink:

:D OHHH!!!

:p I just realised that tomorrow will be the last time i post until saturday because me and emily are going to my friend holly's for a sleepover!! :eek:

:) Tommo has not done much this evening. I took him to tama town and got the graduation gown from the school because he is a news reader now!! :D

:D Tomorrow Tommo and emily's tamagotchi Dolly have to have a baby beacuse they like each other 4 hearts!! Oh well its there love life not mine!! This morning i rang Wizz (Tommo's mum) on the cell phone and they talked for about 30 seconds!! It looked really cool. I will try and keep them in touch because i dont want Tommo thinking that his mum doesn't like him!! I also today got 2 more cheat codes and it gave me a play house and a slide which both went into my items! Ill us them tomorrow!! :p

Speak to probabaly very soon

Bi 4 now

x :D

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:p You will never guess what happened to Tommo today!! Well we were in Geography and me and Emily connected our Tama's and we did Visit. The screen went black and then fireworks went off, suddenly Tommo appeared back on my screen with a baby!!! It is a baby boy and i will probably call it ARCHY!!! :eek:

:p Tommorow i probably wont post because me and emily are going around holly's house for a sleep-over!! :D

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :eek:


:p There has been a slight change of plan!! I probabaly wont call my tamababy boy ARCHY i will probably call it OWEN!! I reset my v3 and called it GWEN! All of these names come from a programme my friend used to watch so i used them for my tama's!! :p

:eek: Remember i wont reply tommorow because im going round Holly's for a sleepover!! :D

Speak to you probably on saturday

Bi 4 now

x :eek:

:( CUTE!!

:( Last night i stayed round my frineds house so i couldnt post!! But i took my tama and at midnight because Tommo had a baby with Emily's tama i saw Tommo leave the boy!!! In the end i named it owen! from a programme i think is quite cool!! :angry:

:( This morning when i woke up Holly and Emily were asleep so i checked my tama and it had turned into a... HARUTCHI!! He looks so sweet and i think i will try and make my tama loode weight this time coz WIZZ and TOMMO both had 99LB when they died!! :wacko:

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :huh:


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