My tama has a baby!


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Mistress Kat

Jun 11, 2005
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Okay, so I'm at a birthday party and I decided to bring my tamagotchi along with me. My tama has been an adult for 3 days now, so I expected the Matchmaker to come.

I'm having fun with my friends when I hear beeping, but the beeping is different from the beep from when my tama need attention. I take my tamagotchi out of my pocket and I see fireworks. Next thing you know, there's a baby boy right beside my tama.

How could this happen if my tama didn't even get married yet? No, I have not connected with anyone. And if this helps, my tama is a boy.

Weird, yours must have mated with another tama...maybe the matchmaker came and someone at the party pressed a few buttons while you weren't looking?

My tama was in my pocket most of the time though. Whenever someone looked at it, I was right there watching them.

well then it probably got squeezed when the matchmaker came and it mated..i dunno it is possible

If you were jumping around or moving you must have clicked it in your pocket accidently. But look at the bright side at least you clicked yes otherwise it would have grown old and died and you would of lost all your generations. :(

uhh yea it does make a beeping noise
Strange...I don't recall hearing my Tama beep when the Matchmaker came...then again, I think I was listening to something then.

But yeah, you probably accidently pressed some buttons while it was in your pocket. My Tama loves unpausing while in my pocket, and sometimes I look at the screen to find out my Tama left a 'present' in the corner. :(

:p Congrats! That happened to me once. The matchmaker came while my tama was in my bag, and some one sat on my bag.

I'm hoping the matchmaker will come today, mines been an adult for 3 days now.

:lol: smile! :D

hmm.. maybe when you had it in your pocket your pants pressed against a button and pushe it0_o happens to me that's y i dont put it in my pocket anymore:)

Strange...I don't recall hearing my Tama beep when the Matchmaker came...then again, I think I was listening to something then.
But yeah, you probably accidently pressed some buttons while it was in your pocket. My Tama loves unpausing while in my pocket, and sometimes I look at the screen to find out my Tama left a 'present' in the corner. :p
That happens to me all the time at work all the time now, I take it out to see a starving Young Mimitchi. I've been pausing my connection alot lately. I think I like my old P2 better for some reason, maybe because they live longer.

Strange...I don't recall hearing my Tama beep when the Matchmaker came...then again, I think I was listening to something then.
But yeah, you probably accidently pressed some buttons while it was in your pocket. My Tama loves unpausing while in my pocket, and sometimes I look at the screen to find out my Tama left a 'present' in the corner. :(
Well if the sound is off it doesn't.

Yes, this is normal. When the adult tamagotchi does not connect, that means that when the adult tamagotchi is ready to mate in a certain age (like 5, 6, or up) the matchmaker comes and gives your tamagotchi a partner. Then they have a baby and the other tamagotchi that came to mate, leaves. Then it leaves you with a baby. Cool huh? ;)

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