My Tama v4 log


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Active member
Jan 3, 2007
Reaction score
:huh: I got my tamagotchi on the 28th december 2006 form toywizz. It was a girl so i named it Wizz! I never stop playing Jumping rope coz i always win! :)

Ill post when she does anything interesting!



I had just finished playing Jumping rope and suddenly i heard the funny noise that it makes when it evoles. The screen flashed and Wizz evolved into a Mohitamatchi. She looked so sweet. :) At first i thought that the game Mimic was really hard, but now it is quite easy.

By the way im writing from when wizz was a child. She is an adult now. :huh:

I forgot ot say. My v4 has a dark blue background, light blue sirls around the screen, yellow buttons and the bobly bit on the arial is red.

Got Post - Fortune cookie

3 point stars

2 Love stars

2 health stars

Ill post tomorow or maybe later. Bi 4 now x

:rolleyes: Hurry!

^_^ This morning Wizz woke up at 9:00am. When will she evolve? I have been playing games on my tama at school. I try to hide it from people so i play with her at break time.(i live in england not america). :(

I got mail twice today. From the pre - school lady saying good bye and the school teacher saying hi. :(

Ill reply when Wizz evolves into a teenager.

Bi 4 now x ;)


It was about 3:00pm and coz my sound was off coz i was at school i didnt know it had evolved. I was walking home so i checked her and she had changed into a... YOUNG DOROTCHI!! She is so sweet im gonna check out the new games. :( ^_^

Probably wont reply til tomorrow.

Speak 2 u then

bi x :rolleyes:


For ages i have been trying to find some cheat codes for my v4 i have finally found them. Here they are: :(



BAABACBA - !! (clone)


CAAABACB - Rare cell phone

:rolleyes: Remember to type these into the shop. Before doing this press the a button 3 or 4 times unti; the shop keeper crys them type in thyese cheat codes.

Bi 4 now

x ^_^


Today i took Wizz to school for the first time and he loved it. I played the games and won loads of points! :)

Tomorrow Wizz should evolve because she is 2 days old at the moment. I hope she turns into something cute.

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :)


Wizz evolved into a Pyonkotchi and she looks so sweet!! I graduated form school really quick to get a job. But she has a job now, she works in a restuarant. The mini game is to match the picture to 3 others. Its really easy. :)

Ill reply when she does anything interesting! ;)

Speak to you probably very soon!!

Bi 4 now

x :)


Today Wizz has been doing normal stuff. When she woke up she brushed her teeth and played around. I have about 14,550 points now but i will probably spend it on tamagotchi town though. :)

Speak to you probably very soon!

Bi 4 now

x :)

:) 5 TODAY!!

Today Wizz turned 5 days old. I feed him a few slices of cake and played loads of games with him. To win more money for items. DUH!! I hope the matchmaker comes tomorrow!! :)

Speak to you probably very soon!!

Bi 4 now

x :)

:huh: OH MY GOSH!!

You would never guess what happened today... THE MATCHMAKER came and i fell in love with a... DEBATCHI. I clicked love and suddenly the screen went black then loads of fireworks started going off. When they had finally gone there was a little baby boy sitting on the screen next to Wizz. I can wait for the next few days. Here is a list of names that i might call my baby boy: ^_^

- Tommo

- Charly(short for charlie)

I think that is about it for now. But can you please reply to say which name you think i should use for my baby Tamagotchi boy... HELP!!! :huh:

Speak to you probably later

Bi 4 now

x ^_^


I know this might sound stupid but i was writing about what had happened before i joined tamatalk. The matchmaker came yesterday in real life. ^_^

I dont think that Wizz will leave the baby until tomorrow becuase in England it is 3:18pm already. I just got back from school and had trouble trying to hide it doing sport lessons. But im home. Wizz and the baby havent really been doing much today. I have been playing with them at break and lunch but not in lesson. DUH!! :huh:

I think that Wizz will leave tomorrow!!!

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x ^_^

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:chohimetchi: HURRY!!

Its really annoying me that Wizz still hasnt left, so that i can look after the baby boy. I know that i really love Wizz, but can she just hurry up and leave. :ichigotchi:

I still havent decided what to call the new baby boy yet. I think that i will probably call it Tommo. If you think that i should call it something else then... Please reply to this message because i am really confused!!! :furawatchi:

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :p


:D Last night Wizz had left the baby boy and had gone to live in the parents house in TamaTown. Because this morning when i woke up Wizz wasnt there!! :lol:

Anyway back to the baby boy. After all your help of naming the Tamagotchi. I named it TOMMO!! He is really sweet! He has already turned into a MOHITACHI!!! :(

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :)

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:( WOW!!

:( I have just got off of Tamatown and managed to win 9900 points from playing ring toss in the arcade for about 10 - 15 minutes. I also got a Passport, Candy and Brocure for Tommo. Wizz had these already but she must have taken them with her. :)

Speak to you prbably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :lol:

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:( I just found out that today my best mate might be getting her v4. YAY!! I let her have a look at mine at school yesterday. I think she liked it so i hope she gets one. Her Tama and mine Tommo can have baby tamas when they are both adults. YAY!! That would be my 3rd Generation. (on generation 2 now!) :)

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :lol:

P.S Tommo got mail from the Pre - school teacher. He was given i think looked like a bag or something like that. When i went on Tamatown like i said i played the Pre - school dance game and won about 200 points. :D

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:( Guess what....My friend just rang and i found out that she just got her new v4!! YAY!! She said it has a white background and different coloured dots with letters on spelling out the word Tamagotchi! :D

:lol: YAY!! Now they can both make generations together. I cant wait until monday so that we can coneect them at school. I am so excited. I just got off the phone and had to rush and tell you all!!! :(

:D I wonder what she will call it i hope it is a girl so that they actually can connect and make millions of Tamababies!! :(

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :)

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:eek: WHAT? COOL!!

:D I just found out that my friends v4 is called DOLLY and she is a girl. This is great because then mine and her tamagotchi's can have little tamababies!!

I have been speaking for ages ill let Tommo have a little say in this:

TOMMO - hi everyone, im Tommo. Emma might have told you about me alot because she said she loves me loads and loads. :angry:

EMMA - Yes Tommo i do love you loads and loads. But are you going to tell everyone what you have been doing today? ;)

TOMMO - OK, today we went to a shop called Pets at Home to get some Gerbil food for Emma's Gerbil Toby. :angry:

EMMA - What else did you do today? :D

TOMMO - Found out that on monday i will be getting a new best friend. Emma said her name is DOLLY and she is her best friends Tamagotchi! ;)

Tommo went i think i should too for the moment, ill be back later though Promise. :(

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :angry:

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:furawatchi: THANKS!!!

:furawatchi: Thank you Tamalover99!! I am glad that you like my log because i like yours to!! :furawatchi:

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :furawatchi:

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:wacko: Today Tommo has been acting weird like he is in love or something. It was ever since i told him about my Best Friends Tama v4 DOLLY. I think he has fallen in love with her greatly!!

TOMMO - I have not!! i JUST like the sound of her. Even though i have never heard her speak. I hear she is an intelligent and kind MOHIMATCHI!! :furawatchi:

EMMA - I guess your excited about Monday then!! :furawatchi:

TOMMO - You bet i am!! By the way are we doing anything tomorrow? Will i get to meet DOLLY then??? :furawatchi:

EMMA - Well you deffinetly wont be able to meet DOLLY tomorrow because we are going shopping!! I am going to buy a little pouch to sit you in when we go out together!! :furawatchi:

TOMMO - Cool, i think im gonna go now Emma say goodbye to everyone for me! :furawatchi:

EMMA - I WILL BYE EVERYONE!! :furawatchi:

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :furawatchi: :wacko:

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:huh: JUST TO SAY...

:D Hi everyone, Tommo just wanted to do some speaking again so here he is...

TOMMO - Hello everyone, that tama DOLLY has put me into a really good mood. Emma thinks i am in love but i know that im not. :huh:

EMMA - Tommo, you are in love. Whenever i say the word DOLLY you go... ahhhh! :gozarutchi:

TOMMO - I dont i just like the name. OK and the tama. But you dont need to tell the whole world im in love!! :wacko:

EMMA - OH, so you are in love then!! I always thought you were. See im not stupid afer all! :gozarutchi:

TOMMO - Fine, maybe your not stupid after all. Im getting tired now i think ill got to bed. Say goodnight to everyone for me! :wacko:

EMMA - Goodnight Everyone :gozarutchi:

Speak to you probably very soon

Bi 4 now

x :gozarutchi:

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