My Tama-Go Log


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Nov 27, 2010
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Kuromametchi Picture

Hello, this is a log about my new Tama-Go! :D


I got a Tama-Go and when it hatched I found out it's a boy! :D


I started the log after my Tamagotchi became an adult,so please excuse me for not putting a lot of descriptions.

My tamagotchi baby boy, Kinotchi, became Ahirukutchi after an hour and when he started to do the wiggle dance, I guessed he needed to go to the restroom.That day, I got another Tamagotchi!The tamagotchi was a girl and about an hour after hatching, she became Hoshitchi! :)


The next day, Ahirukutchi became Kilalatchi and gained 60 pounds, becoming overweight. He was 70 pounds!I spent the whole day playing games and he lost 50 pounds before eating a bowl of pork and beans. Also, Hoshitchi became Shellitchi! :)


When I woke up the next morning, Kilalatchi was Kuromametchi and Shellitchi was Chamametchi! :)



Kuromametchi is like a cooler version of Mametchi but with pointy, black ears and earrings on the left ear. On the right ear, Kuromametchi has a red star. For some reason, there are always sparkles around Kuromametchi! :D


Kuromametchi and Chamametchi are in love! I linked them and after a few visits, they had their first kiss! Too bad they're not old enough to get married yet. Kuromametchi is 5 and Chamametchi is 3.


I was so impatient that the day Kurometchi turned 6, I brought him to the dating place.

It was love at first sight! When Kuromametchi walked in, Lovelitchi was standing there, and without a second thought, Kuromametchi accepted her proposal and they got married!



To tell you the truth, I felt sorry for Chamametchi, but then again, he was just WAY too old for her.

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