my super ultra


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great news!!!!!!! Just a few minuets ago little Tubsey turned into an adult!!! He's a Pyonchitchi!!!!!! look him up here on the V4 character list

Next generation I hope to get a Young Robotchi!!!! He looks sooo cUUUUUte!!!

so anyway, here is the one, the only, FORTUNE OF THE DAAAY!!!!!!!

points- ☻☻ heart- ☻ health- ☻☻

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yay!!! Tubsey got a job!!!!!!!!!! He's a chef person thing and he organizes the eating utensils. He got some dirty poop in the mail and that really made poor Tubsey mad :rolleyes:

Tubsey got a little love note in the mail today!!! How cute! :p He's 6 years old so the matchmaker should be coming sometime. I want to grow an oldie sometime.... maybe on one of my V3s.

well, I dreamed the matchmaker came... but my dream didn't come true for Tubsey -_- . He's 7 years old now and I am impatiently waiting for the matchmaker to make a match for Tubsey. Oh yeah, i got robbed today :angry: :( the evil robber dude took 300 points :) all my hard-earned points WAISTED!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I should be expecting a matchmaker tomorrow. I will see......

huzzahaahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! miss matchmaker came today and Tubsey has a new baby boy!!! :p I wonder what I should name him... :D hmmmmmm

So anyway, I forgot to say that before, Tubsey got ANOTHER job offer! Well, he just tried out for a job again and got rejected. Not sure if that was a glitch or not...

we also got a snake in the mail today ;)

hello everybody! I seem to have left my Tamagotchi in the car '_' I hope they didn't die. so I will go get it right now.... *runs for it*

Ok, let's see what the damage is... awwww! They went to bed hungry! How cruel of me!! '___' and they have no happy hearts but one ♥ :( how saad. I think I am going to have my V3's both grow to be oldies. I've never done that before and now it is time!! :D


also folks, there aren't any replies or posts in another person's log including mine. Read the rules and you can just PM the comment to the person. Just be sure they are friendly comments.

awww, Tubsey left yesterday :D howw saaad O_O :D but now I'm on my 4th generation!!!! :angry: :angry: :D yaaaaay!!!!!!!!!! The new baby boy went to sleep before I could see what kind he was. His name is A.J.

sorry, Lot's of stuff's been going on and I haven't had much time for my log :)

so now A.J. is an adult and I was pretty disappointed to see that he turned into a ;) gozarutchi :) I hope I will get a V4 character next time!! ;)

yay! A.J. got a job!!!! He's a cool singer and he got the job with just 3 pencil points ;) . I figured out how to play and It's pretty fun kinda. :)

All that's happed is: A.J. got 400 points from the king and also got a love note ♥. And one day we got robbed 2 times in a day :furawatchi: so sad. I think he's 6 years old now, I hope the matchmaker doesn't come during school!!! :huh:


reminding you again, there aren't any replies or posts in another person's log including mine. Read the rules and you can just PM the comment to the person. Just be sure they are friendly comments.

here's a sweet true Tamagotchi story that just happened to me:

ATTENTION the contents in this story are true and not fake! :nyatchi: (I made it big so you wouldn't get bored!! And I can assure you that this is not boring!! :kuribotchi: It's the exciting adventures of me and my tama!!!! So get cozy and enjoy this story!!!)

[SIZE=12pt]ok, don't panic, I LOST MY TAMAGOTCHI!!!!! ok, this has happened before, just stay calm and wait for a beeping noise.......................................................................*beep beeeeooop boodalop!! beep beeeoooop boodalop!!!* THERE IT IS! Somewhere in the basement. I shuffled through all the papers and finally found it! AND IT WAS ALIVE!!!!!!!!! huzzah!! so all of his hearts are drained and a tall wall of poop. He's also sick. And has a bunch of mail. so I feed him snacks and meals and clean up the poopies and now i check the mail. so I got a fortune blah blah blah blah bleh, and I got mail! ohhhhh it's from the KIIIIIIIIING! and it just happens to be aaaaaaaa................. present!!!! That contained a fishing pole. What a wonderful Valentines day present!!! Hmmmm, that reminds me, I wonder what the V4's do during Valentines day :kuribotchi: [/SIZE]

awww, apparently I have been missing the matchmaker during school and poor A.J. is an old man!! :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :lol: awww, I hope this doesn't mean he's gonna die and I will loose all my points and items!!!!!! I WORKED HARD :D :lol: I should go find out if the matchmaker comes when the tama is an oldie.

please PM me if you know!!!!!! PLEASE! '_'

A.J. has gotten some visits from the king lately. He gave us points 2 times and he also gave us a gift that was makeup. That's the second time he's given A.J. that. But too bad I don't have a mirror. He also got a snake and poop in the mail :/

He's 13 to this very day!!!!!!!!!! :D :lol:

well, all the news that I have to bring today is that he got some more poop in the mail '~' Tamagotchis can be so gross!!!! dirty and stinky :D . My poor oldster :huh: those rowdy Tamagotchi kids will pay someday!

OHH!!! The king just came and gave me a present. It was makeup AGAIN O_____O grrrrrrr. Something's wrong with that king I'm telling ya.

I also just went on a shopping spree and bought an expensive guitar!!! It's not really great. I really want to get my Tamagotchi a piano. I love piano :D

But right now, I'm going off to Tama Town to rack up some gotchi points to make-up my guitar spendings.

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wahh, I got robbed during language arts at school :furawatchi: :) I think the evil robber took 900 or 600 or 300 points. I can't remember.

I left my Tamagotchi in the car and the car left and so I didn't see my oldie for a day and when the car came back I ran to it and found that my Tamagotchi was............................ alive!!!!!! :angry: :) :angry: :) So he's happy and healthy.

I also reset my Tamagotchi School and I have really cool characters!!! :D

I got robbed of 300 points again :) so sad. The poor oldie has a rough life through mail. :-[ I wonder when he'll die. I am going to try to mate him with my V3.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok, so at lunch, my friend and I connected our 2 oldies her's was a female and mine is a male so we decided to mate them!!! The process was successful and now A.J. has a new baby boy!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :) :( :p And the best part is A.J. won't have to die of old age!!

well, it's kinda sad, A.J.'s been through a lot with me. :pochitchi: he's 25 years old!! So that's all i wanted to say, generation 5 HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!


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