My Tama Journal


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Heyyyy everybody! I have good news and bad news ;)


The bad news is Derrington and Massie went back up to TamaTown and the good news is Kristen stayed down here on earth to raise her new faimily!


So on Sunday I went shopping with my mom and I decided to try the dating show. It worked but I didn't want to started raising babies in a mall so I waited until I got home to go on the dating show. So the second I got home I went on the dating show. I selected Kristen and was planning to marry her to a Mametchi but the Matchmaker brought out a Kuromametchi and I just couldn't resist! It's cute evil powers forced me to say yes! So Kristen ended up marrying Harris the Kuromametchi (still goin with the Clique names) and they turned into Mamametchi and Papakurotchi. They had two beautiful babies (one daughter and one son) named Claire and Cam which is really weird cause I thought I would have three children cause I had 90% bonds... Anyway.... Claire was an Omututchi and Cam was a Mimifuwatchi and now Claire is a Belltchi and Cam is a Mousetchi. They are so cute and adorable! Here's what they're saying-

Cam: Dad let's go outside and play ball!

Harris: Sure son, but after dinner.

Cam: Why?

Harris: Cause growing Tamagotchis need strength and you get that from eating dinner.

Cam: Why?

Harris: Cause then you will grow up and be big and strong!

Cam: Why?

Harris: Well you do wanna get married eventually right?

Cam: Why?

Harris: So you can continue on with the Honey family if Amanda chooses to marry you....

Cam: Why?

Claire: Cam shut up you're so annoying. No one would marry you if they knew how stupid and annoying you are.

Kristen: Claire that wasn't very nice. Apologize to your brother.

Claire: Sorry Cam...

Cam: Whatever can we have dinner now I'm starving!

Kristen: Sure, let's go eat.

Aren't they so adorable? Oh, they also have 10% bonds so that might be the cause of the fighting... Well, THAT'S ALL FOLKS!

