My tama(s)


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Sorry if I'm annoying you by posting

but like Dark Core said, your log

is VERY detailed and I enjoy reading it

VERY much. Can't wait to read your next post!


P.S I have a V2 and 3 to and I'm eager to

know if you can mate them as well!

so I have Derek's baby boy, he is called Randy and is now a Mohitamachi(a marutchi with a mohawk). I connected Randy and Mandy a lot today and they are already at 4 faces each.

Entama did not arrive while I was gone, very annoying. darn and/or some customs agency somewhere.

big devolpments,

I decided to take a lloong nap and the tamagotchi angel died in the process, should have paused it aaah well, it is currently tabbed because with the hoppeful arrival of my entama sometime this week plus my plans to buy another v3 tomorrow going to have 4 tamas running as it is. I'll probably get around to restarting it at some point, just a bit upset about it dying at the moment..

also Randy is a Young Mametchi, Mandy should be an adult tomorrow.

Randy has become a Memetchi, also my tamas are now in love!!!!

They will mate tomorrow I suppose.

well I have the babies in my care now, v3 is a kuchitamatchi named Sunny and v2 is a kuribotchi named Skip.

Also I got so sick of waiting for the entama off that I ordered another one from Jason on Ebay. It's with with coloured soits.

Sunny is a Decotchi(uggggggh!!!!) and Skip is a ChoHimetchi.

I prompty used the rare custome on Sunny as I hate Decotch.

I'm finally updating.

Not much has happened except that I have kept Sunny is custome for the past 3 days as i can't stand to look at him and the matchmaker came for both tamas just now.

Skip mated with a Kusatchi and had a baby boy and Sunny mated with a Hidetchi and had a baby...BOY argh.

*shoots self*

I really need to remember to update.

Anyway yesterday the adults left on the v2 and v3, I named the v2 Elvis, it was a kuribotchi as a toddler and is now a UFO-tchi. the v3 is Choco and was a mohitamatci and is now an Obotchi!


It's the white on with the coloured dots. It's so cool!

It hatched into a girl Kindness-type tama that I named Koko after the gorilla that learned sign language yeah I'm weird.

Anyway the entama as 3 games, the kindness type game involves pressing the B button at the cprrect time to hit the right block. It's tricky. There is also a clothes catching game that is essentially the same as the "Get music notes" game on the v3 that's the "style" game for earning Style point. The other game apparently has something to do with cards, but i haven't played it yet so I dunno.

One thing that's kinda neat is that you don't hav to turn the lights out on it when it sleeps, it turns the lights out on it's own.

Anyway so far I've managed to earn 630 gotchi points and 1 style point and 11 kindness points.

I went on E-tamago as well. that was cool too. You need to select the PC connection option on the tama and thne you get a password and you enter that on e-tamago and you actually get to see your tama character on the screen while your there. Anyway I won a treat from the ring toss game. And it's actually a usable item not a useless souvineer which is cool.

much fun. All the tamas are still the same, Koko is still a toddler (entamas take longer to evolve).

I beat the block game today. won I think 500 gotchi points and 10 kindness point

Also the gotchi king gave my tama 3000 points, I guess she won the lottery or something, I don't know Japanese except for being able to recognize some of the characters.

Anyway I've now got 5 style points and 41 kindness points and 5480 gotchi points.I guess I'll take her shopping on E-tamago again tomorrow.

I think she'll be a teenager tomorrow. I'll let you know when that happens.

The entama is now a Young Dorotchi. It has 5930 gotchi points 5 style points and 77 kindness points.

the v2 and v3 will both be adults tomorrow.

Elvis(v2) is now a Gunirotchi, and Choco(v3) is a Hanatchi).

A special treat for anybody who actually reads this log; I took a screenshot of E-tamago and uploaded it to Photobucket. You can view it here

The large building in the middle of the screenshot is the tamaschool where you can play games to each stat points.

Stats are 5 style and 191 kindness and 6510 gotchi points.

Entama is now an adult: A Yattatchi....not sure WHAT it looks like, some kind of chicken? Have to get a screen capture later so you can see it.

Anyway current stats 8 intelligence, 9 style, and 257 kindness, and 8920 gotchipoints.

And as I am typing this Choco the Hanatchi is coming up close to the screen and giving me pig snouted kisses.

well the Ma tchmaker came for both Connections, they both mated with Robotchi and had baby....BOYS.....arrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhh! *bangs head on desk

Entama is the same. I really should get that screenshot I promised.

Koko has a job now! She's a police officer!

Elivis and Choco will be leaving me tonight.

Stats on Entama 8 intelligence 13 style and 328 kindness and 10710 gotchi points!!

Elvis and Choco have left. I am raising their babies. Elvis's son Benji is a marutchi, and Choco's son Drake is a mizutamatchi.

It took me 8 generations to get a marutchi, which is the most common toddler for a lot of people. Weird.

Entama got the matchmaker. Mated with a Togetchii(style type) and had ANOTHER girl Kindness type baby tama.

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Benji is a Propellertchi, and Drake is a Hinotamatchi. (yes escaped the curse of Hinatchi for this generation!) now I only have to worry about escaping mimitchis and decotchis.
