My Sweet Tama...


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PUNK! is such a good little Ichigotchi!! He loves his action figure! It's sooooo cute when he plays with it! I want him to evolve, but that won't be untill a day or so, :mellow: .He's got all his training bars!!! W00H00!!!!! I havn't had an Ichigotchi since my V.1* I just can't beleive im on my 2nd Generation! I havn't made it past first on any of them...

my VERY first V.1: left it on my purse on top of the car and it flew off, don't know where it went though :ph34r:

my 1st V.1 : buttons stuck wouldn't work

my 2nd V.1 : Got a V.2 4 days later

my 1st V.2 : got stepped on by boyfriends little brother

my 2nd V.2: got dropped in fountain at Kings Island( not my fault)

my 3rd. V.2: on 2nd Generation!!(plan to keep going!)

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/^^^^^^^^^^^\ <Roof

\ ~~~~~~~~~~ / <Attic

/()[#===]______\ <Bedroom

\ ------------------ / <First Floor

/~~~ ____ ~~~ \

\~~~|||||||~~~ /

/~~~|||||||~~~ \

*****)))))))****** <Garden



.........((((((........... <Pathway


This is his house, he will pass it on to his son/daughter one day


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Well, PUNK! turned into a MEMETCHI!!!! :p :D YAY!!!!

well it's goin to storm, so i gotta' go!!!, love yall!!! :p

Isn't that exciting? :huh: he turned into the charator that I wanted sense i had my V.1!!! :) But, I got it on my V.2!!! It's sooooo cute!!! I love him to death!!!!YAY!!! :D

Kiss kiss!! :( YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!

So, yeah, now PUNK! is 5 yrs. old... the matchmaker should come soon!!! :lol: <--- they are soo cute!!!

My boyfriend gave me $40 to get a Tamagotchi from japan today. I'll probly order it on saturday... YAY!!! I can't wait!!!

PUNK! is sleeping right now, and I'm going to also, it's 11:30. :(

night night.... :D :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :ph34r: :wacko: :(

Poor little PUNK! I left him at home last night on accident and when I got home he was asleep with 4 poo's and he was sick and had no hearts! :(

But, I woke him up and took care of him. He's okay now!! :hitodetchi:

I hope the matchmaker comes soon! I can't wait!


Well, my PUNK! is 6 now and from what im told, the Matchmaker should come soon (hopes) I want a girl this time....hmmmmm...... Well nothin' much goin' on but he's brushing his teeth :lol: ....

Alrighty then! PUNK! had a girl today @ 3. He bred with a BEAUTIFUL, Memetchi. I plan to name the girl Cloud... I just orderd a Tama off e-bay today. :huh:
