Yeah Yeah. I havent Posted. So you want the Whole Story? Ok.First I got a Love potion Once I had two oldies. I went to my friends house. I used the potion.THere were a couple of boys. (Best of all I got to see oldie Tamas KISS!!!!) The parents Left. I had two Boys. An hour later one (Java!) evolved. Not into a Todler though, STRAIGHT INTO OYAJITCHI!!! So I was Like OMG. A few minutes later the other one evolved into the Oyajitchi. Well a few days later JAVA DIED. I dont Know why, He probably got hungry. :G Poor thing.anyway the other one (Young) Was still alive. The next day, Low and Behold, THE MATCHMAKER CAME!!!!!!!!!!! So I said yes.Then It had a little baby boy WITH A DEBATCHI. You know the buck-toothed Duck Thing. Well the babies name is Yoshi. The one thad died is now Bobby.