My tama is broken?


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Well-known member
May 2, 2007
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I've had my music star for a few months now and I have a feeling my tama is Glitching or broken? Everytime I get a female tama (Baby) It always seems to grow up into a Sebritchi (If that how you spell it, its the pink dinosaur) Anyways, I was wondering if there was a different way I had to train or take care of her? If you could help that would be great!! Thanks~~

hmm, r u using the same instrument? If so, then try using a different instrument, and if its stress lvls r high, then keep them down by letting it play with a toy, (but not too much). Hope his helps! It usually depends on how u take care of it!

It the way that you are taking care of her. You are doing the same thing to your baby girls all the time. Try to do something different, such as perfect care to get a Mimitchi and slightly less than perfect for a chantotchi.

BTW: 500th post :)

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kk thanks, I currently have a Star toddler (Forgot the name at the moment) and I was wondering if you can change the path its going before it turns? Like can I stop the pattern if I start taking care of it differently? or do I have to restart?

kk thanks, I currently have a Star toddler (Forgot the name at the moment) and I was wondering if you can change the path its going before it turns? Like can I stop the pattern if I start taking care of it differently? or do I have to restart?
im sure that u will be able 2 change it's path even though it's a toodler! So yea! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Yeah you have time to change the path in all the stages before adulthood.

my v4.5 did the same thing. no matter how different i'd raise it, it'd still get the same character, and after a year it stopped working even with new batteries. hopefully thats not the case for you

Most likely isn't because he has the Music star. I always wanted a v4.5 LOL.

Like all mentioned above,try taking a different care level.I used to keep getting Mimitchi's because I always took perfect care.Nothing else,at the moment I have a Chamametchi named Jane and I am taking average care.

you need to try doing some thing els

here is a list:

  • try using another instrument
  • try playing with a different toy
  • if your stress levels are high lower them with:doll house
  • try to do the opposite of what you were doing

Hope i helped

If You Always Get Sebritchi... You Have Been Giving Bad Care For All Your Tamas



Here Is My Pet Her Name Is Angel:


/ \

/ ^ ^ \

| ___ |


Name: Angel

Age: One Year Old (Baby)

May Her Live Here!

kk thanks, I currently have a Star toddler (Forgot the name at the moment) and I was wondering if you can change the path its going before it turns? Like can I stop the pattern if I start taking care of it differently? or do I have to restart?
well the star toddler is hitodetchi: :furawatchi: is he?

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